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  • ساجد و مسجود از جان بی‌خبر ** دیده از جان جنبشی واندک اثر 910
  • (Both) the worshipper and the object of worship are ignorant of the spirit; (but) he (the worshipper) has felt a movement and a slight effect of the spirit.
  • دیده در وقتی که شد حیران و دنگ ** که سخن گفت و اشارت کرد سنگ
  • He has felt, at the moment when he became rapt (in devotion) and bewildered, that the stone spoke and made signs.
  • نرد خدمت چون بنا موضع بباخت ** شیر سنگین را شقی شیری شناخت
  • When the wretched man bestowed his devotion in the wrong place and deemed the lion of stone to be a (real) lion,
  • از کرم شیر حقیقی کرد جود ** استخوانی سوی سگ انداخت زود
  • The real Lion, from kindness, showed munificence and at once threw a bone to the dog,
  • گفت گرچه نیست آن سگ بر قوام ** لیک ما را استخوان لطفیست عام
  • And said, “Although the dog is not in (due) order, yet as regards me the bone is a bounty of which all partake.”
  • قصه‌ی یاری خواستن حلیمه از بتان چون عقیب فطام مصطفی را علیه‌السلام گم کرد و لرزیدن و سجده‌ی بتان و گواهی دادن ایشان بر عظمت کار مصطفی صلی‌الله علیه و سلم
  • Story of Halíma's asking help of the idols when she lost Mustafá (Mohammed)—on whom be peace—after he was weaned, and how the idols trembled and prostrated themselves and bore witness to the grandeur of Mohammed's estate—may God bless and save him!
  • قصه‌ی راز حلیمه گویمت ** تا زداید داستان او غمت 915
  • I will tell you the story of Halíma's mystic experience, that her tale may clear away your trouble.
  • مصطفی را چون ز شیر او باز کرد ** بر کفش برداشت چون ریحان و ورد
  • When she parted Mustafá from (her) milk, she took him up on the palm of her hand as (tenderly as though he were) sweet basil and roses,
  • می‌گریزانیدش از هر نیک و بد ** تا سپارد آن شهنشه را به جد
  • Causing him to avoid every good or evil (hap), that she might commit that (spiritual) emperor to (the care of) his grandsire.
  • چون همی آورد امانت را ز بیم ** شد به کعبه و آمد او اندر حطیم
  • Since she was bringing the (precious) trust in fear (for its safety), she went to the Ka‘ba and came into the Hatím.
  • از هوا بشنید بانگی کای حطیم ** تافت بر تو آفتابی بس عظیم
  • From the air she heard a cry—“O Hatím, an exceedingly mighty Sun hath shone upon thee.
  • ای حطیم امروز آید بر تو زود ** صد هزاران نور از خورشید جود 920
  • O Hatím, to-day there will suddenly come upon thee a hundred thousand beams from the Sun of munificence.
  • ای حطیم امروز آرد در تو رخت ** محتشم شاهی که پیک اوست بخت
  • O Hatím, to-day there will march into thee with pomp a glorious King, whose harbinger is Fortune.
  • ای حطیم امروز بی‌شک از نوی ** منزل جانهای بالایی شوی
  • O Hatím, to-day without doubt thou wilt become anew the abode of exalted spirits.
  • جان پاکان طلب طلب و جوق جوق ** آیدت از هر نواحی مست شوق
  • The spirits of the holy will come to thee from every quarter in troops and multitudes, drunken with desire.”
  • گشت حیران آن حلیمه زان صدا ** نه کسی در پیش نه سوی قفا
  • Halíma was bewildered by that voice: neither in front nor behind was any one (to be seen).
  • شش جهت خالی ز صورت وین ندا ** شد پیاپی آن ندا را جان فدا 925
  • (All) the six directions were empty of (any visible) form, and this cry was continuous—may the soul be a ransom for that cry!
  • مصطفی را بر زمین بنهاد او ** تا کند آن بانگ خوش را جست و جو
  • She laid Mustafá on the earth, that she might search after the sweet sound.
  • چشم می‌انداخت آن دم سو به سو ** که کجا است این شه اسرارگو
  • Then she cast her eye to and fro, saying, “Where is that king that tells of mysteries?
  • کین چنین بانگ بلند از چپ و راست ** می‌رسد یا رب رساننده کجاست
  • For such a loud sound is arriving from left and right. O Lord, where is he that causes it to arrive?”
  • چون ندید او خیره و نومید شد ** جسم لرزان هم‌چو شاخ بید شد
  • When she did not see (any one), she became distraught and despairing: her body began to tremble like the willow-bough.
  • باز آمد سوی آن طفل رشید ** مصطفی را بر مکان خود ندید 930
  • She came back towards that righteous child: she did not see Mustafá in his (former) place.
  • حیرت اندر حیرت آمد بر دلش ** گشت بس تاریک از غم منزلش
  • Bewilderment on bewilderment fell upon her heart: from grief her abode became very dark.
  • سوی منزلها دوید و بانگ داشت ** که کی بر دردانه‌ام غارت گماشت
  • She ran to the dwellings (hard by) and raised an outcry, saying, “Who has carried off my single pearl?”
  • مکیان گفتند ما را علم نیست ** ما ندانستیم که آنجا کودکیست
  • The Meccans said, “We have no knowledge: we knew not that a child was there.”
  • ریخت چندان اشک و کرد او بس فغان ** که ازو گریان شدند آن دیگران
  • She shed so many tears and made (so) much lamentation that those others began to weep because of her (grief).
  • سینه کوبان آن چنان بگریست خوش ** که اختران گریان شدند از گریه‌اش 935
  • Beating her breast, she wept so well (mightily) that the stars were made to weep by her weeping.
  • حکایت آن پیر عرب کی دلالت کرد حلیمه را به استعانت به بتان
  • Story of the old Arab who directed Halíma to seek help from the idols.
  • پیرمردی پیشش آمد با عصا ** کای حلیمه چه فتاد آخر ترا
  • An old man with a staff approached her, saying, “Why, what hath befallen thee, O Halíma,
  • که چنین آتش ز دل افروختی ** این جگرها را ز ماتم سوختی
  • That thou didst let such a fire (of grief) blaze (forth) from thy heart and consume these bowels (of the bystanders) with mourning?”
  • گفت احمد را رضیعم معتمد ** پس بیاوردم که بسپارم به جد
  • She replied, “I am Ahmad's (Mohammed's) trusted foster-mother, so I brought him (back) to hand him over to his grandsire.
  • چون رسیدم در حطیم آوازها ** می‌رسید و می‌شنیدم از هوا
  • When I arrived in the Hatím, voices were coming (down) and I was hearing (them) from the air.
  • من چو آن الحان شنیدم از هوا ** طفل را بنهادم آنجا زان صدا 940
  • When I heard from the air those melodious strains, because of that sound I laid down the infant there,
  • تا ببینم این ندا آواز کیست ** که ندایی بس لطیف و بس شهیست
  • To see whose voice is (the origin of) this cry, for it is a very beautiful cry and very delightful.
  • نه از کسی دیدم بگرد خود نشان ** نه ندا می منقطع شد یک زمان
  • I saw no sign of any one around me: the cry was not ceasing for one moment.
  • چونک واگشتم ز حیرتهای دل ** طفل را آنجا ندیدم وای دل
  • When I returned (to my senses) from the bewilderments of my heart, I did not see the child there (where I had left him): alas for my heart!”
  • گفتش ای فرزند تو انده مدار ** که نمایم مر ترا یک شهریار
  • He (the old man) said, “O daughter, do not grieve, for I will show unto thee a queen,
  • که بگوید گر بخواهد حال طفل ** او بداند منزل و ترحال طفل 945
  • Who, if she wish, will tell what has happened to the child: she knows the dwelling-place of the child and his setting-out (on the way).”
  • پس حلیمه گفت ای جانم فدا ** مر ترا ای شیخ خوب خوش‌ندا
  • Then Halíma said, “Oh, my soul be a ransom for thee, O goodly and fair-spoken Shaykh!
  • هین مرا بنمای آن شاه نظر ** کش بود از حال طفل من خبر
  • Come, show me that queen of clairvoyance who hath knowledge of what has happened to my child.”
  • برد او را پیش عزی کین صنم ** هست در اخبار غیبی مغتنم
  • He brought her to ‘Uzzá, saying, “This idol is greatly prized for information concerning the Unseen.
  • ما هزاران گم شده زو یافتیم ** چون به خدمت سوی او بشتافتیم
  • Through her we have found thousands that were lost, when we hastened towards her in devotion.”
  • پیر کرد او را سجود و گفت زود ** ای خداوند عرب ای بحر جود 950
  • The old man prostrated himself before her (‘Uzzá) and said at once, “O Sovereign of the Arabs, O sea of munificence!”
  • گفت ای عزی تو بس اکرامها ** کرده‌ای تا رسته‌ایم از دامها
  • (Then) he said, “O ‘Uzzá, thou hast done many favours (to us), so that we have been delivered from snares.
  • بر عرب حقست از اکرام تو ** فرض گشته تا عرب شد رام تو
  • On account of thy favour the duty (of worshipping thee) has become obligatory to the Arabs, so that the Arabs have submitted to thee.
  • این حلیمه‌ی سعدی از اومید تو ** آمد اندر ظل شاخ بید تو
  • In hope of thee this Halíma of (the tribe) Sa‘d has come into the shadow of thy willow-bough,
  • که ازو فرزند طفلی گم شدست ** نام آن کودک محمد آمدست
  • For an infant child of hers is lost: the name of that child is Mohammed.”
  • چون محمد گفت آن جمله بتان ** سرنگون گشت و ساجد آن زمان 955
  • When he said “Mohammed,” all those idols immediately fell headlong and prostrate,
  • که برو ای پیر این چه جست و جوست ** آن محمد را که عزل ما ازوست
  • Saying, “Begone, O old man! What is this search after that Mohammed by whom we are deposed?
  • ما نگون و سنگسار آییم ازو ** ما کساد و بی‌عیار آییم ازو
  • By him we are overthrown and reduced to a collection of (broken) stones; by him we are made unsaleable and valueless.
  • آن خیالاتی که دیدندی ز ما ** وقت فترت گاه گاه اهل هوا
  • Those phantoms which the followers of vain opinion used to see from us at times during the Fatra
  • گم شود چون بارگاه او رسید ** آب آمد مر تیمم را درید
  • Will disappear now that his royal court has arrived: the water is come and has torn up (annulled) the ablution with sand.