دوزخ است این نفس و دوزخ اژدهاست ** کاو به دریاها نگردد کم و کاست 1375
- This carnal self (nafs) is Hell, and Hell is a dragon (the fire of) which is not diminished by oceans (of water).
هفت دریا را در آشامد هنوز ** کم نگردد سوزش آن خلق سوز
- It would drink up the Seven Seas, and still the blazing of that consumer of all creatures would not become less.
سنگها و کافران سنگ دل ** اندر آیند اندر او زار و خجل
- Stones and stony-hearted infidels enter it, miserable and shamefaced,
هم نگردد ساکن از چندین غذا ** تا ز حق آید مر او را این ندا
- (But) still it is not appeased by all this food, until there comes to it from God this call—
سیر گشتی سیر گوید نی هنوز ** اینت آتش اینت تابش اینت سوز
- “Art thou filled, art thou filled?” It says, “Not yet; lo, here is the fire, here is the glow, here is the burning!”
عالمی را لقمه کرد و در کشید ** معدهاش نعره زنان هل من مزید 1380
- It made a mouthful of and swallowed a whole world, its belly crying aloud, “Is there any more?”
حق قدم بر وی نهد از لا مکان ** آن گه او ساکن شود از کن فکان
- God, from (the realm) where place is not, sets His foot on it: then it subsides at (the command) Be, and it was.
چون که جزو دوزخ است این نفس ما ** طبع کل دارد همیشه جزوها
- Inasmuch as this self of ours is a part of Hell, and the parts always have the nature of the whole,
این قدم حق را بود کاو را کشد ** غیر حق خود کی کمان او کشد
- To God (alone) belongs this foot (power) to kill it: who, indeed, but God should draw its bow (vanquish it)?
در کمان ننهند الا تیر راست ** این کمان را باژگون کژ تیرهاست
- Only the straight arrow is put on the bow, (but) this bow (of the self) has (its) arrows bent back and crooked.