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  • To say, “What do you wish (to obtain) by shedding the blood of true believers? They are being killed in this grievous war.
  • که چه می‌خواهی ز خون مؤمنان  ** کشته می‌گردند زین حرب گران 
  • If your object is to gain possession of the city of Mawsil, look now, it is achieved without (any more) bloodshed like this. 3845
  • گر مرادت ملک شهر موصلست  ** بی‌چنین خون‌ریز اینت حاصلست 
  • I will go forth from the city: here it is for you, enter in, lest the blood of the oppressed lay hold of you (and demand vengeance);
  • من روم بیرون شهر اینک در آ  ** تا نگیرد خون مظلومان ترا 
  • And if your object is riches and gold and jewels, this is even more easy than to take possession of the city.”
  • ور مرادت مال و زر و گوهرست  ** این ز ملک شهر خود آسان‌ترست 
  • How the lord of Mawsil surrendered the girl to the Caliph in order that there might be no more shedding of Moslem blood.
  • ایثار کردن صاحب موصل آن کنیزک را بدین خلیفه تا خون‌ریز مسلمانان بیشتر نشود 
  • When the envoy came to the captain, he (the captain) gave him the paper on which the features (of the girl) were depicted,
  • چون رسول آمد به پیش پهلوان  ** داد کاغذ اندرو نقش و نشان 
  • (Saying), “Look on the paper: this (is what) I require. Hark, give (her up), or else (I will take her by force, for) I am the conqueror.”
  • بنگر اندر کاغذ این را طالبم  ** هین بده ورنه کنون من غالبم 
  • On the return of the envoy, that manly King said, “Take no account of a (mere) form, lead her away at once. 3850
  • چون رسول آمد بگفت آن شاه نر  ** صورتی کم گیر زود این را ببر 
  • I am not an idolater in the epoch of the true Faith: ’tis more fit that the idol should be in the hands of the idolater.”
  • من نیم در عهد ایمان بت‌پرست  ** بت بر آن بت‌پرست اولیترست 
  • When the envoy brought her (to him), the captain straightway fell in love with her beauty.
  • چونک آوردش رسول آن پهلوان  ** گشت عاشق بر جمالش آن زمان 
  • Love is an (infinite) ocean, on which the heavens are (but) a flake of foam: (they are distraught) like Zalíkhá in desire for a Joseph.
  • عشق بحری آسمان بر وی کفی  ** چون زلیخا در هوای یوسفی 
  • Know that the wheeling heavens are turned by waves of Love: were it not for Love, the world would be frozen (inanimate).
  • دور گردونها ز موج عشق دان  ** گر نبودی عشق بفسردی جهان 
  • How would an inorganic thing disappear (by change) into a plant? How would vegetive things sacrifice themselves to become (endowed with) spirit? 3855
  • کی جمادی محو گشتی در نبات  ** کی فدای روح گشتی نامیات 
  • How would the spirit sacrifice itself for the sake of that Breath by the waft whereof a Mary was made pregnant?
  • روح کی گشتی فدای آن دمی  ** کز نسیمش حامله شد مریمی 
  • Each one (of them) would be (as) stiff and immovable as ice: how should they be flying and seeking like locusts?
  • هر یکی بر جا ترنجیدی چو یخ  ** کی بدی پران و جویان چون ملخ 
  • Every mote is in love with that Perfection and hastening upward like a sapling.
  • ذره ذره عاشقان آن کمال  ** می‌شتابد در علو هم‌چون نهال 
  • Their haste is (saying implicitly) “Glory to God!” They are purifying the body for the sake of the spirit.
  • سبح لله هست اشتابشان  ** تنقیه‌ی تن می‌کنند از بهر جان 
  • The captain deemed (what was really) a pit to be like a (safe) road: to him the sterile soil appeared goodly, (so) he sowed seed (in it). 3860
  • پهلوان چه را چو ره پنداشته  ** شوره‌اش خوش آمده حب کاشته 
  • Dormiens cum (aliquis) simulacrum (amatae) in somnio videret, cum eo coivit et aqua (seminis) effusa est. [When the sleeper saw an image (of her) in a dream, he coupled with it and (seminal) fluid flowed from him.]
  • چون خیالی دید آن خفته به خواب  ** جفت شد با آن و از وی رفت آب 
  • Postquam somnium abscessit et ipse extemplo experrectus est, sensit illam pupam sibi jam vigilanti coram non adesse. [When the dream departed and he woke up at once, he saw that that doll was not (present) in wakefulness.]
  • چون برفت آن خواب و شد بیدار زود  ** دید که آن لعبت به بیداری نبود 
  • Dixit: “Eheu, aquam meam nihilo ingessi; eheu, dolosi illius (simulacri) dolum expertus sum.” [He said: “Alas! I have borne my fluid (sperm) for nothing. Alas! I have swallowed the coquetry of that artful schemer (image).]
  • گفت بر هیچ آب خود بردم دریغ  ** عشوه‌ی آن عشوه‌ده خوردم دریغ 
  • Fuit ille dux (nonnisi) corporis imperator, revera vir non fuit: virilatis semen in ejusmodi arena sevit. [That one was a captain of the body (only), he lacked (true) manliness: he sowed the seed of manliness in such (a place of) sand.]
  • پهلوان تن بد آن مردی نداشت  ** تخم مردی در چنان ریگی بکاشت 
  • The steed of his love tore up a hundred bridles: he (the captain) was shouting, “I care naught for death. 3865
  • مرکب عشقش دریده صد لگام  ** نعره می‌زد لا ابالی بالحمام 
  • What should I care about the Caliph? (Since I am) in love, my life and death are the same to me.”
  • ایش ابالی بالخلیفه فی‌الهوی  ** استوی عندی وجودی والتوی 
  • Prithee, do not sow with such ardour and heat: take counsel with a (spiritual) master.
  • این چنین سوزان و گرم آخر مکار  ** مشورت کن با یکی خاوندگار 
  • (But) where is counsel, where is reason, (when) the torrent of cupidity has extended its talons to destroy (them)?
  • مشورت کو عقل کو سیلاب آز  ** در خرابی کرد ناخنها دراز 
  • A barrier in front and a barrier behind; (but) he that is fascinated by a (lovely) cheek does not see (what is) before or behind.
  • بین ایدی سد و سوی خلف سد  ** پیش و پس کم بیند آن مفتون خد 
  • The black torrent comes to take his life, so that a fox may hurl a lion into the well (of destruction). 3870
  • آمده در قصدجان سیل سیاه  ** تا که روبه افکند شیری به چاه 
  • Something (materially) non-existent causes a phantom to appear in a well, in order that it (the phantom) may cast into it lions (strong) as mountains.
  • از چهی بنموده معدومی خیال  ** تا در اندازد اسودا کالجبال 
  • Do not have any one intimate with thy womenfolk, for these two (the man and the woman) may be compared to cotton and sparks of fire.
  • هیچ‌کس را با زنان محرم مدار  ** که مثال این دو پنبه‌ست و شرار 
  • It needs a fire quenched by God's water, one that like Joseph holds fast (to God) in (the hour of) evil temptation,
  • آتشی باید بشسته ز آب حق  ** هم‌چو یوسف معتصم اندر زهق 
  • To withdraw itself (bravely) as lions from a charming Zalíkhá tall and slender as a cypress.
  • کز زلیخای لطیف سروقد  ** هم‌چو شیران خویشتن را واکشد 
  • He (the captain) turned back from Mawsil and went on his way till he encamped in a wooded meadowland. 3875
  • بازگشت از موصل و می‌شد به راه  ** تا فرود آمد به بیشه و مرج‌گاه 
  • The fire of his love was blazing in such wise that he could not distinguish earth from heaven.
  • آتش عشقش فروزان آن چنان  ** که نداند او زمین از آسمان 
  • He sought to embrace that moon (beauty) in her tent: where (at that time) was his reason and his dread of the Caliph?
  • قصد آن مه کرد اندر خیمه او  ** عقل کو و از خلیفه خوف کو 
  • When lust beats the drum (of victory) in this vale, what is thy reason? A (worthless) radish and the son of a radish.
  • چون زند شهوت درین وادی دهل  ** چیست عقل تو فجل ابن الفجل 
  • To his fiery eye a hundred Caliphs seemed at that moment less than a gnat.
  • صد خلیفه گشته کمتر از مگس  ** پیش چشم آتشینش آن نفس 
  • Postquam ille feminarum cultor bracas exuit et inter crura mulieris recubavit, [When that adorer of women threw off (his) trousers and sat between the woman’s legs,] 3880
  • چون برون انداخت شلوار و نشست  ** در میان پای زن آن زن‌پرست 
  • Quo tempore penis ejus ad sedem suam recte ibat, tumultus ingens et clamor militum exortus est. [When (his) penis went straight toward (her) seat (buttocks), a commotion and outcry arose from the army.]
  • چون ذکر سوی مقر می‌رفت راست  ** رستخیز و غلغل از لشکر بخاست 
  • Exsiliit et nudo podice in aciem (currebat), grasping a (flashing) scimitar in his hand. [He jumped up (and ran) naked of buttocks to the (army) ranks, grasping a fiery (flashing) scimitar in his hand.]
  • برجهید و کون‌برهنه سوی صف  ** ذوالفقاری هم‌چو آتش او به کف 
  • He saw that a fierce black lion from the jungle had suddenly rushed upon the centre of the army;
  • دید شیر نر سیه از نیستان  ** بر زده بر قلب لشکر ناگهان 
  • (That) the Arab horses were demoniacally excited, (that) every stable and tent was in confusion;
  • تازیان چون دیو در جوش آمده  ** هر طویله و خیمه اندر هم زده 
  • (And that) the fierce lion from the covert was bounding twenty ells into the air, like billows of the sea. 3885
  • شیر نر گنبذ همی‌کرد از لغز  ** در هوا چون موج دریا بیست گز 
  • The captain was manful and intrepid: he advanced, like a furious lion, to meet the lion.
  • پهلوان مردانه بود و بی‌حذر  ** پیش شیر آمد چو شیر مست نر 
  • He smote (it) with his sword and clove its head; (then) at once he hastened (back) to the tent of the beauty.
  • زد به شمشیر و سرش را بر شکافت  ** زود سوی خیمه‌ی مه‌رو شتافت 
  • Ubi sese puellae formosissimae ostendit, penis ejus itidem erectus erat. [When he showed himself to the hourí (lovely woman), his (organ of) manhood was erect in the same manner (as before).]
  • چونک خود را او بدان حوری نمود  ** مردی او هم‌چنین بر پای بود 
  • Pugna congressus erat cum tali leone: penis ejus erectus manebat nec languore jacuerat. [He joined in battle with such a lion: (yet) his manhood remained erect and did not rest (go limp).]
  • با چنان شیری به چالش گشت جفت  ** مردی او مانده بر پای و نخفت 
  • Illa diva, facie venusta lunae simili praedita, virilitatis ejus admiratione obstupuit. [That moon-faced idol, sweet of countenance, was amazed at his manhood.] 3890
  • آن بت شیرین‌لقای ماه‌رو  ** در عجب در ماند از مردی او 
  • Protinus cum eo magna cupidine coivit: illae duae animae statim unitae evaserunt. [She joined with him (eagerly) in that moment with lust: those two souls immediately became united.]
  • جفت شد با او به شهوت آن زمان  ** متحد گشتند حالی آن دو جان 
  • Through the union of these two souls with one another, there will come to them from the Unseen World another soul.
  • ز اتصال این دو جان با همدگر  ** می‌رسد از غیبشان جانی دگر 
  • It will appear by the road of birth, if there be naught to waylay (prevent) its conception.
  • رو نماید از طریق زادنی  ** گر نباشد از علوقش ره‌زنی