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  • که بدو ایوب از پا تا به فرق ** پاک شد از رنجها چون نور شرق‌‌
  • Whereby Job, from his feet to the crown of his head, was purged of afflictions (and made pure) like the light of the sunrise.
  • مثنوی در حجم گر بودی چو چرخ ** درنگنجیدی در او زین نیم برخ‌‌
  • If the Mathnawí were as the sky in magnitude, not half the portion of this (mystery) would find room in it,
  • کان زمین و آسمان بس فراخ ** کرد از تنگی دلم را شاخ شاخ‌‌
  • For the exceeding broad earth and sky (of the material world) caused my heart, from (their) narrowness (in comparison with the spiritual universe), to be rent in pieces;
  • وین جهانی کاندر این خوابم نمود ** از گشایش پر و بالم را گشود 2100
  • And this world that was revealed to me in this dream (of the minstrel) has spread wide my wings and pinions because of (its vast) expansion.
  • این جهان و راهش ار پیدا بدی ** کم کسی یک لحظه‌‌ای آن جا بدی‌‌
  • If this world and the way to it were manifest, no one would remain there (in the material world) for a single moment.
  • امر می‌‌آمد که نی طامع مشو ** چون ز پایت خار بیرون شد برو
  • The (Divine) command was coming (to the minstrel)—“Nay, be not covetous: inasmuch as the thorn is out of thy foot, depart”—
  • مول مولی می‌‌زد آن جا جان او ** در فضای رحمت و احسان او
  • (Whilst) his soul was lingering there in the spacious demesne of His (God's) mercy and beneficence.
  • در خواب گفتن هاتف مر عمر را رضی الله عنه که چندین زر از بیت المال به آن مرد ده که در گورستان خفته است
  • How the heavenly voice spoke to ‘Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, while he was asleep, saying, “Give a certain sum of gold from the public treasury to the man who is sleeping in the graveyard.”
  • آن زمان حق بر عمر خوابی گماشت ** تا که خویش از خواب نتوانست داشت‌‌
  • Then God sent such a drowsiness upon ‘Umar that he was unable to keep himself from slumber.
  • در عجب افتاد کاین معهود نیست ** این ز غیب افتاد بی‌‌مقصود نیست‌‌ 2105
  • He fell into amazement saying, “This is (a thing) unknown. This has fallen from the Unseen, ’tis not without purpose.”
  • سر نهاد و خواب بردش خواب دید ** کامدش از حق ندا جانش شنید
  • He laid his head down, and slumber overtook him. He dreamed that a voice came to him from God: his spirit heard
  • آن ندایی کاصل هر بانگ و نواست ** خود ندا آن است و این باقی صداست‌‌
  • That voice which is the origin of every cry and sound: that indeed is the (only) voice, and the rest are echoes.
  • ترک و کرد و پارسی گو و عرب ** فهم کرده آن ندا بی‌‌گوش و لب‌‌
  • Turcoman and Kurd and Persian-speaking man and Arab have understood that voice without (help of) ear or lip.
  • خود چه جای ترک و تاجیک است و زنگ ** فهم کرده ست آن ندا را چوب و سنگ‌‌
  • Ay, (but) what of Turcomans, Persians, and Ethiopians? (Even) wood and stone have understood that voice.
  • هر دمی از وی همی‌‌آید أ لست ** جوهر و اعراض می‌‌گردند هست‌‌ 2110
  • Every moment there is coming from Him (the call), “Am not I (your Lord)?” and substance and accidents are becoming existent.
  • گر نمی‌‌آید بلی‌‌ ز یشان ولی ** آمدنشان از عدم باشد بلی‌‌
  • If (the answer) “Yea” is not coming from them, yet their coming from non-existence (into existence) is (equivalent to) “Yea.”
  • ز آن چه گفتم من ز فهم سنگ و چوب ** در بیانش قصه‌‌ای هش دار خوب‌‌
  • Listen to a goodly tale in explanation of what I have said concerning the (spiritual) apprehension of (possessed by) stone and wood.
  • نالیدن ستون حنانه چون برای پیغامبر علیه السلام منبر ساختند که جماعت انبوه شد گفتند ما روی مبارک تو را به هنگام وعظ نمی‌‌بینیم و شنیدن رسول و صحابه آن ناله را و سؤال و جواب مصطفی صلی الله علیه و اله و سلم با ستون صریح‌‌
  • How the moaning pillar complained when they made a pulpit for the Prophet, on whom be peace—for the multitude had become great, and said, “We do not see thy blessed face when thou art exhorting us”—and how the Prophet and his Companions heard that complaint, and how Mustafá conversed with the pillar in clear language.
  • استن حنانه از هجر رسول ** ناله می‌‌زد همچو ارباب عقول‌‌
  • The moaning pillar was complaining of (its) separation from the Prophet, just as rational beings (might do).
  • گفت پیغمبر چه خواهی ای ستون ** گفت جانم از فراقت گشت خون‌‌
  • The Prophet said, “O pillar, what dost thou want?” It said, “My soul is turned to blood because of parting from thee.
  • مسندت من بودم از من تاختی ** بر سر منبر تو مسند ساختی‌‌ 2115
  • I was thy support: (now) thou hast run away from me: thou hast devised a place to lean against upon the pulpit.”
  • گفت خواهی که ترا نخلی کنند ** شرقی و غربی ز تو میوه چنند
  • “Dost thou desire,” said he, “to be made a date-palm, (so that) the people of the East and the West shall gather fruit from thee?
  • یا در آن عالم حقت سروی کند ** تا تر و تازه بمانی تا ابد
  • Or that He (God) should make thee a cypress in yonder world, so that thou wilt remain everlastingly fresh and flourishing?”
  • گفت آن خواهم که دایم شد بقاش ** بشنو ای غافل کم از چوبی مباش‌‌
  • It replied, “I desire that whereof the life is enduring for ever.” Hearken, O heedless one! Be not thou less than a piece of wood!
  • آن ستون را دفن کرد اندر زمین ** تا چو مردم حشر گردد یوم دین‌‌
  • He (the Prophet) buried that pillar in the earth, that it may be raised from the dead, like mankind, on the day of Resurrection,
  • تا بدانی هر که را یزدان بخواند ** از همه کار جهان بی‌‌کار ماند 2120
  • That (hence) thou mayst know that every one whom God has called (to Himself) remains disengaged from all the work of this world.
  • هر که را باشد ز یزدان کار و بار ** یافت بار آن جا و بیرون شد ز کار
  • Whosoever hath his work and business from God, gains admission there and goes forth from (abandons worldly) work.