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  • Inasmuch as they (the Hypocrites) were left in the lurch by the light of (Divine) inspiration, they once more began to recite oaths anew. 2885
  • Since God calls an oath a shield, how should the quarreller lay down the shield from his hand?
  • Again the Prophet, giving (them) the lie direct, said to them in plain terms, “Ye have lied.”
  • How one of the Companions—may God be well-pleased with them!—thought (to himself) disapprovingly, “Why does not the Prophet—God bless and save him!—throw a veil (over their hypocrisy)?”
  • (Their request was ignominiously refused), so that one of the Prophet's Companions conceived in his heart dislike of that recoilment,
  • Thinking, “Grey-haired and venerable old men like these— this Prophet is putting them to shame.
  • Where is generosity? Where cloaking (of sins)? Where modesty (respect for the feelings of others)? The prophets cover up hundreds of thousands of faults.” 2890
  • Quickly, again, in his heart he asked pardon of God, lest he should be disgraced for objecting (to the Prophet's behaviour).
  • The turpitude of befriending the Hypocrites made the true believer wicked and rebellious like them.
  • Again he was crying in supplication, “O Thou who knowest the inmost consciousness, do not leave me persisting in unbelief!
  • My heart is not in my control, as (my) eyesight (is); else I would at this moment burn my heart in anger.”
  • (Whilst he was) in this thought, slumber seized him. To him (dreaming), their mosque seemed full of dung: 2895
  • A corrupted place, its stones (steeped) in filth: from the stones floated up black smoke.
  • The smoke went into his throat and made it smart: terrified by the bitter smoke, he sprang from sleep.
  • Forthwith he fell on his face and wept, saying, “O God, these things are the sign of (their) disbelief.
  • Wrath (against them) is better, O God, than such forbearance (as mine), which separates me from the light of Faith.”
  • If you scrutinise the labour of them that follow falsehood, (you will se that) it is stinking, coat upon coat, like an onion— 2900
  • Every one (of their efforts) more pithless than another, (while), in the case of the sincere, (every effort) is more excellent than the other.
  • Those folk (the Hypocrites) tied a hundred belts on their mantles in order to destroy the Mosque of the people of Qubá—
  • Even as the Lords of the Elephant (who abode) in Abyssinia made a Ka‘ba, (but) God set it afire;
  • (And then) they (the Abyssinians) made an attempt on the Ka‘ba in revenge: read from the Word (of God) how they fared!
  • The reprobates of the Religion have indeed no equipment but cunning and deceit and contentiousness. 2905
  • Every Companion saw plainly (in sleep) some vision of that Mosque, so that the secret (purpose) of it became to them certain knowledge.
  • If I should relate the visions, one by one, then the purity (of the Companions) would become certain to them that doubt;
  • But I am afraid of revealing their mystery: they are the disdainful loved ones (of God), and disdain beseems them.
  • They have received the (religious) Law (directly from God) without mechanical imitation (of others): they have taken that (unadulterated) coin without (applying) the touchstone.
  • The Wisdom of the Qur’án is like the true believer's stray camel: every one has certain (intuitive) knowledge of his own stray. 2910
  • Story of the person who was seeking after his stray camel and inquiring about it.
  • (If) you have lost a camel and sought it busily, how should you not know,when you find it, that it is yours?
  • What is the stray? You have lost a she-camel: (she has) fled from your herd into a veil (of concealment).
  • The caravaneers have begun to load, (but) your camel has disappeared from the midst (of the caravan).
  • You are running to and fro with parched lips; the caravan is (now) far away, and night is near.
  • Your baggage is left on the ground, (lying) on the road of peril, (whilst) you are running about in search of the camel, 2915
  • Crying, “O Moslems, who has seen a camel which this morning escaped from a stable?
  • Whoever will tell (me) a clue to my camel, I will give so many dirhems as a reward (for the information).”
  • You are requesting clues from every one: every rascal is making a mock of you on this account,
  • Saying, “We saw a camel going in this direction, a reddish camel (going) towards yonder pasturage.”
  • One (of them) says, “It was crop-eared,” and another says, “Its saddlecloth was embroidered.” 2920
  • One says, “The camel had (only) one eye,” and another says, “It (was suffering) from mange (and) had no hair.”
  • For the sake of the reward every rascal, (speaking) at random, sets forth a hundred clues.
  • On being perplexed amidst discordant doctrines and finding (a means of) escape and deliverance.
  • (This is) even as in the matter of knowledge (of God) every one describes (differently) the Unseen Object of description.
  • The philosopher gives an explanation of another (a particular) kind; a scholastic theologian invalidates his statement;
  • And some one else jeers at both of them, while another hypocritically tires himself to death (trying to prove that he has real knowledge of God). 2925
  • Each one (of them) gives these indications of the Way, in order that it may be supposed that they belong to that Village.
  • Know the truth to be this, (that) all these (various persons) are not in the right; nor (again) are this herd entirely astray,
  • Because nothing false is shown without the True: the fool bought (desired) spurious coin in the hope of (its being) gold.
  • If there were no current (genuine) coin in the world, how would it be possible to issue false coins?
  • Unless there be truth, how should there be falsehood? That falsehood receives brilliance (prestige and reputation) from truth. 2930
  • They buy (desire) the wrong in hope of (its being) the right: (if) poison go into a piece of sugar, then (and then only) they eat (poison).
  • If there be no savoury wheat, what shall he get who sells barley, pretending that it is wheat?
  • Do not say, then, that all these utterances are false: the false (pretenders) are a snare to the heart on the ground of (because they give) hope of truth.
  • Do not say, then, that all (this) is phantasy and error: without truth phantasy exists not in the world.