این حیاتی خفیه در نقش ممات ** وان مماتی خفیه در قشر حیات 4135
This (gallows) is a life concealed in the form of death, while that (abode) is a death concealed in the husk of life.
مینماید نور نار و نار نور ** ورنه دنیا کی بدی دارالغرور
(Here) light seems as fire, and fire as light: else, how should this world have been the abode of delusion?”
هین مکن تعجیل اول نیست شو ** چون غروب آری بر آ از شرق ضو
Beware, do not make (too much) haste: first become naught, and when you sink (into non-existence) rise from the radiant East!
از انایی ازل دل دنگ شد ** این انایی سرد گشت و ننگ شد
The heart was dumbfounded by the eternal “I”-hood: this (unreal) “I”-hood became insipid and opprobrious (in its sight).
زان انای بیانا خوش گشت جان ** شد جهان او از انایی جهان
The spirit was made glad by that “I”-hood without “I” and sprang away from the “I”-hood of the world.
از انا چون رست اکنون شد انا ** آفرینها بر انای بی عنا 4140
Since it has been delivered from “I,” it has now become “I”: blessings on the “I” that is without affliction;
کو گریزان و انایی در پیش ** میدود چون دید وی را بی ویش
For it is fleeing (from its unreal “I”-hood), and (the real) “I”-hood is running after it, since it saw it (the spirit) to be selfless.
طالب اویی نگردد طالبت ** چون بمردی طالبت شد مطلبت
(If) you seek it (the real “I”-hood), it will not become a seeker of you: (only) when you have died (to self) will that which you seek become your seeker.
زندهای کی مردهشو شوید ترا ** طالبی کی مطلبت جوید ترا
(If) you are living, how should the corpse-washer wash you? (If) you are seeking, how should that which you seek go in search of you?
If the intellect could discern the (true) way in this question, Fakhr-i Rází would be an adept in religious mysteries;
لیک چون من لمن یذق لم یدر بود ** عقل و تخییلات او حیرت فزود 4145
But since he was (an example of the saying that) whoso has not tasted does not know, his intelligence and imaginations (only) increased his perplexity.
کی شود کشف از تفکر این انا ** آن انا مکشوف شد بعد از فنا
How should this “I” be revealed by thinking? That “I” is revealed (only) after passing away from self (faná).
میفتد این عقلها در افتقاد ** در مغا کی حلول و اتحاد
These intellects in their quest (of the real “I”) fall into the abyss of incarnation (hulúl) and ittihád.
ای ایاز گشته فانی ز اقتراب ** همچو اختر در شعاع آفتاب
O Ayáz who hast passed away (from self) in union (with God) like the star in the beams of the sun—
بلک چون نطفه مبدل تو به تن ** نه از حلول و اتحادی مفتتن
Nay, (but rather) transmuted, like semen, into body—thou art not afflicted with hulúl and ittihád.
عفو کن ای عفو در صندوق تو ** سابق لطفی همه مسبوق تو 4150
“Forgive, O thou in whose coffer Forgiveness is (contained) and by whom all precedents of mercy are preceded.
من کی باشم که بگویم عفو کن ** ای تو سلطان و خلاصهی امر کن
Who am I that I should say ‘Forgive,’ O thou who art the sovereign and quintessence of the command Be?
من کی باشم که بوم من با منت ** ای گرفته جمله منها دامنت
Who am I that I should exist beside thee, O thou whose skirt all ‘I's’ have clutched?
مجرم دانستن ایاز خود را درین شفاعتگری و عذر این جرم خواستن و در آن عذرگویی خود را مجرم دانستن و این شکستگی از شناخت و عظمت شاه خیزد کی انا اعلمکم بالله و اخشیکم لله و قال الله تعالی انما یخشی الله من عباده العلما
[How Ayáz deemed himself culpable for thus acting as intercessor and begged pardon for this offence and deemed himself culpable for begging pardon; and this self-abasement arises from knowledge of the majesty of the King; for (the Prophet hath said), ‘I know God better than you and fear Him more than you,’ and the High God hath said, ‘None fears God but those of His servants that are possessed of knowledge.’]
من کی آرم رحم خلم آلود را ** ره نمایم حلم علماندود را
How should I bring (plead for) mercy to thee who art moved with anger, and point out the path of clemency to thee who art endued with knowledge?
صد هزاران صفع را ارزانیم ** گر زبون صفعها گردانیم
If thou subject me to the indignity of (receiving) cuffs, I am deserving of a hundred thousand cuffs.
من چه گویم پیشت اعلامت کنم ** یا که وا یادت دهم شرط کرم 4155
What should I say in thy presence? Should I give thee information or recall to thy mind the method of lovingkindness?
آنچ معلوم تو نبود چیست آن ** وآنچ یادت نیست کو اندر جهان
What is that which is unknown to thee? And where in the world is that which thou dost not remember?
ای تو پاک از جهل و علمت پاک از آن ** که فراموشی کند بر وی نهان
O thou who art free from ignorance and whose knowledge is free from (the possibility) that forgetfulness should cause (anything) to be hidden from it,
هیچ کس را تو کسی انگاشتی ** همچو خورشیدش به نور افراشتی
Thou hast deemed a nobody to be somebody and hast exalted him, like the sun, with (thy) light.
چون کسم کردی اگر لابه کنم ** مستمع شو لابهام را از کرم
Since thou hast made me somebody, graciously hearken to my supplication if I supplicate (thee);
زانک از نقشم چو بیرون بردهای ** آن شفاعت هم تو خود را کردهای 4160
For, inasmuch as thou hast transported me from the form (of self-existence), ’tis (really) thou that hast made that intercession unto thyself.
چون ز رخت من تهی گشت این وطن ** تر و خشک خانه نبود آن من
Since this home has been emptied of my furniture, nothing great or small in the house belongs to me.
هم دعا از من روان کردی چو آب ** هم نباتش بخش و دارش مستجاب
Thou hast caused the prayer to flow forth from me like water: do thou accordingly give it reality and let it be granted.
هم تو بودی اول آرندهی دعا ** هم تو باش آخر اجابت را رجا
Thou wert the bringer (inspirer) of the prayer in the beginning: be thou accordingly the hope for its acceptance in the end,
تا زنم من لاف کان شاه جهان ** بهر بنده عفو کرد از مجرمان
In order that I may boast that the King of the world pardoned the sinners for his slave's sake.
درد بودم سر به سر من خودپسند ** کرد شاهم داروی هر دردمند 4165
(Formerly) I was a pain, entirely self-satisfied: the King made me the remedy for every sufferer from pain.
دوزخی بودم پر از شور و شری ** کرد دست فضل اویم کوثری
(Formerly) I was a Hell filled with woe and bale: the hand of his grace made me a Kawthar.
هر که را سوزید دوزخ در قود ** من برویانم دگر بار از جسد
Whomsoever Hell has consumed in vengeance, I cause him to grow anew from his body.”
کار کوثر چیست که هر سوخته ** گردد از وی نابت و اندوخته
What is the work of (that) Kawthar by which every one that has been burned (in Hell) is made to grow and becomes redintegrated?
قطره قطره او منادی کرم ** کانچ دوزخ سوخت من باز آورم
Drop by drop it proclaims its bounty, saying, “I restore that which Hell has consumed.”
هست دوزخ همچو سرمای خزان ** هست کوثر چون بهار ای گلستان 4170
Hell is like the cold of autumn; Kawthar is like the spring, O rose-garden.
هست دوزخ همچو مرگ و خاک گور ** هست کوثر بر مثال نفخ صور
Hell is like death and the earth of the grave; Kawthar resembles the blast of the trumpet (of Resurrection).
ای ز دوزخ سوخته اجسامتان ** سوی کوثر میکشد اکرامتان
O ye whose bodies are consumed by Hell, the kindness (of God) is leading you towards Kawthar.
چون خلقت الخلق کی یربح علی ** لطف تو فرمود ای قیوم حی
Since Thy mercy, O Self-subsistent Living One, said, “I created the creatures that they might profit by Me,”
لالان اربح علیهم جود تست ** که شود زو جمله ناقصها درست
(And since Thy saying) “Not that I might profit by them” is (the expression of) Thy munificence, by which all defective things are made whole,