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  • The portion of wind (air) that is in our control does not stir till you move the fan.
  • جزو بادی که به حکم ما درست ** بادبیزن تا نجنبانی نجست
  • Without you and without the fan the movement of this portion of wind (air) does not arise, O simpleton.
  • جنبش این جزو باد ای ساده مرد ** بی‌تو و بی‌بادبیزن سر نکرد
  • The movement of the wind of the breath, which is on the lips, follows the course directed by the spirit and the body.
  • جنبش باد نفس کاندر لبست ** تابع تصریف جان و قالبست
  • At one time you make the breath to be a eulogy and a (pleasing) message; at another time you make the breath to be a satire and a foul speech. 130
  • گاه دم را مدح و پیغامی کنی ** گاه دم را هجو و دشنامی کنی
  • Understand, then, (from this case) the cases of other winds; for from a part the intellect perceives the whole.
  • پس بدان احوال دیگر بادها ** که ز جز وی کل می‌بیند نهی
  • God sometimes makes the wind vernal: in December He divests it of this kindliness.
  • باد را حق گه بهاری می‌کند ** در دیش زین لطف عاری می‌کند
  • He makes it a sarsar (intensely cold and violent) for the people of ‘Ád; again, He makes it perfumed (balmy) for Húd.
  • بر گروه عاد صرصر می‌کند ** باز بر هودش معطر می‌کند
  • One wind He makes (deadly as) the poison of the simoom; He (also) makes the advent of the east-wind to be delightful.
  • می‌کند یک باد را زهر سموم ** مر صبا را می‌کند خرم‌قدوم
  • He hath founded (stablished) the wind of the breath in you, in order that thereby you may judge analogically of every (other) wind. 135
  • باد دم را بر تو بنهاد او اساس ** تا کنی هر باد را بر وی قیاس
  • The breath does not become speech without (assuming the quality of) gentleness or harshness: it is honey for one set of people and poison for another class.
  • دم نمی‌گردد سخن بی‌لطف و قهر ** بر گروهی شهد و بر قومیست زهر
  • The fan is moving for the benefit of the (favoured) person, and for the subjugation of every fly and gnat.
  • مروحه جنبان پی انعام کس ** وز برای قهر هر پشه و مگس
  • Why (then) should not the fan of Divine fore-ordainment be fraught with trial and probation (by means of good and evil)?
  • مروحه‌ی تقدیر ربانی چرا ** پر نباشد ز امتحان و ابتلا
  • Inasmuch as the part, namely, the wind of the breath or the fan, is naught but a cause of injury or advantage,
  • چونک جزو باد دم یا مروحه ** نیست الا مفسده یا مصلحه
  • How should this north-wind and this east-wind and this west- wind be remote from (showing) favour and conferring bounty? 140
  • این شمال و این صبا و این دبور ** کی بود از لطف و از انعام دور
  • Look at a handful of wheat froth a granary, and apprehend that the whole of it will be just like this (handful).
  • یک کف گندم ز انباری ببین ** فهم کن کان جمله باشد همچنین
  • How should the whole of the wind rush forth from the mansion of the wind in Heaven without (being impelled by) the fan of that Driver of the wind?
  • کل باد از برج باد آسمان ** کی جهد بی مروحه‌ی آن بادران
  • Is it not the fact that at winnowing-time the labourers on the threshing-floor beseech God for wind,
  • بر سر خرمن به وقت انتقاد ** نه که فلاحان ز حق جویند باد
  • In order that the straws may be separated from the wheat, so that it may go into a granary or pits?
  • تا جدا گردد ز گندم کاهها ** تا به انباری رود یا چاهها
  • When the blowing wind is long delayed, you may see them all making humble entreaty to God. 145
  • چون بماند دیر آن باد وزان ** جمله را بینی به حق لابه‌کنان
  • Likewise, in parturition, if the wind of childbirth do not come, there comes (from the mother) a woeful cry for help.
  • همچنین در طلق آن باد ولاد ** گر نیاید بانگ درد آید که داد
  • If they (that desire the wind) are not aware that He is its Driver, then what disposes (them) to pray piteously for the wind?
  • گر نمی‌دانند کش راننده اوست ** باد را پس کردن زاری چه خوست
  • Likewise, those in ship are desirous of the wind: they all are begging for it from the Lord of Mankind.
  • اهل کشتی همچنین جویای باد ** جمله خواهانش از آن رب العباد
  • Likewise, in (the case of) toothache you beg ardently and earnestly to be defended from the wind.
  • همچنین در درد دندانها ز باد ** دفع می‌خواهی بسوز و اعتقاد
  • The soldiers beseech God humbly, saying, “Give (us) the wind of victory, O Thou whose every wish is fulfilled!” 150
  • از خدا لابه‌کنان آن جندیان ** که بده باد ظفر ای کامران
  • Also, in the throes of childbirth, folk beg from every venerated (saint) a piece of paper inscribed with a charm (against evil).
  • رقعه‌ی تعویذ می‌خواهند نیز ** در شکنجه‌ی طلق زن از هر عزیز
  • Therefore all have known for certain that the wind is sent by the Lord of created beings.
  • پس همه دانسته‌اند آن را یقین ** که فرستد باد رب‌العالمین
  • Therefore in the mind of every one possessing knowledge this is certain, that with everything that moves there is a mover.
  • پس یقین در عقل هر داننده هست ** اینک با جنبنده جنباننده هست
  • If you do not see him visibly, apprehend him by means of the manifestation of the effect.
  • گر تو او را می‌نبینی در نظر ** فهم کن آن را به اظهار اثر
  • The body is moved by the spirit: you do not seethe spirit; but from the movement of the body know the spirit (to be its mover). 155
  • تن به جان جنبد نمی‌بینی تو جان ** لیک از جنبیدن تن جان بدان
  • He (the lover) said, “If I am foolish in manners, I am wise in respect of faithfulness and (eager) pursuit.”
  • گفت او گر ابلهم من در ادب ** زیرکم اندر وفا و در طلب
  • She replied, “Truly the manners were these which have been seen; as for the other (things), thou thyself knowest, perverse fellow!
  • گفت ادب این بود خود که دیده شد ** آن دگر را خود همی‌دانی تو لد
  • Story of the Súfí who caught his wife with a strange man.
  • قصه‌ی آن صوفی کی زن خود را بیگانه‌ای بگرفت
  • A Súfí came (back) to his house in the daytime: the house had (only) one door, and his wife was with a cobbler.
  • صوفیی آمد به سوی خانه روز ** خانه یک در بود و زن با کفش‌دوز
  • Uxor copulata erat cum servo (amatore) suo in illo uno cubiculo propter corporis libidenem. [(His) wife was copulating with her slave (lover) in that one chamber due to bodily temptation.]
  • جفت گشته با رهی خویش زن ** اندر آن یک حجره از وسواس تن
  • When in the forenoon the Súfí knocked on the door with all his might, both (the lovers) were at a loss (what to do): (there was) neither device nor way (of escape). 160
  • چون بزد صوفی به جد در چاشتگاه ** هر دو درماندند نه حیلت نه راه
  • It was never known (it was unprecedented) for him to return home from the shop at that time,
  • هیچ معهودش نبد کو آن زمان ** سوی خانه باز گردد از دکان
  • But on that day the alarmed man purposely returned to his house at an unseasonable hour, because of a fancy (suspicion).
  • قاصدا آن روز بی‌وقت آن مروع ** از خیالی کرد تا خانه رجوع
  • The wife's confidence was (based) on the fact that he had never come home from his work at this time.
  • اعتماد زن بر آن کو هیچ بار ** این زمان فا خانه نامد او ز کار
  • By (Divine) destiny, her reasoning did not come (turn out to be) right: though He (God) is the Coverer (of sins), still He will impose the penalty.
  • آن قیاسش راست نامد از قضا ** گرچه ستارست هم بدهد سزا
  • When you have done evil, be afraid, do not be secure, since it (the evil) is seed, and God will cause it to grow. 165
  • چونک بد کردی بترس آمن مباش ** زانک تخمست و برویاند خداش
  • For awhile He covers it up, to the end that sorrow and shame for (having committed) that evil may come to you.
  • چند گاهی او بپوشاند که تا ** آیدت زان بد پشیمان و حیا
  • In the time of ‘Umar, that Prince of the Faithful gave a thief over to the executioner and officer of police.
  • عهد عمر آن امیر مومنان ** داد دزدی را به جلاد و عوان
  • The thief cried out, saying, ‘O Prince of the land, this is my first offence. Mercy!’
  • بانگ زد آن دزد کای میر دیار ** اولین بارست جرمم زینهار
  • ‘God forfend,’ said ‘Umar, ‘that God should inflict severe punishment the first time.
  • گفت عمر حاش لله که خدا ** بار اول قهر بارد در جزا
  • He covers up (the sin) many times in order to manifest His grace; then again, He chastises (the sinner) in order to manifest His justice, 170
  • بارها پوشد پی اظهار فضل ** باز گیرد از پی اظهار عدل
  • To the end that both these attributes may be displayed, and the former be hope-inspiring and the latter deterrent.’
  • تا که این هر دو صفت ظاهر شود ** آن مبشر گردد این منذر شود
  • The woman, too, had committed this wickedness many times: it passed lightly (over her) and seemed light to her.
  • بارها زن نیز این بد کرده بود ** سهل بگذشت آن و سهلش می‌نمود
  • The feeble intelligence (which she had) was unaware that the pitcher does not for ever come (back) whole from the brook.
  • آن نمی‌دانست عقل پای‌سست ** که سبو دایم ز جو ناید درست
  • That (Divine) destiny brought her to such straits as sudden death does (in the case of) the (religious) hypocrite,
  • آنچنانش تنگ آورد آن قضا ** که منافق را کند مرگ فجا
  • (When there is) neither way (of escape) nor comrade (to help) nor (hope of) quarter, (and when) the Angel (of Death) has put out his hand to (seize) the soul. 175
  • نه طریق و نه رفیق و نه امان ** دست کرده آن فرشته سوی جان
  • (Such is the state of the hypocrite), even as this woman in that chamber of iniquity was paralysed, she and her companion, by the tribulation.
  • آنچنان کین زن در آن حجره جفا ** خشک شد او و حریفش ز ابتلا