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  • At the Resurrection God will say to His servant, ‘Hark, what have you done with that which I bestowed on you?’
  • در قیامت بنده را گوید خدا  ** هین چه کردی آنچ دادم من ترا 
  • He will reply, ‘O Lord, I gave thanks to Thee with (all) my soul, since the source of my daily provision and bread was in Thee.’ 3260
  • گوید ای رب شکر تو کردم به جان  ** چون ز تو بود اصل آن روزی و نان 
  • (Then) God will say to him, ‘Nay, you did not give thanks to Me, inasmuch as you did not give thanks to him who made a practice of generosity.
  • گویدش حق نه نکردی شکر من  ** چون نکردی شکر آن اکرام‌فن 
  • You have done wrong and injustice to a generous man: did not My bounty come to you by his hand?’”
  • بر کریمی کرده‌ای ظلم و ستم  ** نه ز دست او رسیدت نعمتم 
  • When he (the debtor) arrived at the tomb of his benefactor, he began to weep bitterly and broke into loud lamentation.
  • چون به گور آن ولی‌نعمت رسید  ** گشت گریان زار و آمد در نشید 
  • He said, “O thou who wert the support and refuge of every noble (righteous) man and the hope and helper of wayfarers,
  • گفت ای پشت و پناه هر نبیل  ** مرتجی و غوث ابناء السبیل 
  • O thou on whose heart the care for our means of livelihood (lay constantly), O thou whose beneficence and charity were (like) the universal provision of sustenance, 3265
  • ای غم ارزاق ما بر خاطرت  ** ای چو رزق عام احسان و برت 
  • O thou who wert (as) kinsfolk and parents to the poor in (paying) their taxes and expenses and in discharging their debts,
  • ای فقیران را عشیره و والدین  ** در خراج و خرج و در ایفاء دین 
  • O thou who, like the sea, gavest pearls for those near (to thee) and (didst send) rain as a gift to those afar,
  • ای چو بحر از بهر نزدیکان گهر  ** داده و تحفه سوی دوران مطر 
  • Our backs were warmed by thee, O sun (who wert) the splendour in every palace and the treasure in every ruin.
  • پشت ما گرم از تو بود ای آفتاب  ** رونق هر قصر و گنج هر خراب 
  • O thou in whose eyebrow none ever saw knots (wrinkles), O thou (who wert) generous and bountiful as (the archangel) Michael,
  • ای در ابرویت ندیده کس گره  ** ای چو میکائیل راد و رزق‌ده 
  • O thou whose heart was connected with the Sea of the Unseen, O thou who wert the invisible ‘Anqá on the Qáf (mountain) of munificence, 3270
  • ای دلت پیوسته با دریای غیب  ** ای به قاف مکرمت عنقای غیب 
  • Who never tookest thought how much of thy wealth had gone, and the roof of the azimuth (amplitude) of thy magnanimity was never cloven,
  • یاد ناورده که از مالم چه رفت  ** سقف قصد همتت هرگز نکفت 
  • O thou to whom in (every) month and year I and a hundred like me had become a family (tenderly cared for) like thine own children,
  • ای من و صد هم‌چو من در ماه و سال  ** مر ترا چون نسل تو گشته عیال 
  • Thou wert our ready money and our movables and our furniture, our fame and our glory and our fortune.
  • نقد ما و جنس ما و رخت ما  ** نام ما و فخر ما و بخت ما 
  • Thou art not dead; (but) our luxury and fortune are dead, our happy life is dead and the sustenance that was provided in full measure.
  • تو نمردی ناز و بخت ما بمرد  ** عیش ما و رزق مستوفی بمرد 
  • (Thou wert) a single person like (equivalent to) a thousand in warfare and in generosity; (thou wert) as a hundred Hátims in the hour of lavishing bounties unselfishly. 3275
  • واحد کالالف در رزم و کرم  ** صد چو حاتم گاه ایثار نعم 
  • If Hátim bestows dead (worldly goods) on the (spiritually) dead (worldlings), he (is like one who) bestows a certain number of walnuts (on children).
  • حاتم ار مرده به مرده می‌دهد  ** گردگان‌های شمرده می‌دهد 
  • Thou at every moment art bestowing a life that, because of its preciousness, cannot be contained in breath (words).
  • تو حیاتی می‌دهی در هر نفس  ** کز نفیسی می‌نگنجد در نفس 
  • Thou art bestowing a life exceedingly enduring, real gold coin exempt from depreciation and beyond count.
  • تو حیاتی می‌دهی بس پایدار  ** نقد زر بی‌کساد و بی‌شمار 
  • There exists no heir (even) to one (noble) disposition of thine, O thou to whose abode Heaven is bowing in worship.
  • وارثی نا بوده یک خوی ترا  ** ای فلک سجده کنان کوی ترا 
  • Thy grace is the shepherd of all who have been created, (guarding them) from the wolf of pain—a loving shepherd like God's Kalím (Moses).” 3280
  • خلق را از گرگ غم لطفت شبان  ** چون کلیم الله شبان مهربان 
  • One sheep fled from God's Kalím: the feet of Moses were blistered (in following it) and his shoes dropped off.
  • گوسفندی از کلیم الله گریخت  ** پای موسی آبله شد نعل ریخت 
  • (He continued) searching after it till nightfall, and (meanwhile) the flock had vanished from his sight.
  • در پی او تا به شب در جست و جو  ** وان رمه غایب شده از چشم او 
  • The (lost) sheep was enfeebled and exhausted by fatigue: then God's Kalím shook the dust off it,
  • گوسفند از ماندگی شد سست و ماند  ** پس کلیم الله گرد از وی فشاند 
  • And stroked its back and head with his hand, fondling it lovingly like a mother.
  • کف همی‌مالید بر پشت و سرش  ** می‌نواخت از مهر هم‌چون مادرش 
  • Not (even) half a mite of irritation and anger, nothing but love and pity and tears! 3285
  • نیم ذره طیرگی و خشم نی  ** غیر مهر و رحم و آب چشم نی 
  • He said (to the sheep), “I grant you (naturally) had no pity on me, (but) why did your nature show (such) cruelty to itself?”
  • گفت گیرم بر منت رحمی نبود  ** طبع تو بر خود چرا استم نمود 
  • At that moment God said to the angels, “So-and-so is suitable for prophethood.”
  • با ملایک گفت یزدان آن زمان  ** که نبوت را نمی‌زیبد فلان 
  • Mustafá (Mohammed) himself has said that every prophet herded sheep as a young man or boy,
  • مصطفی فرمود خود که هر نبی  ** کرد چوپانیش برنا یا صبی 
  • (And that) without his having been a shepherd and (having undergone) that trial, God did not bestow on him the leadership of the world.
  • بی‌شبانی کردن و آن امتحان  ** حق ندادش پیشوایی جهان 
  • A questioner said, “Even thou, O man of might?” “I too,” he replied, “was a shepherd for a long while.” 3290
  • گفت سایل هم تو نیز ای پهلوان  ** گفت من هم بوده‌ام دهری شبان 
  • In order that their (the prophets') calmness and fortitude should be displayed, God made them shepherds before (investing them with) prophethood.
  • تا شود پیدا وقار و صبرشان  ** کردشان پیش از نبوت حق شبان 
  • Every prince who performs the task of shepherding mankind in such wise that he obeys the Commandments (of God),
  • هر امیری کو شبانی بشر  ** آن‌چنان آرد که باشد متمر 
  • (And) in tending them with foresight and understanding shows a forbearance like that of Moses,
  • حلم موسی‌وار اندر رعی خود  ** او به جا آرد به تدبیر و خرد 
  • Inevitably God will bestow on him a spiritual shepherd's office (exalted) above the sphere of the moon,
  • لاجرم حقش دهد چوپانیی  ** بر فراز چرخ مه روحانیی 
  • Even as He raised the prophets from this herding (of sheep) and gave them the task of tending the righteous. 3295
  • آنچنان که انبیا را زین رعا  ** بر کشید و داد رعی اصفیا 
  • “Thou, in short, O Khwája, hast performed in thy shepherding (of the poor) that which causes him that hates thee to become blind (utterly confounded).
  • خواجه باری تو درین چوپانیت  ** کردی آنچ کور گردد شانیت 
  • I know that God will give thee yonder an everlasting sovereignty in compensation.
  • دانم آنجا در مکافات ایزدت  ** سروری جاودانه بخشدت 
  • In hope of thy (open) hand as (bountiful as) the ocean and (in reliance) upon thy giving (me) a stipend and discharging (my obligations) in full,
  • بر امید کف چون دریای تو  ** بر وظیفه دادن و ایفای تو 
  • I recklessly incurred debts (amounting to) nine thousand pieces of gold: where art thou, that these dregs may become clear?
  • وام کردم نه هزار از زر گزاف  ** تو کجایی تا شود این درد صاف 
  • Where art thou, that laughing like the (verdant) garden thou mayst say, ‘Receive that (sum) and ten times as much from me’? 3300
  • تو کجایی تا که خندان چون چمن  ** گویی بستان آن و ده چندان ز من 
  • Where art thou, that thou mayst make me laughing (flourishing) and show favour and beneficence as lords (are wont to do)?
  • تو کجایی تا مرا خندان کنی  ** لطف و احسان چون خداوندان کنی 
  • Where art thou, that thou mayst take me into thy treasury and make me secure from debt and poverty?—
  • تو کجایی تا بری در مخزنم  ** تا کنی از وام و فاقه آمنم 
  • (Whilst) I am saying continually, ‘Enough!’ and thou, my bounteous friend, replying, ‘Accept this too for my heart's sake.’
  • من همی‌گویم بس و تو مفضلم  ** گفته کین هم گیر از بهر دلم 
  • How can a world (microcosm) be contained under the clay (of the body)? How should a Heaven be contained in the earth?
  • چون همی‌گنجد جهانی زیر طین  ** چون بگنجد آسمانی در زمین 
  • God forfend! Thou art beyond this world both in thy lifetime and at the present hour. 3305
  • حاش لله تو برونی زین جهان  ** هم به وقت زندگی هم این زمان 
  • A bird is flying in the atmosphere of the Unseen: its shadow falls on a piece of earth.
  • در هوای غیب مرغی می‌پرد  ** سایه‌ی او بر زمینی می‌زند 
  • The body is the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the heart: how is the body worthy of the (lofty) rank of the heart?
  • جسم سایه‌ی سایه‌ی سایه‌ی دلست  ** جسم کی اندر خور پایه‌ی دلست 
  • A man lies asleep: his spirit is shining in Heaven, like the sun, while his body is in bed.
  • مرد خفته روح او چون آفتاب  ** در فلک تابان و تن در جامه خواب