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  • You counsel him (the heedless man) with a hundred courtesies, and he turns aside from your counsel.
  • A single person who obstinately refuses to listen will baffle a hundred (eloquent) speakers.
  • Who should be more persuasive in counselling and sweeter-tongued than the prophets, whose words made an impression (even) on stones?
  • (Yet) the bonds of the ill-fated (infidel) were not being loosed by that whereby mountain and stone were moved. 1535
  • Such hearts as had egoism were described (in the words of the Qur’án) nay, harder (than stone).
  • Explaining that the bounty of God and of the (Divine) Omnipotence is not dependent on receptivity, as human bounty is; for in the latter case receptivity is necessary. (In the former case it is not) because (the Divine) bounty is eternal, whereas receptivity is temporal. Bounty is an attribute of the Creator, while receptivity is an attribute of the creature; and the eternal cannot depend on the temporal, otherwise temporality (origination in time) would be absurd.
  • The remedy for such a heart is the gift bestowed by a Transmuter: receptivity is not a necessary condition for His bounty.
  • Nay, His bounty is the necessary condition for receptivity: Bounty is the kernel, and receptivity the husk.
  • The change of Moses' rod into a serpent and the shining of his hand like a (resplendent) sun,
  • And a hundred thousand miracles of the prophets which are not comprehended by our mind and understanding— 1540
  • (These) are not derived from secondary causes but are (under) the (direct) control of God: how can receptivity belong to non-existent things?
  • If receptivity were a necessary condition for God's action, no non-existent thing would come into existence.
  • He (God) hath established a (customary) law and causes and means for the sake of those who seek (Him) under this blue veil (of heaven).
  • Most happenings come to pass according to the (customary) law, (but) sometimes the (Divine) Power breaks the law.
  • He hath established a goodly law and custom; then He hath made the (evidentiary) miracle a breach of the custom. 1545
  • If honour does not reach us without a (mediating) cause, (yet) the (Divine) Power is not remote from the removal of the cause.
  • O thou who art caught by the cause, do not fly outside (of causation); but (at the same time) do not suppose the removal of the Causer.
  • The Causer brings (into existence) whatsoever He will: the Absolute Power tears up (destroys) the causes;
  • But, for the most part, He lets the execution (of His will) follow the course of causation, in order that a seeker may be able to pursue the object of his desire.
  • When there is no cause, what way should the seeker pursue? Therefore he must have a visible cause in the way (that he is pursuing). 1550
  • These causes are veils on the eyes, for not every eye is worthy of (contemplating) His work.
  • An eye that can penetrate the cause is needed to extirpate (these) veils from root and bottom,
  • So that it may behold the Causer in (the world of) non-spatiality and regard exertion and earnings and shops as (mere) nonsense.
  • Everything good or evil comes from the Causer: causes and means, O father, are naught
  • But a phantom that has materialised on the King's highway in order that the period of heedlessness (the reign of ignorance) may endure for some (little) time. 1555
  • On the beginning of the creation of the body of Adam, on whom be peace, when He (God) commanded Gabriel, on whom be peace, saying, “Go, take a handful of clay from this Earth,” or according to another relation, “Take a handful from every region.”
  • When the Maker willed to bring Man into existence for the purpose of probation with good and evil,
  • He commanded Gabriel the true, saying, “Go, take a handful of clay from the Earth as a pledge.”
  • He girt his loins and came to the Earth, that he might execute the command of the Lord of created beings.
  • That obedient one moved his hand towards the Earth: the Earth withdrew herself and was afraid.
  • Then the Earth loosed her tongue and made supplication, saying, “For the sake of the reverence due to the unique Creator, 1560
  • Take leave of me and go! Spare my life! Go, turn aside from me the reins of thy white steed!
  • For God's sake, leave me and do not plunge me into the troubles of (moral) obligation and danger.
  • (I beseech thee) for the sake of the favour by which God chose thee out and revealed to thee the knowledge (written) in the Universal Tablet,
  • So that thou hast become the teacher of the Angels and art conversing with God continually;
  • For thou wilt be the messenger sent to the prophets: thou art the life of the inspired spirit, not (the life) of the body. 1565
  • Thou (ever) hadst superiority over Seraphiel because he is the body's life, (while) thou art the spirit's.
  • The blast of his trumpet is (producing) the growth of bodies; thy breath is (producing) the growth of the single heart.
  • The life of the heart is the soul of the soul of the body: therefore thy gift is superior to his.
  • Again, Michael gives the sustenance (proper) for the body, (but) thy labour gives the sustenance (proper) for the illumined heart.
  • He has filled his skirt with gifts (of sustenance dispensed) by measure, (but) thy gifts of sustenance are immeasurable. 1570
  • Moreover, thou art better than Azrael the tyrannous and enraged, even as (Divine) Mercy is prior to Wrath.
  • These four (Angels) are the bearers of the (Divine) Throne, and thou (art their) king: thou art the best of all of the four from being (spiritually) awake.
  • On the Day of the (Last) Congregation thou wilt see that its bearers are eight: at that time also thou wilt be the most excellent of its eight (bearers).”
  • Thus was she (the Earth) enumerating (his qualities) and weeping: she guessed what was the object of this (mission).
  • Gabriel was a mine of reverence and respect: those adjurations barred the way against him. 1575
  • Inasmuch as she entreated and adjured him, he returned and said, “O Lord of Thy servants,
  • (I protest) that I have not been remiss in Thy affair, but Thou knowest what happened better (than I).
  • She (the Earth) pronounced the Name from awe of which, O All-seeing One, the Seven Heavens would cease from their course.
  • (A feeling of) shame came over me, I was abashed by Thy Name; else, ’tis easy to convey a handful of earth,
  • For Thou hast bestowed such a strength upon the Angels that they can tear these celestial spheres to shreds.” 1580
  • The sending of Michael, on whom be peace, to take a handful of clay from the Earth for putting together the frame of the blessed body of the Father of Mankind, the Vicegerent of God, Adam, on whom be peace, the Adored of the Angels and their Teacher.
  • He (God) said to Michael, “Do thou go down and seize, like a lion, a handful of clay from her.”