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  • Whispering arose amongst the men and women—“That man who has the body of an elephant eats as little as a fly!”
  • The greed and vanity of unbelief was overthrown: the dragon was satisfied with the food of an ant.
  • The beggar-like greediness of unbelief departed from him: the sweet food of the Faith made him stout and strong.
  • He who was quivering from ravenous hunger beheld, like Mary, the fruit of Paradise. 285
  • The fruit of Paradise sped to his body: his Hell-like belly gained repose.
  • The essence of the Faith is a mighty blessing and exceedingly delicious food, O thou who art content with naught of the Faith but the profession!
  • Explaining that the Light which is the food of the spirit becomes the food of the saint's body, so that it (his body) also becomes friendly with the spirit (according to the saying of the Prophet), “My satan hath accepted Islam at my hands.”
  • Although that (Light) is the food of the spirit and the (spiritual) sight, the body too partakes of it, O son.
  • If the devilish body had not become fond of eating it, the Prophet would not have said, “The devil accepted Islam.”
  • How should the devil become a Moslem until it drink of the sweet food by which the dead is made living? 290
  • The devil is passionately in love with the world, blind and deaf; (but this) love, no doubt, may be cut off by another love.
  • When it tastes the wine from the cellar of clairvoyance, little by little it will transfer its love thither.
  • O thou whose belly is greedy, turn away thus (from the world): the only method is change of food.
  • O thou whose heart is sick, turn to the remedy: the entire regimen is change of disposition.
  • O thou who art kept in pawn to food, thou wilt escape if thou suffer thyself to be weaned. 295
  • Verily, in hunger there is plenteous food: search after it diligently and cherish the hope (of finding it), O shrinker.
  • Feed on the Light, be like the eye, be in accord with the angels, O best of mankind.
  • Like the Angel, make the glorification of God thy food, that like the angels thou mayst be delivered from vexation.
  • If Gabriel pays no attention to the carcase, (yet) how should he be inferior in strength to the vulture?
  • What a goodly table is spread in the world! But it is quite hidden from the eyes of the vile. 300
  • Though the world should become a delightful orchard, still the portion of the mouse and the snake would consist of earth.
  • How the corporealists ignore the food of the spirit and tremble with anxiety for the vile food.
  • Its (the vile creature's) food is earth, whether in winter or in spring; thou art the lord of creation: how is it thou eatest earth like the snake?
  • The wood-worm in the midst of wood says, “For whom (else) should be such fine sweetmeat?”
  • The dung-worm amidst (all) that pollution knows no dessert in the world but filth.
  • Prayer.
  • O God who art without peer, show favour! Since Thou hast bestowed on (our) ear this discourse as an ear-ring, 305
  • Take hold of our ear and draw us along to the assembly where the joyous revellers drink of Thy wine.
  • Forasmuch as Thou hast caused a waft of its perfume to reach us, do not stopple the head (mouth) of that wine-skin, O Lord of the Judgement!
  • Whether they are male or female, they (all Thy creatures) drink from Thee: O Thou whose help is besought, Thou art stintless in giving.
  • O Thou by whom the unspoken prayer is answered, who bestowest at every moment a hundred bounties on the heart,
  • Thou hast limned some letters of writing: rocks have become (soft) as wax for love of them. 310
  • Thou hast scribed the nún of the eyebrow, the sád of the eye, and the jím of the ear as a distraction to a hundred minds and understandings.
  • By those letters of Thine the intellect is made to weave subtle coils (of perplexity): write on, O accomplished Calligrapher!
  • At each moment Thou shapest beauteously pictured forms of phantasy, suitable to every thought, upon (the page of) non-existence.
  • On the tablet of phantasy Thou inscribest wondrous letters— eye and profile and cheek and mole.
  • I am drunken with desire for non-existence, not for the existent, because the Beloved of (the world of) non-existence is more faithful. 315
  • He (God) made the intellect a reader of those figured characters, that thereby He might put an end to its contrivances.
  • Comparison of the Guarded Tablet (the Logos), and the perception there from by every individual's mind of his daily fate and portion and lot, to the daily perception (of the Divine decree) by Gabriel, on whom be peace, from the Most Great Tablet.
  • Like the Angel, the intellect receives (reads) every morning its daily lesson from the Guarded Tablet.
  • Behold the inscriptions made without (use of) fingers upon non-existence and the amazement of the madmen at the blackness of them.
  • Every one is infatuated with some phantasy and digs in corners in mad desire for a (buried) treasure.
  •  By a phantasy one person is filled with (desire for) magnificence and turns his face towards the mines (of precious ore) in the mountains; 320
  • And, (inspired) by a phantasy, another sets his face with bitter toil towards the sea for the sake of pearls;
  • And another (goes) into a church to perform religious exercises, while another (betakes himself) to sowing in his greed (for gain).
  • Through phantasy that one becomes the waylayer (destroyer) of him who has escaped (unhurt); and through phantasy this (other) becomes the salve (deliverer) of him who has been (sorely) wounded.
  • One loses his soul in the invocation of demons, while another sets his foot upon the stars.
  • He (the observer) sees that these modes of action in the external world are diverse (since they arise) from the various phantasies within. 325
  • This man (engaged in some occupation) is amazed at that man (occupied with something else) and says, “What is he about?” Every taster denies the other (whose taste is different).
  • Unless those phantasies were incongruous, how did the modes of action become diverse externally?
  • Since the qibla (the true object) of the soul has been hidden, every one has turned his face to a (different) quarter.
  • Comparison of the different practices and the various aspirations (of mankind) to the disagreement of those who at prayer-time endeavour to find the qibla (direction of Mecca) when it is dark, and to the search of divers (for pearls) at the bottom of the sea.
  • (They are) like folk trying to find (the direction of the Ka‘ba) and (each) turning in a certain direction which they fancy is the qibla:
  • When at dawn the Ka‘ba appears, it is discovered who has lost the (right) way; 330
  • Or like divers under the depth of the (sea)-water, every one (of whom) picks up something in haste: