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  • سرکه را گر گرم کردی ز آتش آن ** چون خوری سردی فزاید بی‏گمان‏ 3695
  • If you have made vinegar hot by means of fire, (still) when you drink it, it will undoubtedly increase the coldness (of your constitution),
  • ز انکه آن گرمی او دهلیزی است ** طبع اصلش سردی است و تیزی است‏
  • Because that (artificially produced) heat of it is exotic: its fundamental nature is coldness and tartness.
  • ور بود یخ بسته دوشاب ای پسر ** چون خوری گرمی فزاید در جگر
  • And (on the other hand), though grape-syrup be frozen, my son, it will add heat to the liver when you drink it.
  • پس ریای شیخ به ز اخلاص ماست ** کز بصیرت باشد آن وین از عماست‏
  • Hence the Shaykh's hypocrisy is better than our sincerity, for the former arises from (spiritual) insight, while the latter arises from (spiritual) blindness.
  • از حدیث شیخ جمعیت رسد ** تفرقه آرد دم اهل حسد
  • From the Shaykh's discourse comes union (concord); the words of the corporealists (materialists) bring separation (discord).
  • چون سلیمان کز سوی حضرت بتاخت ** کاو زبان جمله مرغان را شناخت‏ 3700
  • As (for example) Solomon, who sped (on his prophetic mission) from God, and who knew the language of all birds—
  • در زمان عدلش آهو با پلنگ ** انس بگرفت و برون آمد ز جنگ‏
  • In the time of his just sway the deer made friends with the leopard and ceased from war.
  • شد کبوتر ایمن از چنگال باز ** گوسفند از گرگ ناورد احتراز
  • The dove became secure from the talons of the hawk, the sheep took no precaution against the wolf.
  • او میانجی شد میان دشمنان ** اتحادی شد میان پر زنان‏
  • He (Solomon) became an arbitrator between enemies: he became a (means of establishing) oneness between the creatures that fly with wings.
  • تو چو موری بهر دانه می‏دوی ** هین سلیمان جو چه می‏باشی غوی‏
  • Thou art running after grain, like an ant. Hark! seek for Solomon! Why art thou still astray?