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  • The face, from wrinkling, like the back of a lizard; speech and taste and teeth gone out of use;
  • از تشنج رو چو پشت سوسمار ** رفته نطق و طعم و دندانها ز کار
  • The day late, the ass lame, and the way long; the shop ruined and the business in disorder; 1225
  • روز بی‏گه لاشه لنگ و ره دراز ** کارگه ویران عمل رفته ز ساز
  • The roots of bad habit firmly set, and the power to tear them up decreased.
  • بیخهای خوی بد محکم شده ** قوت بر کندن آن کم شده‏
  • How the Governor commanded a certain man, saying, “Root up the thorn bush which you have planted on the road.”
  • فرمودن والی آن مرد را که این خار بن را که نشانده‏ای بر سر راه بر کن
  • As (for example) that callous fair-spoken person planted a thorn bush in the middle of the road.
  • همچو آن شخص درشت خوش سخن ** در میان ره نشاند او خار بن‏
  • The wayfarers reproached him and oftentimes told him to dig it up: he dug it not up.
  • ره گذریانش ملامت‏گر شدند ** بس بگفتندش بکن این را نکند
  • Every moment the thorn bush was growing bigger: the people's feet were streaming with blood from its pricks.
  • هر دمی آن خار بن افزون شدی ** پای خلق از زخم آن پر خون شدی‏
  • The people's clothes were being rent by the thorns: the feet of the poor were being wounded pitiably. 1230
  • جامه‏های خلق بدریدی ز خار ** پای درویشان بخستی زار زار
  • When the Governor said to him with earnestness, “Dig this up,” he replied, “Yes, I will dig it up some day.”
  • چون به جد حاکم بدو گفت این بکن ** گفت آری بر کنم روزیش من‏
  • For a long while he promised (to dig it up) to-morrow and to-morrow; (meantime) his thorn bush became robust in constitution.
  • مدتی فردا و فردا وعده داد ** شد درخت خار او محکم نهاد
  • One day the Governor said to him, “O false promiser, go forward with my affair, do not creep back.”
  • گفت روزی حاکمش ای وعده کژ** پیش آ در کار ما وا پس مغژ
  • He replied, “O uncle, the days are between us.” “Make haste,” said he, “do not put off payment of my debt.”
  • گفت الایام یا عم بیننا ** گفت عجل لا تماطل دیننا
  • You who say “To-morrow,” be aware of this, that with every day that time is coming (and going), 1235
  • تو که می‏گویی که فردا این بدان ** که به هر روزی که می‏آید زمان‏
  • That evil tree is growing younger, while this digger is waxing old and sorely distressed.
  • آن درخت بد جوان‏تر می‏شود ** وین کننده پیر و مضطر می‏شود
  • The thorn bush (is) in (process of gaining) strength and (in) ascent; its digger (is) in (process of) aging and decline.
  • خار بن در قوت و برخاستن ** خار کن در پیری و در کاستن‏
  • The thorn bush every day and every moment is green and fresh; its digger is every day more sickly and withered.
  • خار بن هر روز و هر دم سبز و تر ** خار کن هر روز زار و خشکتر
  • It is growing younger, you older: be quick and do not waste your time!
  • او جوانتر می‏شود تو پیرتر ** زود باش و روزگار خود مبر
  • Know that every single bad habit of yours is a thorn bush: many a time, after all, have its thorns pierced your foot. 1240
  • خار بن دان هر یکی خوی بدت ** بارها در پای خار آخر زدت‏
  • Many a time have you been wounded by your own (evil) habits—you have no sense, you are very senseless.
  • بارها از خوی خود خسته شدی ** حس نداری سخت بی‏حس آمدی‏
  • If to the wounding of other persons, which comes to pass from your evil nature,
  • گر ز خسته گشتن دیگر کسان ** که ز خلق زشت تو هست آن رسان‏
  • You are indifferent, at any rate you are not (indifferent) to your own wounds: you are the torment of yourself and of every stranger.
  • غافلی باری ز زخم خود نه‏ای ** تو عذاب خویش و هر بیگانه‏ای‏
  • Either take up the axe and strike like a man—like ‘Alí, destroy this gate of Khaybar—
  • یا تبر برگیر و مردانه بزن ** تو علی‏وار این در خیبر بکن‏
  • Or unite these thorns with the rosebush: unite the light of the friend (of God) with the (sensual) fire, 1245
  • یا به گلبن وصل کن این خار را ** وصل کن با نار نور یار را
  • In order that his light may extinguish your fire, (and that) union with him may make your thorns roses.
  • تا که نور او کشد نار تو را ** وصل او گلشن کند خار تو را
  • You are like Hell, he is a true believer: the extinction of the fire (of Hell) by means of a true believer is possible.
  • تو مثال دوزخی او مومن است ** کشتن آتش به مومن ممکن است‏
  • Mustafá (Mohammed) said concerning the speech of Hell, that on account of fear it begins humbly to entreat the true believer,
  • مصطفی فرمود از گفت جحیم ** کاو به مومن لابه گر گردد ز بیم‏
  • And says to him, “Pass quickly away from me, O king: hark, for thy light has taken away the burning of my fire.”
  • گویدش بگذر ز من ای شاه زود ** هین که نورت سوز نارم را ربود
  • Therefore the true believer's light is the death of the fire, because without an opposite the removal of the (other) opposite is impossible. 1250
  • پس هلاک نار نور مومن است ** ز انکه بی‏ضد دفع ضد لا یمکن است‏
  • On the Day of Justice (Judgement) the fire will be the opponent of the light, since the former was aroused by (God's) wrath, the latter by (His) grace.
  • نار ضد نور باشد روز عدل ** کان ز قهر انگیخته شد این ز فضل‏
  • If you are wishing to remove the evil of the fire, direct the water of (Divine) mercy against the heart of the fire.
  • گر همی‏خواهی تو دفع شر نار ** آب رحمت بر دل آتش گمار
  • The true believer is the fountain of that water of mercy: the pure spirit of the well-doer is the Water of Life.
  • چشمه‏ی آن آب رحمت مومن است ** آب حیوان روح پاک محسن است‏
  • Hence your fleshly soul is fleeing mightily from him, because you are of fire, (while) he (is) the water of the stream.
  • بس گریزان است نفس تو از او ** ز انکه تو از آتشی او آب جو
  • Fire becomes fleeing from water for the reason that its fire (flame and heat) is ruined by water. 1255
  • ز آب آتش ز آن گریزان می‏شود ** کاتشش از آب ویران می‏شود
  • Your sense and thought are wholly of the fire; the sense of the Shaykh (spiritual guide) and his thought are the beauteous Light.
  • حس و فکر تو همه از آتش است ** حس شیخ و فکر او نور خوش است‏
  • When the water of his light trickles on the fire, chak chak (a gnashing sound) rises from the fire, and it leaps up (in fury).
  • آب نور او چو برآتش چکد ** چک چک از آتش بر آید بر جهد
  • When it makes (the sound) chak chak, say you to it, “Death and woe (to thee),” in order that this hell, (which is) your fleshly soul, may become cold (quenched),
  • چون کند چک چک تو گویش مرگ و درد ** تا شود این دوزخ نفس تو سرد
  • So that it may not burn your rose-garden, so that it may not burn your justice and well doing.
  • تا نسوزد او گلستان تو را ** تا نسوزد عدل و احسان تو را
  • After that, anything that you sow will yield fruit (or flowers); it will yield anemones and wild roses and thyme. 1260
  • بعد از آن چیزی که کاری بردهد ** لاله و نسرین و سیسنبردهد
  • Once more we are going wide of the straight way: turn back, O master—where is our way?
  • باز پهنا می‏رویم از راه راست ** باز گرد ای خواجه راه ما کجاست‏
  • We were (engaged) in showing, O envious one, that your ass is lame and the place of alighting (journey's end) far off, (so you must be) quick.
  • اندر آن تقریر بودیم ای حسود ** که خرت لنگ است و منزل دور زود
  • The year has turned late; it is not sowing-time, (and you have produced) nothing except black shame and foul deeds.
  • سال بی‏گه گشت وقت کشت نی ** جز سیه رویی و فعل زشت نی‏
  • The worm has entered the root of the body's tree: it must be dug up and put in the fire.
  • کرم در بیخ درخت تن فتاد ** بایدش بر کند و در آتش نهاد
  • Hark and hark (again), O wayfarer! ’Tis late, life's sun is gone towards the pit (is about to set). 1265
  • هین و هین ای راه رو بی‏گاه شد ** آفتاب عمر سوی چاه شد
  • (During) these (one or) two brief days when you have (some) strength, (be) quick, devote the old man (your old age) generously (to serving God).
  • این دو روزک را که زورت هست زود ** پیر افشانی بکن از راه جود
  • Devote this (small) amount of seed that you have remaining, in order that long life may grow from these (one or) two moments.
  • این قدر تخمی که مانده ستت بباز ** تا بروید زین دو دم عمر دراز
  • Whilst this jewelled lamp is not (yet) extinguished, see you trim its wick and (supply it with) oil immediately.
  • تا نمرده ست این چراغ با گهر ** هین فتیله‏اش ساز و روغن زودتر
  • Beware! Do not say “To-morrow”—for (many) to-morrows have passed. Let not the days of sowing pass away altogether.
  • هین مگو فردا که فرداها گذشت ** تا به کلی نگذرد ایام کشت‏
  • Listen to my admonition that the body is a strong bond: put off the old, if you have desire for newness. 1270
  • پند من بشنو که تن بند قوی است ** کهنه بیرون کن گرت میل نوی است‏
  • Shut the lips and open the palm filled with gold: leave off being a miser with the body, exhibit munificence.
  • لب ببند و کف پر زر بر گشا ** بخل تن بگذار و پیش آور سخا
  • Munificence is the abandonment of lusts and pleasures; no one who is sunken in lust rises up (again).
  • ترک شهوتها و لذتها سخاست ** هر که در شهوت فرو شد بر نخاست‏
  • This munificence is a branch of the cypress of Paradise: woe to him that lets such a branch go from his hand!
  • این سخا شاخی است از سرو بهشت ** وای او کز کف چنین شاخی بهشت‏