گفت اگر چه پاکم از ذکر شما ** نیست لایق مر مرا تصویرها
- He has said, “Although I far transcend your commemoration (of Me), (and although) the pictorial ideas (of human speech) are not suitable to Me,
لیک هرگز مست تصویر و خیال ** در نیابد ذات ما را بیمثال
- Yet he that is intoxicated with (pictorial) imagination and fancy will never apprehend My essence without (the help of) similitude.”
ذکر جسمانه خیال ناقص است ** وصف شاهانه از آنها خالص است
- Bodily commemoration is an imperfect fancy: the Kingly attributes are remote from those (forms of speech).
شاه را گوید کسی جولاه نیست ** این چه مدح است این مگر آگاه نیست
- If any one say of a king, “He is not a weaver,” what praise is this? He (that person) is surely ignorant.
انکار کردن موسی علیه السلام بر مناجات شبان
- How Moses, on whom be peace, took offence at the prayer of the shepherd.
دید موسی یک شبانی را به راه ** کاو همیگفت ای خدا و ای اله 1720
- Moses saw a shepherd on the way, who was saying, “O God who choosest (whom Thou wilt),
تو کجایی تا شوم من چاکرت ** چارقت دوزم کنم شانه سرت
- Where art Thou, that I may become Thy servant and sew Thy shoes and comb Thy head?
جامهات شویم شپشهایت کشم ** شیر پیشت آورم ای محتشم
- That I may wash Thy clothes and kill Thy lice and bring milk to Thee, O worshipful One;
دستکت بوسم بمالم پایکت ** وقت خواب آید بروبم جایکت
- That I may kiss Thy little hand and rub Thy little foot, (and when) bedtime comes I may sweep Thy little room,
ای فدای تو همه بزهای من ** ای به یادت هیهی و هیهای من
- O Thou to whom all my goats be a sacrifice, O Thou in remembrance of whom are my cries of ay and ah!”
این نمط بیهوده میگفت آن شبان ** گفت موسی با کی است این ای فلان 1725
- The shepherd was speaking foolish words in this wise. Moses said, “Man, to whom is this (addressed)?”
گفت با آن کس که ما را آفرید ** این زمین و چرخ از او آمد پدید
- He answered, “To that One who created us; by whom this earth and sky were brought to sight.”
گفت موسی های خیرهسر شدی ** خود مسلمان ناشده کافر شدی
- “Hark!” said Moses, “you have become very backsliding (depraved); indeed you have not become a Moslem, you have become an infidel.
این چه ژاژست و چه کفر است و فشار ** پنبهای اندر دهان خود فشار
- What babble is this? what blasphemy and raving? Stuff some cotton into your mouth!
گند کفر تو جهان را گنده کرد ** کفر تو دیبای دین را ژنده کرد
- The stench of your blasphemy has made the (whole) world stinking: your blasphemy has turned the silk robe of religion into rags.
چارق و پا تابه لایق مر تراست ** آفتابی را چنینها کی رواست 1730
- Shoes and socks are fitting for you, (but) how are such things right for (One who is) a Sun?
گر نبندی زین سخن تو حلق را ** آتشی آید بسوزد خلق را
- If you do not stop your throat from (uttering) these words, a fire will come and burn up the people.
آتشی گر نامده ست این دود چیست ** جان سیه گشته روان مردود چیست
- If a fire has not come, (then) what is this smoke? Why has your soul become black and your spirit rejected (by God)?
گر همیدانی که یزدان داور است ** ژاژ و گستاخی ترا چون باور است
- If you know that God is the Judge, how is it right for you (to indulge in) this doting talk and familiarity?
دوستی بیخرد خود دشمنی است ** حق تعالی زین چنین خدمت غنی است
- Truly, the friendship of a witless man is enmity: the high God is not in want of suchlike service.
با که میگویی تو این با عم و خال ** جسم و حاجت در صفات ذو الجلال 1735
- To whom are you saying this? To your paternal and maternal uncles? Are the body and (its) needs among the attributes of the Lord of glory?
شیر او نوشد که در نشو و نماست ** چارق او پوشد که او محتاج پاست
- (Only) he that is waxing and growing drinks milk: (only) he that has need of feet puts on shoes.
ور برای بندهش است این گفتوگو ** آن که حق گفت او من است و من خود او
- And if these words of yours are (meant) for His servant, of whom God said, ‘He is I and I myself am he’;
آن که گفت انی مرضت لم تعد ** من شدم رنجور او تنها نشد
- (For him) of whom He (God) said, ‘Verily, I was sick and thou didst not visit Me,’ (that is), ‘I became ill, not he (the sick man) alone’;
آن که بییسمع و بییبصر شده ست ** در حق آن بنده این هم بیهده ست
- (For him) who has become seeing by Me and hearing by Me— this (talk of yours) is foolish nonsense even in regard to that servant.
بیادب گفتن سخن با خاص حق ** دل بمیراند سیه دارد ورق 1740
- To speak irreverently to one chosen of God causes the heart (spirit) to perish and keeps the page (record) black.
گر تو مردی را بخوانی فاطمه ** گر چه یک جنسند مرد و زن همه
- If you should call a man ‘Fátima’—though men and women are all of one kind—
قصد خون تو کند تا ممکن است ** گر چه خوش خو و حلیم و ساکن است
- He will seek to murder you, so far as it is possible (for him), albeit he is good-natured and forbearing and quiet.
فاطمه مدح است در حق زنان ** مرد را گویی بود زخم سنان
- (The name) Fátima is (a term of) praise in regard to women, (but) if you address it to a man, ’tis (like) the blow of a spearhead.
دست و پا در حق ما استایش است ** در حق پاکی حق آلایش است
- Hand and foot are (terms of) praise in relation to us; in relation to the holiness of God they are pollution.
لم یلد لم یولد او را لایق است ** والد و مولود را او خالق است 1745
- (The words) He begat not, He was not begotten are appropriate to Him: He is the Creator of begetter and begotten.
هر چه جسم آمد ولادت وصف اوست ** هر چه مولود است او زین سوی جوست
- Birth is the attribute of everything that is (a) body: whatever is born is on this side of the river,
ز انکه از کون و فساد است و مهین ** حادث است و محدثی خواهد یقین
- Because it is of (the world of) becoming and decay and (is) contemptible: it is originated and certainly requires an Originator.”
گفت ای موسی دهانم دوختی ** و ز پشیمانی تو جانم سوختی
- He (the shepherd) said, “O Moses, thou hast closed my mouth and thou hast burned my soul with repentance.”
جامه را بدرید و آهی کرد تفت ** سر نهاد اندر بیابانی و رفت
- He rent his garment and heaved a sigh, and hastily turned his head towards a desert and went (his way).
عتاب کردن حق تعالی با موسی علیه السلام از بهر آن شبان
- How the high God rebuked Moses, on whom be peace, on account of the shepherd.
وحی آمد سوی موسی از خدا ** بندهی ما را ز ما کردی جدا 1750
- A revelation came to Moses from God—“Thou hast parted My servant from Me.
تو برای وصل کردن آمدی ** نی برای فصل کردن آمدی
- Didst thou come (as a prophet) to unite, or didst thou come to sever?
تا توانی پا منه اندر فراق ** أبغض الأشیاء عندی الطلاق
- So far as thou canst, do not set foot in separation: of (all) things the most hateful to Me is divorce.
هر کسی را سیرتی بنهادهام ** هر کسی را اصطلاحی دادهام
- I have bestowed on every one a (special) way of acting: I have given to every one a (peculiar) form of expression.
در حق او مدح و در حق تو ذم ** در حق او شهد و در حق تو سم
- In regard to him it is (worthy of) praise, and in regard to thee it is (worthy of) blame: in regard to him honey, and in regard to thee poison.
ما بری از پاک و ناپاکی همه ** از گران جانی و چالاکی همه 1755
- I am independent of all purity and impurity, of all slothfulness and alacrity (in worshipping Me).
من نکردم امر تا سودی کنم ** بلکه تا بر بندگان جودی کنم
- I did not ordain (Divine worship) that I might make any profit; nay, but that I might do a kindness to (My) servants.
هندوان را اصطلاح هند مدح ** سندیان را اصطلاح سند مدح
- In the Hindoos the idiom of Hind (India) is praiseworthy; in the Sindians the idiom of Sind is praiseworthy.
من نگردم پاک از تسبیحشان ** پاک هم ایشان شوند و در فشان
- I am not sanctified by their glorification (of Me); ’tis they that become sanctified and pearl-scattering (pure and radiant).
ما زبان را ننگریم و قال را ** ما روان را بنگریم و حال را
- I look not at the tongue and the speech; I look at the spirit and the state (of feeling).
ناظر قلبیم اگر خاشع بود ** گر چه گفت لفظ ناخاضع رود 1760
- I gaze into the heart (to see) whether it be lowly, though the words uttered be not lowly,
ز انکه دل جوهر بود گفتن عرض ** پس طفیل آمد عرض جوهر غرض
- Because the heart is the substance, speech (only) the accident; so the accident is subservient, the substance is the (real) object.
چند ازین الفاظ و اضمار و مجاز ** سوز خواهم سوز با آن سوز ساز
- How much (more) of these phrases and conceptions and metaphors? I want burning, burning: become friendly with that burning!
آتشی از عشق در جان بر فروز ** سربهسر فکر و عبارت را بسوز
- Light up a fire of love in thy soul, burn thought and expression entirely (away)!
موسیا آداب دانان دیگرند ** سوخته جان و روانان دیگرند
- O Moses, they that know the conventions are of one sort, they whose souls and spirits burn are of another sort.”
عاشقان را هر نفس سوزیدنی ست ** بر ده ویران خراج و عشر نیست 1765
- To lovers there is a burning (which consumes them) at every moment: tax and tithe are not (imposed) on a ruined village.