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  • خواجه بر توبه‌ی نصوحی خوش به تن  ** کوششی کن هم به جان و هم به تن 
  • O master, cleave bravely to a repentance (like that) of Nasúh: strive earnestly both with body and spirit.
  • شرح این توبه‌ی نصوح از من شنو  ** بگرویدستی و لیک از نو گرو 
  • Hear from me the description of this repentance of Nasúh: (if) you have believed (in it before), (yet now) believe afresh.
  • حکایت در بیان توبه‌ی نصوح کی چنانک شیر از پستان بیرون آید باز در پستان نرود آنک توبه نصوحی کرد هرگز از آن گناه یاد نکند به طریق رغبت بلک هر دم نفرتش افزون باشد و آن نفرت دلیل آن بود کی لذت قبول یافت آن شهوت اول بی‌لذت شد این به جای آن نشست نبرد عشق را جز عشق دیگر چرا یاری نجویی زو نکوتر وانک دلش باز بدان گناه رغبت می‌کند علامت آنست کی لذت قبول نیافته است و لذت قبول به جای آن لذت گناه ننشسته است سنیسره للیسری نشده است لذت و نیسره للعسری باقیست بر وی 
  • Story explaining the repentance of Nasúh. As milk that flows from the teat never returns to the teat, so he who has repented like Nasúh will never think of that sin in the way of desire; nay, his loathing will increase continually, and that loathing is a proof that he has experienced the delight of being accepted (as a sincere penitent), and that the old lust has ceased to give delight, and that the former (delight) has established itself in the place of the latter, as it has been said (in verse): “Nothing breaks off (one) love except another love: why don't you take a friend (who is) fairer than he?” And when his (the penitent's) heart desires to sin again, it is a sign that he has not experienced the delight of acceptance, and that the delight of acceptance has not superseded the delight of sin, and that he has not (yet) become (like the righteous of whom God saith), “We will surely dispose him to ease,” but that the (sinful) delight (spoken) of (in the text), “We will surely dispose him to hardship,” is still remaining in him.
  • بود مردی پیش ازین نامش نصوح  ** بد ز دلاکی زن او را فتوح 
  • There was aforetime a man named Nasúh: he earned his livelihood by shampooing women.
  • بود روی او چو رخسار زنان  ** مردی خود را همی‌کرد او نهان 
  • His face resembled a female countenance: he was disguising his manliness.
  • او به حمام زنان دلاک بود  ** در دغا و حیله بس چالاک بود  2230
  • He was a shampooer in the women's bath, and very active in (contriving) fraud and deceit.
  • سالها می‌کرد دلاکی و کس  ** بو نبرد از حال و سر آن هوس 
  • For (many) years he went on shampooing, and no one suspected the (real) nature and secret of his fondness (for that employment).
  • زانک آواز و رخش زن‌وار بود  ** لیک شهوت کامل و بیدار بود 
  • (’Twas) because, (though) his voice and countenance were woman-like, yet his lust was at full strength and wide-awake.
  • چادر و سربند پوشیده و نقاب  ** مرد شهوانی و در غره‌ی شباب 
  • He wore the chádar and snood and veil, (but he was) a man lustful and in the prime of youth.
  • دختران خسروان را زین طریق  ** خوش همی‌مالید و می‌شست آن عشیق 
  • In this fashion that enamoured man was massaging and washing the daughters of emperors,
  • توبه‌ها می‌کرد و پا در می‌کشید  ** نفس کافر توبه‌اش را می‌درید  2235
  • (And though) he often resolved on repentance and was turning his back (on sin), the miscreant carnal soul would always tear his repentance to pieces.
  • رفت پیش عارفی آن زشت‌کار  ** گفت ما را در دعایی یاد دار 
  • That evil-doer (Nasúh) went to a gnostic and said, “Remember me in a prayer.”
  • سر او دانست آن آزادمرد  ** لیک چون حلم خدا پیدا نکرد 
  • The holy man knew his secret but, (acting) like the forbearance of God, he did not divulge it;
  • بر لبش قفلست و در دل رازها  ** لب خموش و دل پر از آوازها 
  • (For) on his (the gnostic's) lips is a lock, while his heart is full of mysteries: his lips are silent, though his heart is filled with voices.
  • عارفان که جام حق نوشیده‌اند  ** رازها دانسته و پوشیده‌اند 
  • Gnostics, who have drunk of the cup of God, have known the mysteries and kept them hidden.
  • هر کرا اسرار کار آموختند  ** مهر کردند و دهانش دوختند  2240
  • Whosoever has been taught the mysteries of the (Divine) action, his lips are sealed and closed.
  • سست خندید و بگفت ای بدنهاد  ** زانک دانی ایزدت توبه دهاد 
  • He (the holy man) laughed softly and said, “O evil-natured one, may God cause thee to repent of that which thou knowest!”
  • در بیان آنک دعای عارف واصل و درخواست او از حق هم‌چو درخواست حقست از خویشتن کی کنت له سمعا و بصرا و لسانا و یدا و قوله و ما رمیت اذ رمیت و لکن الله رمی و آیات و اخبار و آثار درین بسیارست و شرح سبب ساختن حق تا مجرم را گوش گرفته بتوبه‌ی نصوح آورد 
  • Explaining that the prayer of the gnostic who is united with God and his petition to God are like the petition of God to Himself, for “I am to him an ear and an eye and a tongue and a hand.” God hath said, “And thou didst not throw when thou threwest, but God threw”; and there are many Verses (of the Qur’án) and Traditions and Narrations on this subject. And (what follows is) an exposition of the way in which God devises means in order that, taking hold of the sinner's ear, they may lead him to the repentance of Nasúh.
  • آن دعا از هفت گردون در گذشت  ** کار آن مسکین به آخر خوب گشت 
  • That prayer traversed the Seven Heavens: the fortune of the miserable wretch (Nasúh) at last became good;
  • که آن دعای شیخ نه چون هر دعاست  ** فانی است و گفت او گفت خداست 
  • For the prayer of a Shaykh (Spiritual Director) is not like every prayer: he is naughted (fání) and his words are the words of God.
  • چون خدا از خود سال و کد کند  ** پس دعای خویش را چون رد کند 
  • Since God asks and begs of Himself, how, then, should He refuse to grant His own prayer?
  • یک سبب انگیخت صنع ذوالجلال  ** که رهانیدش ز نفرین و وبال  2245
  • The action of the Almighty produced a means that delivered him (Nasúh) from execration and woe.
  • اندر آن حمام پر می‌کرد طشت  ** گوهری از دختر شه یاوه گشت 
  • (Whilst) he was filling a basin in the bath, a jewel belonging to the King's daughter was lost.
  • گوهری از حلقه‌های گوش او  ** یاوه گشت و هر زنی در جست و جو 
  • A jewel was lost from her ear-rings, and every woman (in the bath began to take part) in the search (for it).
  • پس در حمام را بستند سخت  ** تا بجویند اولش در پیچ رخت 
  • Then they bolted the door of the bath (and made it) fast, in order that they might first look for the jewel in the folds of the furniture.
  • رختها جستند و آن پیدا نشد  ** دزد گوهر نیز هم رسوا نشد 
  • They searched (all) these articles, but it was not brought to light (there), nor was any person who had stolen the jewel discovered either.
  • پس به جد جستن گرفتند از گزاف  ** در دهان و گوش و اندر هر شکاف  2250
  • Then they began to search incontinently with all their might in the mouths and ears (of the bathers) and in every cleft.
  • در شکاف تحت و فوق و هر طرف  ** جست و جو کردند دری خوش صدف 
  • In rima inferiore et superiore and everywhere they searched for the pearl belonging to a beauteous oyster-shell. [In lower and upper (bodily) apertures and everywhere they searched for the pearl belonging to a beauteous oyster-shell.]
  • بانگ آمد که همه عریان شوید  ** هر که هستید ار عجوز و گر نوید 
  • Proclamation was made: “Strip, all (of you), whoever ye are, whether ye are old or young!”
  • یک به یک را حاجبه جستن گرفت  ** تا پدید آید گهردانه‌ی شگفت 
  • The lady-in-waiting began to search them, one by one, (in the hope) that the marvellous pearl might be discovered.
  • آن نصوح از ترس شد در خلوتی  ** روی زرد و لب کبود از خشیتی 
  • Nasúh, (stricken) with fear, went into a private place: his face (was) yellow (pale) and his lips blue on account of a (great) terror (which possessed him).
  • پیش چشم خویش او می‌دید مرگ  ** رفت و می‌لرزید او مانند برگ  2255
  • He saw death before his eyes: he went (to hide himself), trembling like a leaf.
  • گفت یارب بارها برگشته‌ام  ** توبه‌ها و عهدها بشکسته‌ام 
  • He cried, “O Lord, many a time have I turned away (from evil courses) and (then) broken my vows of penitence and my promises.
  • کرده‌ام آنها که از من می‌سزید  ** تا چنین سیل سیاهی در رسید 
  • I have done the (foul) things that were fit to be done by me, so that such a black flood (of calamity) has arrived.
  • نوبت جستن اگر در من رسد  ** وه که جان من چه سختیها کشد 
  • If my turn to be searched shall come, oh, what cruel sufferings must my soul endure!
  • در جگر افتاده‌استم صد شرر  ** در مناجاتم ببین بوی جگر 
  • A hundred sparks of fire have fallen on my heart: perceive in my orisons the smell of my (burning) heart.
  • این چنین اندوه کافر را مباد  ** دامن رحمت گرفتم داد داد  2260
  • May anguish like this not be the infidel's (portion)! I clutch the skirt of (Thy) mercy. Help, help!
  • کاشکی مادر نزادی مر مرا  ** یا مرا شیری بخوردی در چرا 
  • Would that my mother had not borne me, or that a lion had devoured me in the pasture!
  • ای خدا آن کن که از تو می‌سزد  ** که ز هر سوراخ مارم می‌گزد 
  • O God, do Thou what is worthy to be done by Thee, for from every hole a snake is biting me.
  • جان سنگین دارم و دل آهنین  ** ورنه خون گشتی درین رنج و حنین 
  • I have a soul of stone, and my heart is of iron, otherwise they would have turned into blood in this sorrow and lamentation.
  • وقت تنگ آمد مرا و یک نفس  ** پادشاهی کن مرا فریاد رس 
  • The time presses and I have (only) one moment (left): act in kingly fashion, come to my aid!
  • گر مرا این بار ستاری کنی  ** توبه کردم من ز هر ناکردنی  2265
  • If Thou wilt cover me up (conceal my sin) this time, (henceforth) I repent of everything that ought not to be done.
  • توبه‌ام بپذیر این بار دگر  ** تا ببندم بهر توبه صد کمر 
  • Accept my repentance this once more, that I may gird myself with a hundred belts for repentance.
  • من اگر این بار تقصیری کنم  ** پس دگر مشنو دعا و گفتنم 
  • If I commit any fault (in keeping my vow) this time, then do not hearken again to my prayer and words (of entreaty).”
  • این همی زارید و صد قطره روان  ** که در افتادم به جلاد و عوان 
  • Thus was he moaning while a hundred tears flowed (from his eyes). “I have fallen,” he cried, “into the hands of the executioner and policeman.
  • تا نمیرد هیچ افرنگی چنین  ** هیچ ملحد را مبادا این حنین 
  • Let no Frank die such a death: may no mulhid (Ismá‘ílí or ‘Assassin’) have (cause to make) this lamentation!”
  • نوحه‌ها کرد او بر جان خویش  ** روی عزرائیل دیده پیش پیش  2270
  • He was uttering cries of mourning over his soul, (for) he saw the face of Azrael (coming) nearer and nearer.
  • ای خدا و ای خدا چندان بگفت  ** که آن در و دیوار با او گشت جفت 
  • He cried “O God, O God” so often that door and wall joined with him (echoed his words).
  • در میان یارب و یارب بد او  ** بانگ آمد از میان جست و جو 
  • He was deep in “O Lord” and “O Lord” (when suddenly) from amidst the (people engaged in) search came the (following) announcement.
  • نوبت جستن رسیدن به نصوح و آواز آمدن که همه را جستیم نصوح را بجویید و بیهوش شدن نصوح از آن هیبت و گشاده شدن کار بعد از نهایت بستگی کماکان یقول رسول الله صلی الله علیه و سلم اذا اصابه مرض او هم اشتدی ازمة تنفرجی 
  • [How the turn came for Nasúh to be searched, and how a voice proclaimed—“We have searched them all, (now) search Nasúh”; and how Nasúh became senseless from terror, and how after extreme oppression of spirit the way of deliverance was opened to him, as the Prophet of God—may God bless and save him!— used to say, whenever sickness or anxiety overtook him, “O distress, become severe: then thou wilt pass away.”]
  • جمله را جستیم پیش آی ای نصوح  ** گشت بیهوش آن زمان پرید روح 
  • “We have searched them all: come forward, O Nasúh.” Thereupon he lost his senses, his spirit took wing.
  • هم‌چو دیوار شکسته در فتاد  ** هوش و عقلش رفت شد او چون جماد 
  • He fell like a broken wall: his consciousness and understanding departed, he became like lifeless matter.
  • چونک هوشش رفت از تن بی‌امان  ** سر او با حق بپیوست آن زمان  2275
  • When his consciousness went without delay from his body, at that moment his inmost soul was united with God.