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  • باز منشوری نویسد سرخ و سبز ** تا رهند ارواح از سودا و عجز
  • Again, he writes a patent in red and green, that (our) spirits may be delivered from melancholy and despair.
  • سرخ و سبز افتاد نسخ نو بهار ** چون خط قوس و قزح در اعتبار 1600
  • Red and green are Spring's cancellation (of winter); in regard (to their significance they are) like the (coloured) lines of the rainbow.
  • عکس تعظیم پیغام سلیمان علیه السلام در دل بلقیس از صورت حقیر هدهد
  • How reverence for the message of Solomon, on whom be peace, was reflected in the heart of Bilqís from the despicable form of the hoopoe.
  • رحمت صد تو بر آن بلقیس باد ** که خدایش عقل صد مرده بداد
  • Hundredfold mercy be on that Bilqís to whom God gave the intellect of a hundred men!
  • هدهدی نامه بیاورد و نشان ** از سلیمان چند حرفی با بیان‏
  • A hoopoe brought the letter with the (royal) sign-manual from Solomon—a few eloquent words.
  • خواند او آن نکتهای با شمول ** با حقارت ننگرید اندر رسول‏
  • (When) she read those pregnant sayings, she did not look with contempt on the messenger.
  • جسم هدهد دید و جان عنقاش دید ** حس چو کفی دید و دل دریاش دید
  • Her body saw him as a hoopoe, (but) her spirit saw him as the ‘Anqá; her senses saw him as a fleck of foam, (but) her heart saw him as the sea.
  • عقل با حس زین طلسمات دو رنگ ** چون محمد با ابو جهلان به جنگ‏ 1605
  • Because of these two-coloured (diverse) talismans (appearance and reality) the intellect is at war with the senses, as Mohammed with the likes of Abú Jahl.
  • کافران دیدند احمد را بشر ** چون ندیدند از وی انشق القمر
  • The infidels regarded Ahmad (Mohammed) as (only) a man, since they did not see in him (the Prophetic nature which was manifested by the miracle) the moon was cleft asunder.
  • خاک زن در دیده‏ی حس بین خویش ** دیده‏ی حس دشمن عقل است و کیش‏
  • Throw dust on your sense-perceiving eye: the sensuous eye is the enemy of intellect and religion.
  • دیده‏ی حس را خدا اعماش خواند ** بت پرستش گفت و ضد ماش خواند
  • God has called the sensuous eye blind; He has said that it is an idolater and our foe,
  • ز انکه او کف دید و دریا را ندید ** ز انکه حالی دید و فردا را ندید
  • Because it saw the foam and not the sea, because it saw the present and not to-morrow.
  • خواجه‏ی فردا و حالی پیش او ** او نمی‏بیند ز گنجی جز تسو 1610
  • The master of to-morrow and of the present (is) before it; (yet) of a (whole) treasure it sees only a groat.
  • ذره‏ای ز آن آفتاب آرد پیام ** آفتاب آن ذره را گردد غلام‏
  • (If) a mote bring a message from yonder Sun, the sun would become a slave to that mote.
  • قطره‏ای کز بحر وحدت شد سفیر ** هفت بحر آن قطره را باشد اسیر
  • The drop that has become an envoy from the Sea of Unity— the seven seas would be captive to that drop.
  • گر کف خاکی شود چالاک او ** پیش خاکش سر نهد افلاک او
  • If a handful of earth become His courier, His heavens will lay their heads (in homage) before His earth.
  • خاک آدم چون که شد چالاک حق ** پیش خاکش سر نهند املاک حق‏
  • Since the earth of Adam became God's courier, God's angels lay their heads (in worship) before His earth.
  • السماء انشقت آخر از چه بود ** از یکی چشمی که خاکی بر گشود 1615
  • Wherefore (was it), pray, that heaven was rent asunder? Because of one (spiritual) eye that an earthly creature opened.
  • خاک از دردی نشیند زیر آب ** خاک بین کز عرش بگذشت از شتاب‏
  • Earth, from its grossness, settles beneath water; (but) see how earth has sped beyond the empyrean!
  • آن لطافت پس بدان کز آب نیست ** جز عطای مبدع وهاب نیست‏
  • Know, then, that the subtlety (of water) is not (derived) from the water: ’tis only the gift of the Bounteous Originator.
  • گر کند سفلی هوا و نار را ** ور ز گل او بگذراند خار را
  • If He make air and fire low (in place), and if He let the thorn surpass the rose,
  • حاکم است و یفعل الله ما یشاء ** کاو ز عین درد انگیزد دوا
  • He is the Ruler and (the One who said) God doeth what He willeth: from the very self of pain He raises the remedy.
  • گر هوا و نار را سفلی کند ** تیرگی و دردی و ثقلی کند 1620
  • If He make air and fire low (in place), and make (them assume the qualities of) darkness and grossness and heaviness,
  • ور زمین و آب را علوی کند ** راه گردون را بپا مطوی کند
  • And if He make earth and water high (in place), and make the path of heaven (to be) traversed by foot—
  • پس یقین شد که تعز من تشاء ** خاکیی را گفت پرها بر گشا
  • Then it has become certain that Thou exaltest whomso Thou wilt: He (God) said to an earthly creature, “Unfold thy wings.”
  • آتشی را گفت رو ابلیس شو ** زیر هفتم خاک با تلبیس شو
  • To the creature of fire He said, “Go, become Iblís: begone under the Seventh Earth with (thy) imposture!
  • آدم خاکی برو تو بر سها ** ای بلیس آتشی رو تا ثری‏
  • O earthly Adam, go thou above (the star) Suhá; O fiery Iblís, go to (the bottom of) the Earth.
  • چار طبع و علت اولی نی‏ام ** در تصرف دایما من باقی‏ام‏ 1625
  • I am not the four temperaments or the first cause, I am ever remaining in (absolute) control.
  • کار من بی‏علت است و مستقیم ** هست تقدیرم نه علت ای سقیم‏
  • My action is uncaused and upright (independent): I have (the power of) predetermination, (I have) no cause, O infirm one.
  • عادت خود را بگردانم به وقت ** این غبار از پیش بنشانم به وقت‏
  • I alter My custom at the time (I choose): at the time (I will) I lay the dust (that rises) in front.
  • بحر را گویم که هین پر نار شو ** گویم آتش را که رو گلزار شو
  • I say to the sea, ‘Hark, be full of fire!’ I say to the fire, ‘Go, be a rose-garden!’
  • کوه را گویم سبک شو همچو پشم ** چرخ را گویم فرو در پیش چشم‏
  • I say to the mountain, ‘Be light as wool!’ I say to heaven, ‘Be rent asunder before the eye!’
  • گویم ای خورشید مقرون شو به ماه ** هر دو را سازم چو دو ابر سیاه‏ 1630
  • I say, ‘O sun, be joined to the moon!’ I make them both like two black clouds.
  • چشمه‏ی خورشید را سازیم خشک ** چشمه‏ی خون را به فن سازیم مشک‏
  • We make dry the fountain of the sun: by Our art We turn into musk the fountain of blood.”
  • آفتاب و مه چو دو گاو سیاه ** یوغ بر گردن ببنددشان اله‏
  • Sun and moon (shall be) like two black oxen: God will fasten a yoke upon their necks.
  • انکار فلسفی بر قرائت إن أصبح ماؤکم غورا
  • How a philosopher showed disbelief at the recitation of (the text), “if your water shall have sunk into the ground.”
  • مقریی می‏خواند از روی کتاب ** ماؤکم غورا ز چشمه بندم آب‏
  • A teacher of Qur’án-recitation was reading from the page of the Book, “(if) your water (shall have) sunk into the ground: (that is, if) I stop the water from (reaching) the spring,
  • آب را در غورها پنهان کنم ** چشمه‏ها را خشک و خشکستان کنم‏
  • And hide the water in the depths, and make the springs dry and a place of drought,
  • آب را در چشمه کی آرد دگر ** جز من بی‏مثل با فضل و خطر 1635
  • Who shall bring the water to the spring again except Me who have no like, the Gracious, the Glorious?”
  • فلسفی منطقی مستهان ** می‏گذشت از سوی مکتب آن زمان‏
  • A contemptible philosopher and logician was passing beside the school at that moment.
  • چون که بشنید آیت او از ناپسند ** گفت آریم آب را ما با کلند
  • When he heard the verse (of the Qur’án), he said in disapproval, “We bring the water (back) with a mattock;
  • ما بزخم بیل و تیزی تبر ** آب را آریم از پستی ز بر
  • With strokes of the spade and (with) the sharpness of the axe we bring the water up from below.”
  • شب بخفت و دید او یک شیر مرد ** زد طپانچه هر دو چشمش کور کرد
  • At night he fell asleep and saw (in dream) a lion-hearted man (who) gave (him) a blow on the face and blinded both his eyes,
  • گفت زین دو چشمه‏ی چشم ای شقی ** با تبر نوری بر آر ار صادقی‏ 1640
  • And said, “O wretch, if you are speaking the truth, bring up some light with an axe from these two springs of vision.”
  • روز بر جست و دو چشم کور دید ** نور فایض از دو چشمش ناپدید
  • At (dawn of) day he jumped up and found (he had) two blind eyes: from both his eyes the overflowing light had vanished.
  • گر بنالیدی و مستغفر شدی ** نور رفته از کرم ظاهر شدی‏
  • If he had moaned and asked pardon (of God), the departed light would have appeared (again) through (God's) kindness;
  • لیک استغفار هم در دست نیست ** ذوق توبه نقل هر سر مست نیست‏
  • But (the power of) asking pardon, also, is not in (our) hands: the savour of repentance is not the dessert of every inebriate.
  • زشتی اعمال و شومی جحود ** راه توبه بر دل او بسته بود
  • The wickedness of (his) actions and the disastrousness of (his) denial (of the Truth) had barred the way of repentance to his heart.
  • دل به سختی همچو روی سنگ گشت ** چون شکافد توبه آن را بهر کشت‏ 1645
  • His heart became in hardness as the face of a rock: how should repentance cleave it for sowing?
  • چون شعیبی کو که تا او را دعا ** بهر کشتن خاک سازد کوه را
  • Where is one like Shu‘ayb, that by prayer he may make the mountain earth (fit) for sowing?
  • از نیاز و اعتقاد آن خلیل ** گشت ممکن امر صعب و مستحیل‏
  • Through the supplication and (firm) belief of that Friend (Abraham) the thing that was hard and impossible became possible.
  • یا به دریوزه‏ی مقوقس از رسول ** سنگ‏لاخی مزرعی شد با اصول‏
  • Or, (to give another example), through the Muqawqis' begging the Prophet a stony ground became a goodly cornfield.