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  • هر که آخر مومن است اول بدید ** هر که آخر کافر او را شد پدید
  • Whoso is (to be) a believer at the last, he saw at the first; whoso is (to be) an infidel at the last, to him it became manifest.
  • اسم هر چیزی تو از دانا شنو ** سر رمز علم الاسما شنو
  • Do thou hear the name of every thing from the knower: hear the inmost meaning of the mystery of He taught the Names.
  • اسم هر چیزی بر ما ظاهرش ** اسم هر چیزی بر خالق سرش‌‌
  • With us, the name of every thing is its outward (appearance); with the Creator, the name of every thing is its inward (reality).
  • نزد موسی نام چوبش بد عصا ** نزد خالق بود نامش اژدها 1240
  • In the eyes of Moses the name of his rod was ‘staff’; in the eyes of the Creator its name was ‘dragon.’
  • بد عمر را نام اینجا بت پرست ** لیک مومن بود نامش در الست‌‌
  • Here the name of ‘Umar was ‘idolater,’ but in Alast. his name was ‘believer.’
  • آن که بد نزدیک ما نامش منی ** پیش حق این نقش بد که با منی‌‌
  • That of which the name, with us, was ‘seed’ was, in the sight of God, this figure (of thee) who art (now) with me.
  • صورتی بود این منی اندر عدم ** پیش حق موجود نه بیش و نه کم‌‌
  • This ‘seed’ was a form (idea) in non-existence (potentiality), existent with God, neither more nor less (than the form in which it appeared externally).
  • حاصل آن آمد حقیقت نام ما ** پیش حضرت کان بود انجام ما
  • In brief, that which is our end is really our name with God.
  • مرد را بر عاقبت نامی نهد ** نه بر آن کاو عاریت نامی نهد 1245
  • He bestows on a man a name according to his final state, not according to that (state) to which He gives the name of ‘a loan.’
  • چشم آدم چون به نور پاک دید ** جان و سر نامها گشتش پدید
  • Inasmuch as the eye of Adam saw by means of the Pure Light, the soul and inmost sense of the names became evident to him.