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  • روزکی چندی سخن کوتاه کرد ** مرد بقال از ندامت آه کرد
  • For some few days it refrained from speech; the greengrocer, in repentance, heaved deep sighs,
  • ریش بر می‌‌کند و می‌‌گفت ای دریغ ** کافتاب نعمتم شد زیر میغ‌‌
  • Tearing his beard and saying, “Alas! the sun of my prosperity has gone under the clouds.
  • دست من بشکسته بودی آن زمان ** که زدم من بر سر آن خوش زبان‌‌ 255
  • Would that my hand had been broken (powerless) at the moment when I struck (such a blow) on the head of that sweet-tongued one?”
  • هدیه‌‌ها می‌‌داد هر درویش را ** تا بیابد نطق مرغ خویش را
  • He was giving presents to every dervish, that he might get back the speech of his bird.
  • بعد سه روز و سه شب حیران و زار ** بر دکان بنشسته بد نومید وار
  • After three days and three nights, he was seated on the bench, distraught and sorrowful, like a man in despair,
  • می‌‌نمود آن مرغ را هر گون شگفت ** تا که باشد کاندر آید او بگفت‌‌
  • Showing the bird every sort of hidden (unfamiliar) thing (in the hope) that maybe it would begin to speak.
  • جولقیی سر برهنه می‌‌گذشت ** با سر بی‌‌مو چو پشت طاس و طشت‌‌
  • Meanwhile a bare-headed dervish, clad in a jawlaq (coarse woollen frock), passed by, with a head hairless as the outside of bowl and basin.
  • طوطی اندر گفت آمد در زمان ** بانگ بر درویش زد که هی فلان‌‌ 260
  • Thereupon the parrot cried to the dervish, as rational persons (might have done).
  • از چه ای کل با کلان آمیختی ** تو مگر از شیشه روغن ریختی‌‌
  • How were you mixed up with the bald, O baldpate? Did you, then, spill oil from the bottle?”
  • از قیاسش خنده آمد خلق را ** کو چو خود پنداشت صاحب دلق را
  • The bystanders laughed at the parrot's inference, because it deemed the wearer of the frock to be like itself.