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  • The qualities of (self-)existence will depart from thy body, the qualities of intoxication (ecstasy) will increase in thy head (thy spiritual centre).
  • وصف هستی می‌رود از پیکرت  ** وصف مستی می‌فزاید در سرت 
  • Become entirely hearing, like an ear, in order that thou mayst gain an ear-ring of ruby.
  • سمع شو یکبارگی تو گوش‌وار  ** تا ز حلقه‌ی لعل یابی گوشوار 
  • If thou art a man, dig earth, like a well-digger, from this earthen body, that thou mayst reach some water;
  • هم‌چو چه کن خاک می‌کن گر کسی  ** زین تن خاکی که در آبی رسی 
  • (And) if the pull (inspiration) of God come (to thee), the running water will bubble up from the earth without thy well having been dug. 2045
  • گر رسد جذبه‌ی خدا آب معین  ** چاه ناکنده بجوشد از زمین 
  • Be always working, do not pay heed to that (hope of being enabled to dispense with work): keep scraping away the earth of the (bodily) well little by little.
  • کار می‌کن تو بگوش آن مباش  ** اندک اندک خاک چه را می‌تراش 
  • To every one who suffers a tribulation there is revealed a treasure: every one who makes an earnest endeavour comes into a fortune.
  • هر که رنجی دید گنجی شد پدید  ** هر که جدی کرد در جدی رسید 
  • The Prophet hath said that acts of genuflexion and prostration (in the ritual prayer) are (equivalent to) knocking the door-ring of (mystical) attainment on the Divine Portal.
  • گفت پیغمبر رکوعست و سجود  ** بر در حق کوفتن حلقه‌ی وجود 
  • When any one continues to knock that door-ring, felicity peeps out for his sake.
  • حلقه‌ی آن در هر آنکو می‌زند  ** بهر او دولت سری بیرون کند 
  • How the Amír who was the author of the mischievous intrigue came at midnight with his officers to open the chamber of Ayáz, and saw the sheepskin jacket and rustic shoon hanging (there) and supposed that this was a trick and pretence; and how he dug up every suspected corner and brought excavators and made holes in the walls and discovered nothing and fell into confusion and despair. So (it is with such) evil thinking men (as those) who imagined vain things about the work of the prophets and saints, saying that they were magicians and self-advertisers and (only) sought to occupy the chief position (among their people): after having investigated, they are covered with confusion, but it does not avail them.
  • آمدن آن امیر نمام با سرهنگان نیم‌شب بگشادن آن حجره‌ی ایاز و پوستین و چارق دیدن آویخته و گمان بردن کی آن مکرست و روپوش و خانه را حفره کردن بهر گوشه‌ای کی گمان آمد چاه کنان آوردن و دیوارها را سوراخ کردن و چیزی نایافتن و خجل و نومید شدن چنانک بدگمانان و خیال‌اندیشان در کار انبیا و اولیا کی می‌گفتند کی ساحرند و خویشتن ساخته‌اند و تصدر می‌جویند بعد از تفحص خجل شوند و سود ندارد 
  • Those trusted (officers) came to the door of the chamber: they began to search for the treasure and the gold and the jar. 2050
  • آن امینان بر در حجره شدند  ** طالب گنج و زر و خمره بدند 
  • A number of them, (urged) by vain desire, unlocked the door with infinite dexterity and skill;
  • قفل را برمی‌گشادند از هوس  ** با دو صد فرهنگ و دانش چند کس 
  • For it was a formidable lock with intricate bolts: he (Ayáz) had selected it from (many other) locks,
  • زانک قفل صعب و پر پیچیده بود  ** از میان قفلها بگزیده بود 
  • Not that he was avaricious of silver and riches and crude (uncoined) gold, (but) in order to hide that secret (of his) from the vulgar,
  • نه ز بخل سیم و مال و زر خام  ** از برای کتم آن سر از عوام 
  • “Lest” (so he thought) “some people imagine evil, (while) others call me a hypocrite.”
  • که گروهی بر خیال بد تنند  ** قوم دیگر نام سالوسم کنند 
  • With the man of lofty aspiration the soul's secrets are kept from the base (worldlings) more safely than the ruby in the mine. 2055
  • پیش با همت بود اسرار جان  ** از خسان محفوظ‌تر از لعل کان 
  • To fools gold seems better than the soul; in the opinion of (spiritual) kings gold is to be scattered on the soul (as an offering).
  • زر به از جانست پیش ابلهان  ** زر نثار جان بود نزد شهان 
  • In greed of gold they (the officers) were hastening rapidly (to the chamber), (though) their reason was saying, “No; not so fast.”
  • می شتابیدند تفت از حرص زر ** عقلشان میگفت نه آهستهتر
  • Greed runs in vain towards the mirage, (though) reason says, "Look carefully: it is not water."
  • حرس تازد بیهده سوی سراب ** عقل گوید نیک بین کان نیست آب
  • Greed was predominant (in them), and gold had become (dear to them) as their souls: at that moment the cry of reason was unheard.
  • حرص غالب بود و زر چون جان شده  ** نعره‌ی عقل آن زمان پنهان شده 
  • Greed and its clamours had become hundredfold; wisdom and its suggestions had vanished, 2060
  • گشته صدتو حرص و غوغاهای او  ** گشته پنهان حکمت و ایمای او 
  • To the end that he (the greedy man) may fall into the pit of delusion, and then hearken to the reproaches of Wisdom.
  • تا که در چاه غرور اندر فتد  ** آنگه از حکمت ملامت بشنود 
  • When his wind (idle self-conceit) is broken by imprisonment in the trap,the rebuking soul gets the upper hand over him.
  • چون ز بند دام باد او شکست  ** نفس لوامه برو یابید دست 
  • Until his head comes against the wall of affliction, his deaf ear will not listen to the counsel of his heart.
  • تا به دیوار بلا ناید سرش  ** نشنود پند دل آن گوش کرش 
  • Greed for walnut-cake and sugar makes the ears of children deaf to admonitions;
  • کودکان را حرص گوزینه و شکر  ** از نصیحتها کند دو گوش کر 
  • (Only) when the pain of his abscess begins do his (the child's) ears become open to good advice. 2065
  • چونک دردت دنبلش آغاز شد  ** در نصیحت هر دو گوشش باز شد 
  • Then the party (of searchers), with cupidity and a hundred kinds of vain desire, opened the chamber.
  • حجره را با حرص و صدگونه هوس  ** باز کردند آن زمان آن چند کس 
  • They swarmed in through the doorway, jostling each other, like vermin (falling) on fetid buttermilk.
  • اندر افتادند از در ز ازدحام  ** هم‌چو اندر دوغ گندیده هوام 
  • They (the insects) fall on it triumphantly, like lovers, (but) there is no possibility of drinking, and both wings are stuck.
  • عاشقانه در فتد با کر و فر  ** خورد امکان نی و بسته هر دو پر 
  • They (the officers) looked to the left and to the right: there was (only) a torn pair of shoon and a sheepskin jacket.
  • بنگریدند از یسار و از یمین  ** چارقی بدریده بود و پوستین 
  • After (having looked), they said (to one another), “This place is not without balm: the shoon are only (displayed) here as a blind. 2070
  • باز گفتند این مکان بی‌نوش نیست  ** چارق اینجا جز پی روپوش نیست 
  • Hey, bring sharp picks: try excavation and tunnelling.”
  • هین بیاور سیخهای تیز را  ** امتحان کن حفره و کاریز را 
  • The (searching) party dug and searched in every direction: they dug holes and deep cavities.
  • هر طرف کندند و جستند آن فریق  ** حفره‌ها کردند و گوهای عمیق 
  • Thereupon the holes were (virtually) crying out to them, “We are empty holes, O ye stinkers!”
  • حفره‌هاشان بانگ می‌داد آن زمان  ** کنده‌های خالییم ای کندگان 
  • Accordingly they (the officers) were ashamed of that (evil) thought (concerning Ayáz) and filled up the holes again.
  • زان سگالش شرم هم می‌داشتند  ** کنده‌ها را باز می‌انباشتند 
  • In every breast were innumerable (sighs of) lá hawl: the bird, their greed, was left without any food to peck. 2075
  • بی‌عدد لا حول در هر سینه‌ای  ** مانده مرغ حرصشان بی‌چینه‌ای 
  • The holes in the walls and in the door were informers against them (giving intelligence) of their futile aberrations.
  • زان ضلالتهای یاوه‌تازشان  ** حفره‌ی دیوار و در غمازشان 
  • The wall could not possibly be plastered (repaired): there was no possibility of denying before Ayáz (what they had done);
  • ممکن اندای آن دیوار نی  ** با ایاز امکان هیچ انکار نی 
  • (For) if they make a pretence of being innocent, the wall and floor will bear witness (against them).
  • گر خداع بی‌گناهی می‌دهند  ** حایط و عرصه گواهی می‌دهند 
  • (With such reflections) they were returning to the King, covered with dust and pale-faced and ashamed.
  • باز می‌گشتند سوی شهریار  ** پر ز گرد و روی زرد و شرمسار 
  • How the plotters returned from the chamber of Ayáz to the King with empty bags and overcome by shame, as those who thought ill of the prophets, on whom be peace, (shall be confounded) at the time when their (the prophets') innocence and holiness shall be made manifest; for (God hath said), “on the Day when (some) faces shall be white and (some) faces shall be black,” and He hath said, “and thou shalt see those who lied against God, their faces blackened.”
  • بازگشتن نمامان از حجره‌ی ایاز به سوی شاه توبره تهی و خجل هم‌چون بدگمانان در حق انبیا علیهم‌السلام بر وقت ظهور برائت و پاکی ایشان کی یوم تبیض وجوه و تسود وجوه و قوله تری الذین کذبوا علی الله وجوههم مسودة 
  • The King, (speaking) with a purpose, said, “What has happened? for your arms are empty of gold and purses; 2080
  • شاه قاصد گفت هین احوال چیست  ** که بغلتان از زر و همیان تهیست 
  • And if ye have concealed the pounds and pence, (then) where is the brightness of joy (that should appear) on cheeks and countenance?
  • ور نهان کردید دینار و تسو  ** فر شادی در رخ و رخسار کو 
  • Although the roots of every rooty (tree) are hidden, (yet) the leaves—their marks (upon) their faces—are green.
  • گرچه پنهان بیخ هر بیخ آورست  ** برگ سیماهم وجوهم اخضرست 
  • Lo, the lofty bough is proclaiming what the root has imbibed, whether it be poison or sugar.
  • آنچ خورد آن بیخ از زهر و ز قند  ** نک منادی می‌کند شاخ بلند 
  • If the root is leafless and without sap, what (then) are (signify) the green leaves on the bough?
  • بیخ اگر بی‌برگ و از مایه تهیست  ** برگهای سبز اندر شاخ چیست 
  • The earth lays a seal on the root's tongue, (but) the bough, its hand and foot, is bearing witness.” 2085
  • بر زبان بیخ گل مهری نهد  ** شاخ دست و پا گواهی می‌دهد 
  • All those trusted (officers) began to excuse themselves: they fell prostrate, like a shadow in the presence of the moon.
  • آن امینان جمله در عذر آمدند  ** هم‌چو سایه پیش مه ساجد شدند 
  • In excuse for that heat (hot-headedness) and boasting and egoism they went to the King with sword and winding-sheet,
  • عذر آن گرمی و لاف و ما و من  ** پیش شه رفتند با تیغ و کفن 
  • All of them biting their fingers from shame, and every one saying, “O King of the world,
  • از خجالت جمله انگشتان گزان  ** هر یکی می‌گفت کای شاه جهان 
  • If thou shed (our) blood, ’tis lawful, lawful (for thee to do so); and if thou forgive, ’tis (an act of) grace and bounty.
  • گر بریزی خون حلالستت حلال  ** ور ببخشی هست انعام و نوال 
  • We have done those deeds that were worthy of us: consider what thou wilt command, O glorious King. 2090
  • کرده‌ایم آنها که از ما می‌سزید  ** تا چه فرمایی تو ای شاه مجید 
  • If thou forgive our crime, O thou who makest the heart radiant, the night will have shown the qualities of night, and the day (those of) day.
  • گر ببخشی جرم ما ای دل‌فروز  ** شب شبیها کرده باشد روز روز