These folk (who follow him) are (like) Israelites and worshippers of the (golden) calf: why do they fondle such a cow?
سبطیند این قوم و گوسالهپرست ** در چنین گاوی چه میمالند دست
Any one who is duped by this parasite is a carcase by night and a good-for-nothing by day.
جیفة اللیلست و بطال النهار ** هر که او شد غرهی این طبلخوار
These folk have abandoned a hundred kinds of knowledge and perfection and have embraced a deceit and imposture, saying, ‘This is ecstasy.’
هشتهاند این قوم صد علم و کمال ** مکر و تزویری گرفته کینست حال
Alas, where are the family of Moses that now they might shed the blood of the calf-worshippers
آل موسی کو دریغا تاکنون ** عابدان عجل را ریزند خون
(Who) have cast religion and piety behind their backs? Where is ‘Umar? Where is a stern command to act righteously?2065
شرع و تقوی را فکنده سوی پشت ** کو عمر کو امر معروفی درشت
For the licence practised by these people has become notorious: ’tis an indulgence enjoyed by every scoundrelly evil-doer.
کین اباحت زین جماعت فاش شد ** رخصت هر مفسد قلاش شد
Where is the Way of the Prophet and his Companions? Where are his ritual prayer and rosary and (religious) observances?”
کو ره پیغامبری و اصحاب او ** کو نماز و سبحه و آداب او
How the disciple answered that railing woman and bade her refrain from her unbelief and idle talk.
جواب گفتن مرید و زجر کردن مرید آن طعانه را از کفر و بیهوده گفتن
The youth cried out at her and said, “Enough! In bright daylight where did the night-patrol come from?
بانگ زد بر وی جوان و گفت بس ** روز روشن از کجا آمد عسس
The splendour of the (holy) men has overspread the East and the West: the heavens have bowed low in amazement.
نور مردان مشرق و مغرب گرفت ** اسمانها سجده کردند از شگفت
The Sun of God has risen from (the sign of) the Ram: the (material) sun has gone, shamefaced, under the veil.2070
آفتاب حق بر آمد از حمل ** زیر چادر رفت خورشید از خجل
How should the bletherings of a devil like you turn me back from the dust of this abode?
ترهات چون تو ابلیسی مرا ** کی بگرداند ز خاک این سرا
I have not (been impelled to) come by a wind (of vain desire) like a cloud, that I should be turned back from this (holy) presence by a dust (of foolish words).
من به بادی نامدم همچون سحاب ** تا بگردی باز گردم زین جناب
By virtue of that Light the calf becomes a qibla of (Divine) grace; without that Light the qibla becomes (a symbol of) infidelity and an idol.
عجل با آن نور شد قبلهی کرم ** قبله بی آن نور شد کفر و صنم
The licence that comes from self-will is error; the licence that comes from God is perfection.
In that quarter where the illimitable Light has shone, infidelity has become faith and the Devil has attained unto Islam.2075
کفر ایمان گشت و دیو اسلام یافت ** آن طرف کان نور بیاندازه تافت
He (the saint) is a theatre for the manifestation of the (Divine) Glory, and he is the real beloved (of God): he has carried off the prize from (taken precedence over) all the Cherubim.
مظهر عزست و محبوب به حق ** از همه کروبیان برده سبق
The worship of Adam (by the angels) is clear evidence of his superiority: the husk always bows down (pays homage) to the kernel.
سجده آدم را بیان سبق اوست ** سجده آرد مغز را پیوست پوست
O old woman, (if) you puff (try to put out) God's candle, you will be burnt, you and your head at the same time, O foul-mouthed one.
شمع حق را پف کنی تو ای عجوز ** هم تو سوزی هم سرت ای گندهپوز
How should the sea be defiled by a dog's muzzle? How should the sun be extinguished by a puff?
کی شود دریا ز پوز سگ نجس ** کی شود خورشید از پف منطمس
Even if you judge (only) by appearances, tell (me), what is more apparent than this Light?2080
حکم بر ظاهر اگر هم میکنی ** چیست ظاهرتر بگو زین روشنی
In comparison with this appearance all apparent things are in the utmost degree of imperfection and default.
جمله ظاهرها به پیش این ظهور ** باشد اندر غایت نقص و قصور
If any one puff at God's candle, how should the candle be extinguished? His jaws and nose will be burnt.
هر که بر شمع خدا آرد پف او ** شمع کی میرد بسوزد پوز او
Bats like you often dream that this world will be left orphaned (deprived) of the Sun.
چون تو خفاشان بسی بینند خواب ** کین جهان ماند یتیم از آفتاب
The fierce waves of the seas of the Spirit are a hundred times as many as was (the multitude of waves in) the Flood of Noah;
موجهای تیز دریاهای روح ** هست صد چندان که بد طوفان نوح
But hair grew (and formed an obstruction) in the eye of Canaan: he forsook Noah and the Ark and sought the mountain.2085
لیک اندر چشم کنعان موی رست ** نوح و کشتی را بهشت و کوه جست
Then half a wave swept the mountain and Canaan down into the abyss of dishonour.
کوه و کنعان را فرو برد آن زمان ** نیم موجی تا به قعر امتهان
The moon scatters her light and the dog bays: how should the dog feed on the light of the moon?
مه فشاند نور و سگ وع وع کند ** سگ ز نور ماه کی مرتع کند
Those who travel by night and move swiftly with the moon on her way, how should they relinquish their journey because of the dog's yelping?
شب روان و همرهان مه بتگ ** ترک رفتن کی کنند از بانگ سگ
The part is speeding like an arrow towards the Whole: how should it stop on account of any old hag?
جزو سوی کل دوان مانند تیر ** کی کند وقف از پی هر گندهپیر
The gnostic is the soul of religion and the soul of piety: gnosis is the result of past asceticism.2090
جان شرع و جان تقوی عارفست ** معرفت محصول زهد سالفست
Asceticism is the labour of sowing; gnosis is the growth of the seed.
زهد اندر کاشتن کوشیدنست ** معرفت آن کشت را روییدنست
Therefore the (ascetic's) hard struggle and his firm religious conviction are like the body, (while) the soul of this sowing is the growth (of the seed) and its harvesting.
پس چو تن باشد جهاد و اعتقاد ** جان این کشتن نباتست و حصاد
He (the gnostic) is both the command to do right and the right (itself); he is both the revealer of mysteries and that which is revealed.
امر معروف او و هم معروف اوست ** کاشف اسرار و هم مکشوف اوست
He is our king to-day and to-morrow: the husk is for ever a slave to his goodly kernel,
شاه امروزینه و فردای ماست ** پوست بندهی مغز نغزش دایماست
When the Shaykh (Halláj) said ‘I am God’ and carried it through (to the end), he throttled (vanquished) all the blind (sceptics).2095
چون انا الحق گفت شیخ و پیش برد ** پس گلوی جمله کوران را فشرد
When a man's ‘I’ is negated (and eliminated) from existence, then what remains? Consider, O denier.
چون انای بنده لا شد از وجود ** پس چه ماند تو بیندیش ای جحود