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  • ز آهنین دیوارها نافذ شدی  ** توبره با نور حق چه فن زدی  3080
  • It (the Light) would penetrate through iron walls: what contrivance could the veil employ against the Light of God?
  • گشته بود آن توبره صاحب تفی  ** بود وقت شور خرقه‌ی عارفی 
  • That veil had become glowing: it was the mantle of a gnostic in the moment of ecstasy.
  • زان شود آتش رهین سوخته  ** کوست با آتش ز پیش آموخته 
  • The fire is deposited (becomes immanent) in the tinder because it (the tinder) is already familiar with the fire.
  • وز هوا و عشق آن نور رشاد  ** خود صفورا هر دو دیده باد داد 
  • And in sooth Safúrá, from desire and love for that Light of true guidance, sacrificed both her eyes.
  • اولا بر بست یک چشم و بدید  ** نور روی او و آن چشمش پرید 
  • At first she closed one eye and beheld the light of his (Moses') face (with the other); and that eye was lost.
  • بعد از آن صبرش نماند و آن دگر  ** بر گشاد و کرد خرج آن قمر  3085
  • Afterwards she could no longer restrain herself and (therefore) she opened the other (eye) and spent it on that Moon.
  • هم‌چنان مرد مجاهد نان دهد  ** چون برو زد نور طاعت جان دهد 
  • Even so the (spiritual) warrior (first) gives away his bread; (but) when the light of devotion strikes on him, he gives away his life.
  • پس زنی گفتش ز چشم عبهری  ** که ز دستت رفت حسرت می‌خوری 
  • Then a woman said to her, “Art thou grieving for the jonquil-like eye that thou hast lost?”
  • گفت حسرت می‌خورم که صد هزار  ** دیده بودی تا همی‌کردم نثار 
  • “I am grieving,” she replied, “(to think) would that I had a hundred thousand eyes to lavish (on that Moon)!
  • روزن چشمم ز مه ویران شدست  ** لیک مه چون گنج در ویران نشست 
  • The window, (which is) mine eye, has been ruined by the Moon; but the Moon is seated (there) like the (buried) treasure in the ruin.
  • کی گذارد گنج کین ویرانه‌ام  ** یاد آرد از رواق و خانه‌ام  3090
  • How should the treasure let this ruin of mine have (any regretful) memory of my porch and house?”
  • نور روی یوسفی وقت عبور  ** می‌فتادی در شباک هر قصور 
  • The light of Joseph's face, when he was passing by, used to fall on the latticed windows of every villa,
  • پس بگفتندی درون خانه در  ** یوسفست این سو به سیران و گذر 
  • And the people within the house would say, “Joseph is taking a walk in this quarter and passing by”;
  • زانک بر دیوار دیدندی شعاع  ** فهم کردندی پس اصحاب بقاع 
  • For they would see the radiance on the wall, and then the landlords (inmates) would understand (the cause of it).
  • خانه‌ای را کش دریچه‌ست آن طرف  ** دارد از سیران آن یوسف شرف 
  • The house that has its window in that direction is ennobled by that Joseph's walking for recreation.
  • هین دریچه سوی یوسف باز کن  ** وز شکافش فرجه‌ای آغاز کن  3095
  • Hark, open a window towards Joseph and begin to delight yourself by looking at him through the aperture.
  • عشق‌ورزی آن دریچه کردنست  ** کز جمال دوست سینه روشنست 
  • The business of love is to make that window (in the heart), for the breast is illumined by the beauty of the Beloved.
  • پس هماره روی معشوقه نگر  ** این به دست تست بشنو ای پدر 
  • Therefore gaze incessantly on the face of the Beloved! This is in your power. Hearken, O father!
  • راه کن در اندرونها خویش را  ** دور کن ادراک غیراندیش را 
  • Make a way for yourself into the innermost parts: banish the perception that is concerned with other (than God).
  • کیمیا داری دوای پوست کن  ** دشمنان را زین صناعت دوست کن 
  • You possess an elixir: treat your (vile) skin (with it), and by means of this art (alchemy) make your enemies your friends.
  • چون شدی زیبا بدان زیبا رسی  ** که رهاند روح را از بی‌کسی  3100
  • When you have become beauteous you will attain unto the Beauteous One who delivers the spirit from friendlessness.
  • پرورش مر باغ جانها را نمش  ** زنده کرده مرده‌ی غم را دمش 
  • His moisture (grace) is nourishment for the garden of spirits; His breath revives him that has died of anguish.
  • نه همه ملک جهان دون دهد  ** صد هزاران ملک گوناگون دهد 
  • He does not (only) bestow (on you) the entire kingdom of the base world; He bestows a hundred thousand kingdoms of diverse kinds.
  • بر سر ملک جمالش داد حق  ** ملکت تعبیر بی‌درس و سبق 
  • God gave him (Joseph), in addition to the kingdom of beauty, the kingdom of interpretation (of dreams) without his having studied and taken lessons (in that science).
  • ملکت حسنش سوی زندان کشید  ** ملکت علمش سوی کیوان کشید 
  • The kingdom of beauty led him to prison; the kingdom of knowledge led him to Saturn.
  • شه غلام او شد از علم و هنر  ** ملک علم از ملک حسن استوده‌تر  3105
  • Because of his knowledge and skill (in interpretation) the King (of Egypt) became his slave: the kingdom of knowledge is more praiseworthy than the kingdom of beauty.
  • رجوع کردن به حکایت آن شخص وام کرده و آمدن او به امید عنایت آن محتسب سوی تبریز 
  • Return to the Story of the man who incurred (great) debts and his coming to Tabríz in hope of (enjoying) the favour of the Inspector of Police.
  • آن غریب ممتحن از بیم وام  ** در ره آمد سوی آن دارالسلام 
  • The poor stranger, (who was) afflicted with fear on account of his debts, set out on the way to that Abode of Peace.
  • شد سوی تبریز و کوی گلستان  ** خفته اومیدش فراز گل ستان 
  • He went to Tabríz and the rose-garden district: his hope was reclining (luxuriously) on roses.
  • زد ز دارالملک تبریز سنی  ** بر امیدش روشنی بر روشنی 
  • From the glorious imperial city of Tabríz darted (beams of) light upon light (and shed radiance) on his hope.
  • جانش خندان شد از آن روضه‌ی رجال  ** از نسیم یوسف و مصر وصال 
  • His spirit was laughing for (joy in) that orchard of (noble) men and the fragrant breeze (blowing) from Joseph and the Egypt of union.
  • گفت یا حادی انخ لی ناقتی  ** جاء اسعادی و طارت فاقتی  3110
  • He cried, “O cameleer, let my camel kneel for me (to alight): my help is come and my need is flown.
  • ابرکی یا ناقتی طاب الامور  ** ان تبریزا مناخات الصدور 
  • Kneel down, O my camel! All goes well: verily, Tabríz is the place where princes alight (and abide).
  • اسرحی یا ناقتی حول الریاض  ** ان تبریزا لنا نعم المفاض 
  • Graze, O my camel, round the meadows: verily Tabríz is for us the most excellent source of bountifulness.
  • ساربانا بار بگشا ز اشتران  ** شهر تبریزست و کوی گلستان 
  • O camel-driver, unload the camels: ’tis the city of Tabríz and the district of the rose-garden.
  • فر فردوسیست این پالیز را  ** شعشعه‌ی عرشیست این تبریز را 
  • This garden hath the splendour of Paradise: this Tabríz hath the brilliance of Heaven.
  • هر زمانی نور روح‌انگیز جان  ** از فراز عرش بر تبریزیان  3115
  • At every moment of time joy-enkindling odours diffused by the Spirit (are floating down) from above the empyrean upon the inhabitants of Tabríz.”
  • چون وثاق محتسب جست آن غریب  ** خلق گفتندش که بگذشت آن حبیب 
  • When the poor stranger sought the Inspector's house, the people told him that the loved one had passed away.
  • او پریر از دار دنیا نقل کرد  ** مرد و زن از واقعه‌ی او روی‌زرد 
  • “The day before yesterday,” they said, “he removed from this world: (every) man and woman is pale (with grief) for the calamity that has overtaken him.
  • رفت آن طاوس عرشی سوی عرش  ** چون رسید از هاتفانش بوی عرش 
  • That celestial peacock went to Heaven, when the scent (intimation) of Heaven reached him from invisible messengers.
  • سایه‌اش گرچه پناه خلق بود  ** در نوردید آفتابش زود زود 
  • Although his shadow was the refuge of people (seeking protection), the Sun rolled it up very quickly.
  • راند او کشتی ازین ساحل پریر  ** گشته بود آن خواجه زین غم‌خانه سیر  3120
  • He pushed off his boat from this beach the day before yesterday: the Khwája had become sated with this house of sorrow.”
  • نعره‌ای زد مرد و بیهوش اوفتاد  ** گوییا او نیز در پی جان بداد 
  • The (poor) man shrieked and fell senseless: you would say that he too had given up the ghost (and followed) on the heels (of his friend).
  • پس گلاب و آب بر رویش زدند  ** همرهان بر حالتش گریان شدند 
  • Then they threw julep and water on his face: his fellow-travellers wept and bewailed his plight.
  • تا به شب بی‌خویش بود و بعد از آن  ** نیم مرده بازگشت از غیب جان 
  • He remained unconscious till nightfall, and then his soul returned, half-dead, from the Unseen.
  • باخبر شدن آن غریب از وفات آن محتسب و استغفار او از اعتماد بر مخلوق و تعویل بر عطای مخلوق و یاد نعمتهای حق کردنش و انابت به حق از جرم خود ثم الذین کفروا بربهم یعدلون 
  • How the poor stranger was informed of the Inspector's death and begged God to pardon him for having relied upon a created being and having rested his hopes upon the bounty of a created being; and how he remembered the blessings he had received from God, and turned to God and repented of his sin: “then those who disbelieve equal (Him with others).”
  • چون به هوش آمد بگفت ای کردگار  ** مجرمم بودم به خلق اومیدوار 
  • When he came to his senses, he said, “O Maker, I am a sinner: I was setting my hopes on (Thy) creatures.
  • گرچه خواجه بس سخاوت کرده بود  ** هیچ آن کفو عطای تو نبود  3125
  • Though the Khwája had shown great generosity, (yet) that was never a match for Thy bounty.
  • او کله بخشید و تو سر پر خرد  ** او قبا بخشید و تو بالا و قد 
  • He gave the cap, but Thou the head filled with intelligence; he gave the coat, but Thou the tall figure and stature (of its wearer).
  • او زرم داد و تو دست زرشمار  ** او ستورم داد و تو عقل سوار 
  • He gave me gold, but Thou the hand that counts gold; he gave me the beast for riding, but Thou the mind that rides it.
  • خواجه شمعم دادو تو چشم قریر  ** خواجه نقلم داد و تو طعمه‌پذیر 
  • The Khwája gave me the candle, but Thou the cool (bright and cheerful) eye; the Khwája gave me the dessert, but Thou the food-receiving (stomach).
  • او وظیفه داد و تو عمر و حیات  ** وعده‌اش زر وعده‌ی تو طیبات 
  • He gave me the stipend, but Thou life and animate existence; his promise was gold, but Thy promise the pure things (of the spirit).