ور نکردی شکر اکنون خون گری ** که شدست آن حسن از کافر بری 995
But if thou hast not rendered thanks, weep (tears of) blood now, for that (spiritual) excellence has become quit of (has abandoned) the ungrateful.
امة الکفران اضل اعمالهم ** امة الایمان اصلح بالهم
He (God) causeth the works of the unbelieving people to be lost; He maketh the state of the believing people to prosper.
گم شد از بیشکر خوبی و هنر ** که دگر هرگز نبیند زان اثر
From the ungrateful man (his) excellence and knowledge disappear, so that never again does he see a trace of them.
خویشی و بیخویشی و سکر وداد ** رفت زان سان که نیاردشان به یاد
(His feelings of) affinity and non-affinity and gratitude and affection vanish in such wise that he cannot remember them;
که اضل اعمالهم ای کافران ** جستن کامست از هر کامران
For, O ingrates, (the words) He causeth their works to be lost are (signify) the flight of (every) object of desire from every one who has obtained his desire (in this world),
جز ز اهل شکر و اصحاب وفا ** که مریشان راست دولت در قفا 1000
Excepting the thankful and faithful who are attended by fortune.
دولت رفته کجا قوت دهد ** دولت آینده خاصیت دهد
How should the past fortune bestow strength (on its possessors)? ’Tis the future fortune that bestows a special virtue.
قرض ده زین دولت اندر اقرضوا ** تا که صد دولت ببینی پیش رو
In (obedience to the Divine command) “Lend,” make a loan (to God) from this (worldly) fortune, that thou mayst see a hundred fortunes before thy face.
اندکی زین شرب کم کن بهر خویش ** تا که حوض کوثری یابی به پیش
Diminish a little for thine own sake this (eating and) drinking, that thou mayst find in front (of thee) the basin of Kawthar.
جرعه بر خاک وفا آنکس که ریخت ** کی تواند صید دولت زو گریخت
He who poured a draught on the earth of faithfulness, how should the prey, fortune, be able to flee from him?