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  • In order that I may boast that the King of the world pardoned the sinners for his slave's sake.
  • تا زنم من لاف کان شاه جهان  ** بهر بنده عفو کرد از مجرمان 
  • (Formerly) I was a pain, entirely self-satisfied: the King made me the remedy for every sufferer from pain. 4165
  • درد بودم سر به سر من خودپسند  ** کرد شاهم داروی هر دردمند 
  • (Formerly) I was a Hell filled with woe and bale: the hand of his grace made me a Kawthar.
  • دوزخی بودم پر از شور و شری  ** کرد دست فضل اویم کوثری 
  • Whomsoever Hell has consumed in vengeance, I cause him to grow anew from his body.”
  • هر که را سوزید دوزخ در قود  ** من برویانم دگر بار از جسد 
  • What is the work of (that) Kawthar by which every one that has been burned (in Hell) is made to grow and becomes redintegrated?
  • کار کوثر چیست که هر سوخته  ** گردد از وی نابت و اندوخته 
  • Drop by drop it proclaims its bounty, saying, “I restore that which Hell has consumed.”
  • قطره قطره او منادی کرم  ** کانچ دوزخ سوخت من باز آورم 
  • Hell is like the cold of autumn; Kawthar is like the spring, O rose-garden. 4170
  • هست دوزخ هم‌چو سرمای خزان  ** هست کوثر چون بهار ای گلستان 
  • Hell is like death and the earth of the grave; Kawthar resembles the blast of the trumpet (of Resurrection).
  • هست دوزخ هم‌چو مرگ و خاک گور  ** هست کوثر بر مثال نفخ صور 
  • O ye whose bodies are consumed by Hell, the kindness (of God) is leading you towards Kawthar.
  • ای ز دوزخ سوخته اجسامتان  ** سوی کوثر می‌کشد اکرامتان 
  • Since Thy mercy, O Self-subsistent Living One, said, “I created the creatures that they might profit by Me,”
  • چون خلقت الخلق کی یربح علی  ** لطف تو فرمود ای قیوم حی 
  • (And since Thy saying) “Not that I might profit by them” is (the expression of) Thy munificence, by which all defective things are made whole,
  • لالان اربح علیهم جود تست  ** که شود زو جمله ناقصها درست 
  • Pardon these body-worshipping slaves: pardon from (Thee who art) the ocean of pardon is more worthy. 4175
  • عفو کن زین بندگان تن‌پرست  ** عفو از دریای عفو اولیترست 
  • Creaturely pardon is like a river and like a torrent: (all) the troop (of such pardons) run towards their ocean.
  • عفو خلقان هم‌چو جو و هم‌چو سیل  ** هم بدان دریای خود تازند خیل 
  • Every night from these individual hearts the pardons come to Thee, O King, like pigeons.
  • عفوها هر شب ازین دل‌پاره‌ها  ** چون کبوتر سوی تو آید شها 
  • At the hour of dawn Thou causest them to fly away again, and imprisonest them in these bodies till nightfall.
  • بازشان وقت سحر پران کنی  ** تا به شب محبوس این ابدان کنی 
  • Once more, at eventide, flapping their wings they fly off in passionate longing for that palace and roof.
  • پر زنان بار دگر در وقت شام  ** می‌پرند از عشق آن ایوان و بام 
  • In order that they may snap the thread that unites them with the body, they come before Thee, for by Thee they are endowed with fortune— 4180
  • تا که از تن تار وصلت بسکلند  ** پیش تو آیند کز تو مقبلند 
  • Flapping their wings, secure from falling back headlong, (soaring) in the (spiritual) air and saying, “Verily unto Him we are returning.”
  • پر زنان آمن ز رجع سرنگون  ** در هوا که انا الیه راجعون 
  • From that Bounty comes the call, “Come! After that returning (unto Me) desire and anxiety are no more.
  • بانگ می‌آید تعالوا زان کرم  ** بعد از آن رجعت نماند از حرص و غم 
  • As exiles in the world ye suffered many indignities: ye will have learned to value Me, O nobles.
  • بس غریبیها کشیدیت از جهان  ** قدر من دانسته باشید ای مهان 
  • Hark now, stretch your legs beneath the shade of this tree of Mine in the intoxication of delight,
  • زیر سایه‌ی این درختم مست ناز  ** هین بیندازید پاها را دراز 
  • (Stretch) your legs, (which are) fatigued by (travel on) the Way of Religion, resting for ever on the bosoms and hands of the houris, 4185
  • پایهای پر عنا از راه دین  ** بر کنار و دست حوران خالدین 
  • (While) the houris amorously and fondly say, ‘These Súfís have returned from their travels.
  • حوریان گشته مغمز مهربان  ** کز سفر باز آمدند این صوفیان 
  • The Súfís pure as the light of the sun, who for a long time had fallen into (the world of) earth and filth,
  • صوفیان صافیان چون نور خور  ** مدتی افتاده بر خاک و قذر 
  • Have (now) come back stainless and undefiled, as the sunlight to the lofty orb (of the sun).’”
  • بی‌اثر پاک از قذر باز آمدند  ** هم‌چو نور خور سوی قرص بلند 
  • (Ayáz said), “This company of sinners likewise, O glorious (King)—all their heads have come against a wall.
  • این گروه مجرمان هم ای مجید  ** جمله سرهاشان به دیواری رسید 
  • They have become aware of their fault and sin, although they were defeated by the King's two dice. 4190
  • بر خطا و جرم خود واقف شدند  ** گرچه مات کعبتین شه بدند 
  • Now they turn their faces towards thee, uttering cries of lamentation. O thou whose clemency is making way for sinners,
  • رو به تو کردند اکنون اه‌کنان  ** ای که لطفت مجرمان را ره‌کنان 
  • Speedily grant the defiled ones admission into the Euphrates of (thy) pardon and the fountain (which is) a (cool) washing-place,
  • راه ده آلودگان را العجل  ** در فرات عفو و عین مغتسل 
  • That they may wash themselves clean of that prolonged sin and join in prayer among the ranks of the purified—
  • تا که غسل آرند زان جرم دراز  ** در صف پاکان روند اندر نماز 
  • Among those innumerable ranks plunged in the light of ‘We are they that stand in line.’”
  • اندر آن صفها ز اندازه برون  ** غرقگان نور نحن الصافون 
  • When the discourse reached the description of this (exalted) state, at once the pen broke and the paper tore. 4195
  • چون سخن در وصف این حالت رسید  ** هم قلم بشکست و هم کاغذ درید 
  • Did any saucer measure the sea? Did a lamb ever carry off a lion?
  • بحر را پیمود هیچ اسکره‌ای  ** شیر را برداشت هرگز بره‌ای 
  • If you are veiled, go forth from enveilment, that you may behold the marvellous sovereignty (of God).
  • گر حجابستت برون رو ز احتجاب  ** تا ببینی پادشاهی عجاب 
  • Although the drunken fellows broke Thy cup, (yet) there is an excuse for him that is intoxicated by Thee.
  • گرچه بشکستند حامت قوم مست  ** آنک مست از تو بود عذریش هست 
  • Is not their intoxication with fortune and riches (the result) of Thy wine, O Thou whose actions are sweet?
  • مستی ایشان به اقبال و به مال  ** نه ز باده‌ی تست ای شیرین فعال 
  • O Emperor, they are intoxicated with Thy election (of them): pardon him that is intoxicated with Thee, O Pardoner! 4200
  • ای شهنشه مست تخصیص توند  ** عفو کن از مست خود ای عفومند 
  • The delight of being elected (singled out) by Thee at the moment of Thy addressing them has an effect that is not produced by a hundred jars of wine.
  • لذت تخصیص تو وقت خطاب  ** آن کند که ناید از صد خم شراب 
  • Since Thou hast intoxicated me, do not inflict a penalty: the Law does not see fit to inflict a penalty on the intoxicated.
  • چونک مستم کرده‌ای حدم مزن  ** شرع مستان را نبیند حد زدن 
  • Inflict it (only) at the time when I become sober; for indeed I shall never become sober (again).
  • چون شوم هشیار آنگاهم بزن  ** که نخواهم گشت خود هشیار من 
  • Whoso has drunk of Thy cup, O Gracious One, is for ever delivered from self consciousness and from the infliction of penalties.
  • هرکه از جام تو خورد ای ذوالمنن  ** تا ابد رست از هش و از حد زدن 
  • Their intoxication consists in a state of unconsciousness of self (faná), (in which they are) abiding for ever: he that passes away from self in love for Thee will not arise. 4205
  • خالدین فی فناء سکرهم  ** من تفانی فی هواکم لم یقم 
  • Thy grace saith to our heart, “Go, O thou who hast become in pawn to the buttermilk of My love.
  • فضل تو گوید دل ما را که رو  ** ای شده در دوغ عشق ما گرو 
  • Thou hast fallen, like a gnat, into My buttermilk: O gnat, thou art not intoxicated, thou art the wine (itself).
  • چون مگس در دوغ ما افتاده‌ای  ** تو نه‌ای مست ای مگس تو باده‌ای 
  • O gnat, the vultures become intoxicated by thee, when thou ridest on the ocean of honey.
  • کرگسان مست از تو گردند ای مگس  ** چونک بر بحر عسل رانی فرس 
  • The mountains are tipsy with thee (and dance) like motes; the point and the compass and the line are in thy hand (control).
  • کوهها چون ذره‌ها سرمست تو  ** نقطه و پرگار و خط در دست تو 
  • The torment at which they tremble is trembling at thee: every costly pearl is cheap to thee.” 4210
  • فتنه که لرزند ازو لرزان تست  ** هر گران‌قیمت گهر ارزان تست 
  • If God gave me five hundred mouths, I would sing in description (praise) of thee, O (my) soul and world;
  • گر خدا دادی مرا پانصد دهان  ** گفتمی شرح تو ای جان و جهان 
  • (But) I have (only) one mouth, and even that one is crushed with shame before thee, O knower of the mystery.
  • یک دهان دارم من آن هم منکسر  ** در خجالت از تو ای دانای سر 
  • In sooth I am not more crushed than non-existence, from the mouth of which (all) these peoples have come (forth).
  • منکسرتر خود نباشم از عدم  ** کز دهانش آمدستند این امم