عقل چون جبریل گوید احمدا ** گر یکی گامی نهم سوزد مرا
The understanding says, like Gabriel, “O Ahmad (Mohammed), if I take one (more) step, it will burn me;
تو مرا بگذار زین پس پیش ران ** حد من این بود ای سلطان جان
Do thou leave me, henceforth advance (alone): this is my limit, O sultan of the soul!”
هر که ماند از کاهلی بیشکر و صبر ** او همین داند که گیرد پای جبر
Whoever, through heedlessness, remains without thanksgiving and patience (selfcontrol), knows (no resource) but this, that he should follow in the heels of necessity (jabr).
هر که جبر آورد خود رنجور کرد ** تا همان رنجوریاش در گور کرد
Any one who pleads necessity (as an excuse) feigns himself to be ill, with the result that the (feigned) illness brings him to the grave.
گفت پیغمبر که رنجوری به لاغ ** رنج آرد تا بمیرد چون چراغ1070
The Prophet said, “Illness (assumed) in jest brings (real) disease, so that he (the jester) dies like a lamp.”
جبر چه بود بستن اشکسته را ** یا بپیوستن رگی بگسسته را
What is (the meaning of) jabr? To bind up a broken (limb) or tie a severed vein.
چون در این ره پای خود نشکستهای ** بر که میخندی چه پا را بستهای
Inasmuch as you have not broken your foot in this path, whom are you mocking? Why have you bandaged your foot?
و آن که پایش در ره کوشش شکست ** در رسید او را براق و بر نشست
But as for him who broke his foot in the path of exertion, Buráq came up to him, and he mounted (and rode).
حامل دین بود او محمول شد ** قابل فرمان بد او مقبول شد
He was a bearer of the (true) religion, and he became one who is borne; he was an accepter of the (Divine) command, and he became accepted.
تا کنون فرمان پذیرفتی ز شاه ** بعد از این فرمان رساند بر سپاه1075
Until now, he was receiving commands from the King; henceforth he delivers the (King's) commands to the people.