گفت نی آن نار اصل عارهاست ** همچو این ناری که این زن را بکاست
He said, “Nay, that Fire is the source of (all) shames”—like the fire (of lust) that destroyed this woman.
لقمه اندازه نخورد از حرص خود ** در گلو بگرفت لقمه مرگ بد
In her greed she ate immoderately: the mouthful of an infamous death stuck in her throat (and choked her).
لقمه اندازه خور ای مرد حریص ** گرچه باشد لقمه حلوا و خبیص
Eat (and drink) in moderation, O greedy man, though it be a mouthful of halwá or khabís.
حق تعالی داد میزان را زبان ** هین ز قرآن سورهی رحمن بخوان 1400
The high God hath given the balance a tongue (which you must regulate): hark, recite the Súratu’ l-Rahmán (the Chapter of the Merciful) in the Qur’án.
هین ز حرص خویش میزان را مهل ** آز و حرص آمد ترا خصم مضل
Beware, do not in your greed let the balance go: cupidity and greed are enemies that lead you to perdition.
حرص جوید کل بر آید او ز کل ** حرص مپرست ای فجل ابن الفجل
Greed craves all and loses all: do not serve greed, O ignoble son of the ignoble.
آن کنیزک میشد و میگفت آه ** کردی ای خاتون تو استا را به راه
The maid, whilst she went (on her errand), was saying (to herself), “Ah, mistress, thou hast sent away the expert.
کار بیاستاد خواهی ساختن ** جاهلانه جان بخواهی باختن
Thou wilt set to work without the expert and wilt foolishly hazard thy life.
ای ز من دزدیده علمی ناتمام ** ننگ آمد که بپرسی حال دام 1405
O thou who hast stolen from me an imperfect knowledge, thou wert ashamed to ask about the trap.”
هم بچیدی دانه مرغ از خرمنش ** هم نیفتادی رسن در گردنش
(If) the bird had picked the grain from its stack, the (trap-) cord would not have fallen on its neck (and made it captive).
دانه کمتر خور مکن چندین رفو ** چون کلوا خواندی بخوان لا تسرفوا
Eat less of the grain, do not patch (the body) so much (with food): after having recited eat ye, recite (also) do not exceed,
تا خوری دانه نیفتی تو به دام ** این کند علم و قناعت والسلام
So that you may eat the grain and (yet) not fall into the trap. Knowledge and contentment effect this. And (now) farewell.
نعمت از دنیا خورد عاقل نه غم ** جاهلان محروم مانده در ندم
The wise man gets happiness from the present life, not sorrow, (while) the ignorant are left in disappointment and regret.
چون در افتد در گلوشان حبل دام ** دانه خوردن گشت بر جمله حرام 1410
When the trap-cord (of sensuality) falls on their throats, it becomes unlawful (forbidden) to them all to eat the grain.
مرغ اندر دام دانه کی خورد ** دانه چون زهرست در دام ار چرد
How should the bird in the trap eat (enjoy) the grain? The grain in the trap is like poison (to him), if he feed (on it).
مرغ غافل میخورد دانه ز دام ** همچو اندر دام دنیا این عوام
(Only) the heedless bird will eat grain from the trap, as these common folk do in the trap of the present world.
باز مرغان خبیر هوشمند ** کردهاند از دانه خود را خشکبند
Again, the knowing and prudent birds have debarred themselves from the grain;
که اندرون دام دانه زهرباست ** کور آن مرغی که در فخ دانه خواست
For the grain in the trap is poisonous food: blind is the bird that desires the grain in the trap.
صاحب دام ابلهان را سر برید ** وآن ظریفان را به مجلسها کشید 1415
The Owner of the trap cut off the heads of the foolish ones, and conducted the clever ones to the (exalted) assembly-places;
که از آنها گوشت میآید به کار ** وز ظریفان بانگ و نالهی زیر و زار
For in the former (only) the flesh is serviceable, but in the clever ones (their) song and warble soft and low.
پس کنیزک آمد از اشکاف در ** دید خاتون را به مرده زیر خر
Deinde venit ancilla perque rimam januae heram videt sub asino mortuam. [Then, the maidservant arrived. Through a crack in the door, she saw the lady dead under the ass.]
گفت ای خاتون احمق این چه بود ** گر ترا استاد خود نقشی نمود
“O hera stulta,” inquit, “hoc (facinus ineptum) quid fuit, etsi ea quae perita est technam tibi ostenderat? [She said, “O foolish lady, what was this (foolish deed), even if your teacher showed you a plan (of the method)?]
ظاهرش دیدی سرش از تو نهان ** اوستا ناگشته بگشادی دکان
Technae quod patebat vidisti, tibi ignotum quod latebat: imperita tabernam aperuisti. [You saw its outward (form); its secret (was) hidden from you. Not having become a master (of the craft), you opened the shop.]
کیر دیدی همچو شهد و چون خبیص ** آن کدو را چون ندیدی ای حریص 1420
Veretrum tanquam mel vel cibum ex dactylis et butyro comparatum vidisti: cur illam cucurbitam non vidisti, O avida? [You saw the penis, like honey or like dates (cooked with flour and butter): why did you not see the gourd, O greedy one?]
یا چون مستغرق شدی در عشق خر ** آن کدو پنهان بماندت از نظر
Vel cur, cum asini amore obruta esses, cucurbita visu tuo sejuncta manebat? [Or (why), when you were immersed in love for the ass, did the gourd remain hidden from your sight?]
ظاهر صنعت بدیدی زوستاد ** اوستادی برگرفتی شاد شاد
Docta ab ea quae perita est vidisti technae speciem externam: peritiam ipsa valde gaudens assumpsisti.” [You saw the external (form) of the craft from the master, (and then) you assumed expertise very joyfully. ]
ای بسا زراق گول بیوقوف ** از ره مردان ندیده غیر صوف
Oh, there is many a stupid ignorant hypocrite who has seen nothing of the Way of the (holy) men except the woollen mantle (súf).
ای بسا شوخان ز اندک احتراف ** از شهان ناموخته جز گفت و لاف
Oh, there are many impudent fellows who, with little practice (in the religious life), have learned from the (spiritual) kings nothing but talk and brag.
هر یکی در کف عصا که موسیام ** میدمد بر ابلهان که عیسیام 1425
Every one (of them), staff (rod) in hand, says, “I am Moses,” and breathes upon the foolish folk, saying, “I am Jesus.”
آه از آن روزی که صدق صادقان ** باز خواهد از تو سنگ امتحان
Alas the Day when the touchstone will demand from thee the sincerity of the sincere!
آخر از استاد باقی را بپرس ** یا حریصان جمله کورانند و خرس
Come, inquire of the Master (what is) the remainder (of the Way); or are the greedy ones all blind and deaf?
جمله جستی باز ماندی از همه ** صید گرگانند این ابله رمه
You craved all and you lost all: this foolish flock are the prey of wolves.
صورتی بنشینده گشتی ترجمان ** بیخبر از گفت خود چون طوطیان
Having heard a form (of words), you have become its expounder, (though) ignorant of (the meaning of) your words— like parrots.
تمثیل تلقین شیخ مریدان را و پیغامبر امت را کی ایشان طاقت تلقین حق ندارند و با حقالف ندارند چنانک طوطی با صورت آدمی الف ندارد کی ازو تلقین تواند گرفت حق تعالی شیخ را چون آیینهای پیش مرید همچو طوطی دارد و از پس آینه تلقین میکند لا تحرک به لسانک ان هو الا وحی یوحی اینست ابتدای مسلهی بیمنتهی چنانک منقار جنبانیدن طوطی اندرون آینه کی خیالش میخوانی بیاختیار و تصرف اوست عکس خواندن طوطی برونی کی متعلمست نه عکس آن معلم کی پس آینه است و لیکن خواندن طوطی برونی تصرف آن معلم است پس این مثال آمد نه مثل
The instruction given by a Shaykh to disciples, or by a prophet to a people, who are unable to receive the Divine lesson and have no familiar acquaintance with God, may be compared with the case of a parrot which has no such acquaintance with the (inward) form of a man, so that it should be able to receive instruction (directly) from him. God most High holds the Shaykh in front of the disciple, as the mirror (is held) in front of the parrot, while He (Himself) dictates from behind the mirror, saying, “Do not move thy tongue to hasten it (the Revelation); it is naught but an inspiration that is inspired (by God).” This is the beginning of an endless problem. When the parrot, which ye call the image, moves its beak in the mirror, the movement is not (made) by its own volition and power: it is the reflexion of the (movement made in) articulation by the parrot outside, which is the learner; not the reflexion of (the movement made by) the Teacher behind the mirror; but the external parrot's articulation is controlled by the Teacher. This, then, is (only) a comparison, not a (complete) similitude.
طوطیی در آینه میبیند او ** عکس خود را پیش او آورده رو 1430
A parrot sees its reflexion (image) facing it in the mirror.
در پس آیینه آن استا نهان ** حرف میگوید ادیب خوشزبان
The teacher is concealed behind the mirror: that sweet-tongued well-instructed man is talking.
The little parrot thinks that these words uttered in low tones are spoken by the parrot in the mirror.
پس ز جنس خویش آموز سخن ** بیخبر از مکر آن گرگ کهن
Therefore it learns (human) speech from one of its own kind, being unaware of the cunning of that old wolf.
از پس آیینه میآموزدش ** ورنه ناموزد جز از جنس خودش
He is teaching it behind the mirror; otherwise (it would not talk, for) it does not learn except from its congeners.
گفت را آموخت زان مرد هنر ** لیک از معنی و سرش بیخبر 1435
It (really) learned to talk from that accomplished man, but it is ignorant of his meaning and mystery.
از بشر بگرفت منطق یک به یک ** از بشر جز این چه داند طوطیک
It received speech, word by word, from Man; (but) what should the little parrot know of Man except this?
همچنان در آینهی جسم ولی ** خویش را بیند مردی ممتلی
Similarly, the disciple full (of egoism) sees himself in the mirror of the Shaykh's body.
از پس آیینه عقل کل را ** کی ببیند وقت گفت و ماجرا
How should he see Universal Reason behind the mirror at the time of speech and discourse?
او گمان دارد که میگوید بشر ** وان گر سرست و او زان بیخبر
He supposes that a man is speaking; and the other (Universal Reason) is a mystery of which he is ignorant.
حرف آموزد ولی سر قدیم ** او نداند طوطی است او نی ندیم 1440
He learns the words, but the eternal mystery he cannot know, for he is a parrot, not a boon-companion.
هم صفیر مرغ آموزند خلق ** کین سخن کار دهان افتاد و حلق
Likewise, people learn the note of birds, for this speech (of birds) is an affair of the mouth and throat;
لیک از معنی مرغان بیخبر ** جز سلیمان قرانی خوشنظر
But (all are) ignorant of the birds' meaning, except an august Solomon of goodly insight.
حرف درویشان بسی آموختند ** منبر و محفل بدان افروختند
Many learned the language of (true) dervishes and gave lustre therewith to the pulpit and assembly-place.
یا به جز آن حرفشان روزی نبود ** یا در آخر رحمت آمد ره نمود
Either nothing was bestowed upon them except those (formal) expressions, or at last (the Divine) mercy came and revealed the (right) way.
صاحبدلی دید سگ حامله در شکم آن سگبچگان بانگ میکردند در تعجب ماند کی حکمت بانگ سگ پاسبانیست بانگ در اندرون شکم مادر پاسبانی نیست و نیز بانگ جهت یاری خواستن و شیر خواستن باشد و غیره و آنجا هیچ این فایدهها نیست چون به خویش آمد با حضرت مناجات کرد و ما یعلم تاویله الا الله جواب آمد کی آن صورت حال قومیست از حجاب بیرون نیامده و چشم دل باز ناشده دعوی بصیرت کنند و مقالات گویند از آن نی ایشان را قوتی و یاریی رسد و نه مستمعان را هدایتی و رشدی
A mystic saw a bitch big with young, in whose womb the young were barking. He remained in amazement, saying, “The reason of a dog's barking is to keep watch (against strangers): to bark in the mother's womb is not (for the purpose of) keeping watch; and, again, barking may be a call for help, or its cause may be a desire for milk, etc.; and there is no such purpose in this case.” When he came to himself, he made supplication to God—and none knoweth the interpretation thereof except Allah. Answer came: “It represents the state of a party who pretend to (spiritual) insight and utter (mystical) sayings without having come forth from the veil (of materiality) and before the eyes of their hearts have been opened. Thence neither to themselves do strength and support accrue, nor to their hearers any guidance and right direction.”
آن یکی میدید خواب اندر چله ** در رهی ماده سگی بد حامله 1445
During a chila (forty days' religious seclusion), a certain man dreamed that he saw a bitch big with young on a road.
ناگهان آواز سگبچگان شنید ** سگبچه اندر شکم بد ناپدید
Suddenly he heard the cry of puppies: the puppies were in the womb, invisible.