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  • Do not listen to what thy fleshly soul says, that this place (of self-mortification) is bad, inasmuch as her doings are contrary (to thy spiritual advancement).
  • آن چه گوید نفس تو کاینجا بد است ** مشنوش چون کار او ضد آمده ست‏
  • Do thou oppose her, for such (is the) injunction (that) has come from the prophets in the world.
  • تو خلافش کن که از پیغمبران ** این چنین آمد وصیت در جهان‏
  • It becomes necessary to take counsel concerning things to be done, so that there may not be repentance in the end.
  • مشورت در کارها واجب شود ** تا پشیمانی در آخر کم بود
  • The community said, “With whom shall we take counsel?” The prophets answered, “With intellect, (which is) the Imám (leader).”
  • گفت امت مشورت با کی کنیم ** انبیا گفتند با عقل امیم‏
  • He (the questioner) said, “(But) if a child should come in, or a woman who has no clear understanding or judgement.” 2270
  • گفت گر کودک در آید یا زنی ** کاو ندارد عقل و رای روشنی‏
  • “Take counsel with her,” said he (the prophet), “and do the contrary of what she bids (thee), and go thy way.”
  • گفت با او مشورت کن و انچه گفت ** تو خلاف آن کن و در راه افت‏
  • Know that your fleshly soul is woman and worse than woman, because woman is a part (of evil), but your fleshly soul is evil entire.
  • نفس خود را زن شناس از زن بتر ** ز انکه زن جزوی است نفست کل شر
  • If you take counsel with your fleshly soul, oppose that vile one (in) whatsoever she may say.
  • مشورت با نفس خود گر می‏کنی ** هر چه گوید کن خلاف آن دنی‏
  • If she bid you pray and fast-the fleshly soul is a great plotter, she will bring some plot against you to birth.
  • گر نماز و روزه می‏فرمایدت ** نفس مکار است مکری زایدت‏
  • (When you take) counsel with your fleshly soul concerning (your) actions––whatsoever she tells (you to do), the reverse of that is perfectly right. 2275
  • مشورت با نفس خویش اندر فعال ** هر چه گوید عکس آن باشد کمال‏
  • (If) you cannot cope with her and her contumacy, go to a friend and mix with him.
  • بر نیایی با وی و استیز او ** رو بر یاری بگیر آمیز او
  • Mind gains strength from another mind: the sugar-cane is made perfect by the sugar-cane.
  • عقل قوت گیرد از عقل دگر ** نی شکر کامل شود از نیشکر
  • I have seen (wondrous) things (arising) from the deceitfulness of the fleshly soul, for by her magic she takes away the faculties of discernment.
  • من ز مکر نفس دیدم چیزها ** کاو برد از سحر خود تمییزها
  • She will proffer afresh to you promises that she has broken thousands of times.
  • وعده‏ها بدهد ترا تازه به دست ** که هزاران بار آنها را شکست‏
  • If your life be prolonged even for a hundred years, she will lay before you a new pretext every day. 2280
  • عمر اگر صد سال خود مهلت دهد ** اوت هر روزی بهانه‏ی نو نهد
  • She utters cold (vain) promises (as though) warm (from the heart); (she is) a witch, she ties up the manhood of a man.
  • گرم گوید وعده‏های سرد را ** جادویی مردی ببندد مرد را
  • O (thou who art the) radiance of God, Husámu’ddín, come! for without thee no herbs will grow from the brackish soil.
  • ای ضیاء الحق حسام الدین بیا ** که نروید بی‏تو از شوره گیا
  • A curtain has been let down from heaven because of the curse of one whose heart is sorely vexed.
  • از فلک آویخته شد پرده‏ای ** از پی نفرین دل آزرده‏ای‏
  • This destiny only the (Divine) destiny can cure: the understanding of His creatures is stunned at His destiny, stunned.
  • این قضا را هم قضا داند علاج ** عقل خلقان در قضا گیج است گیج‏
  • The black serpent that was (as) a worm fallen on the road has become a dragon; 2285
  • اژدها گشته ست آن مار سیاه ** آن که کرمی بود افتاده به راه‏
  • (But) in thy hand, O thou with (love for) whom the soul of Moses is intoxicated, the dragon or serpent became (as) the rod (in the hand of Moses).
  • اژدها و مار اندر دست تو ** شد عصا ای جان موسی مست تو
  • God gave thee command, saying, “Take it; fear not, so that the dragon may become a rod in thy hand.”
  • حکم خذها لا تخف دادت خدا ** تا به دستت اژدها گردد عصا
  • Hark, show the white hand, O King: out of the black nights reveal a new dawn!
  • هین ید بیضا نما ای پادشاه ** صبح نو بگشا ز شبهای سیاه‏
  • A hell hath blazed forth; breathe (thy) enchantment over it, O thou whose breath is more (excellent) than the breath of the sea.
  • دوزخی افروخت در وی دم فسون ** ای دم تو از دم دریا فزون‏
  • She (the fleshly soul) is the guileful sea that shows (but) a (little) foam; she is the hell that from guile shows (but) a (little) heat. 2290
  • بحر مکار است بنموده کفی ** دوزخ است از مکر بنموده تفی‏
  • She appears exiguous in your eyes, to the end that you may regard her as feeble and that your wrath may be stirred (against her);
  • ز آن نماید مختصر در چشم تو ** تا زبون بینیش جنبد خشم تو
  • Even as there was a dense host (of infidels), (but) to the Prophet’s eye it seemed small,
  • همچنان که لشکر انبوه بود ** مر پیمبر را به چشم اندک نمود
  • So that the Prophet set upon them without (fear of) the danger; but if he had deemed (them) more (in number), he would have acted cautiously in that (affair).
  • تا بر ایشان زد پیمبر بی‏خطر ** ور فزون دیدی از آن کردی حذر
  • That was the Divine favour, and thou wert worthy of it, O Ahmad (Mohammed); else, thou wouldst have become faint-hearted.
  • آن عنایت بود و اهل آن بدی ** احمدا ور نه تو بد دل می‏شدی‏
  • God caused the outward and inward warfare to seem little to him and his Companions, 2295
  • کم نمود او را و اصحاب و را ** آن جهاد ظاهر وباطن خدا
  • In order that He might make it easy for him to gain ease (success), and that he might turn away his face from difficulty (unsuccess).
  • تا میسر کرد یسری را بر او ** تا ز عسری او بگردانید رو
  • For him, (God’s) causing (the warfare) to seem little was victory, since God was his friend and taught him the way.
  • کم نمودن مر و را پیروز بود ** که حقش یار و طریق آموز بود
  • (But) he that hath not God for his victorious support, alas if the fierce lion seem to him a cat.
  • آن که حق پشتش نباشد از ظفر ** وای اگر گربش نماید شیر نر
  • Alas if from afar he see a hundred as one, so that in vain confidence he enters on the fray.
  • وای اگر صدرا یکی بیند ز دور ** تا به چالش اندر آید از غرور
  • He (God) causes a Prophet’s sword to seem a dart and makes the fierce lion appear as a cat, 2300
  • ز آن نماید ذو الفقاری حربه‏ای ** ز آن نماید شیر نر چون گربه‏ای‏
  • To the end that the fool may fall boldly to fighting, and that He may catch them by this device;
  • تا دلیر اندر فتد احمق به جنگ ** و اندر آردشان بدین حیلت به چنگ‏
  • (And besides He is acting thus), in order that those dolts may have come towards the fire-temple by means of their own feet (by their own free will).
  • تا به پای خویش باشند آمده ** آن فلیوان جانب آتش‏کده‏
  • He is showing (what seems to you) a blade of straw, in order that you may quickly give a puff so as to make it vanish out of existence.
  • کاه برگی می‏نماید تا تو زود ** پف کنی کاو را برانی از وجود
  • Beware! for that straw has uprooted mountains: through it the world is weeping, while it (the straw) is in laughter.
  • هین که آن که کوهها بر کنده است ** زو جهان گریان و او در خنده است‏
  • He makes this river-water seem (only) up to the ankle, (but) a hundred such as Áj son of 'Unuq have ben drowned therein. 2305
  • می‏نماید تا به کعب این آب جو ** صد چو عاج ابن عنق شد غرق او
  • He makes the wave of blood seem to him a mound of musk: He makes the bottom of the sea seem dry land.
  • می‏نماید موج خونش تل مشک ** می‏نماید قعر دریا خاک خشک‏
  • Blind Pharaoh deemed that sea dry, so that in (the pride of his) manhood and strength he drave into it.
  • خشک دید آن بحر را فرعون کور ** تا در او راند از سر مردی و زور
  • When he enters (it), he is at the bottom of the sea: how should the eye of Pharaoh be seeing?
  • چون در آید در تگ دریا بود ** دیده‏ی فرعون کی بینا بود
  • The eye is made seeing by meeting with God: how should God become the confidant of every fool?
  • دیده بینا از لقای حق شود ** حق کجا هم راز هر احمق شود
  • He (the fool) sees (what he thinks is) candy: it is, in sooth, deadly poison; he sees (what he thinks is) the road: it is, in sooth, the cry of the ghoul (luring him to destruction). 2310
  • قند بیند خود شود زهر قتول ** راه بیند خود بود آن بانگ غول‏
  • O sky, in the tribulation of (these) latter days thou art revolving swiftly; pray, give (us) time (respite and relief).
  • ای فلک در فتنه‏ی آخر زمان ** تیز می‏گردی بده آخر زمان‏
  • Thou art a keen dagger to assail us; thou art a poisoned lancet to bleed us.
  • خنجر تیزی تو اندر قصد ما ** نیش زهر آلوده‏ای در فصد ما
  • O sky, learn mercy from the Mercy of God: do not, like a snake, inflict wounds on the hearts of ants.
  • ای فلک از رحم حق آموز رحم ** بر دل موران مزن چون مار زخم‏
  • By the truth of Him who hath set the wheel of thy sphere turning above this (earthly) abode,
  • حق آن که چرخه‏ی چرخ ترا ** کرد گردان بر فراز این سرا
  • (We beseech thee to) revolve in another wise and show mercy, ere thou uproot us. 2315
  • که دگرگون گردی و رحمت کنی ** پیش از آن که بیخ ما را بر کنی‏