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  • ای خنک آن مرد کز خود رسته شد ** در وجود زنده‌‌ای پیوسته شد 1535
  • Oh, happy is the man who was freed from himself and united with the existence of a living one!
  • وای آن زنده که با مرده نشست ** مرده گشت و زندگی از وی بجست‌‌
  • Alas for the living one who consorted with the dead! He became dead, and life sped away from him.
  • چون تو در قرآن حق بگریختی ** با روان انبیا آمیختی‌‌
  • When you have fled (for refuge) to the Qur’án of God, you have mingled with the spirit of the prophets.
  • هست قرآن حالهای انبیا ** ماهیان بحر پاک کبریا
  • The Qur’án is (a description of) the states of the prophets, (who are) the fishes of the holy sea of (Divine) Majesty.
  • ور بخوانی و نه‌‌ای قرآن پذیر ** انبیا و اولیا را دیده گیر
  • And if you read and do not accept (take to heart) the Qur’án, suppose you have seen the prophets and saints (what will that avail you?);
  • ور پذیرایی چو بر خوانی قصص ** مرغ جانت تنگ آید در قفص‌‌ 1540
  • But if you are accepting (the Qur’án), when you read the stories (of the prophets), the bird, your soul, will be distressed in its cage.
  • مرغ کاو اندر قفس زندانی است ** می‌‌نجوید رستن از نادانی است‌‌
  • The bird that is a prisoner in a cage, (if it) is not seeking to escape, ’tis from ignorance.
  • روحهایی کز قفسها رسته‌‌اند ** انبیای رهبر شایسته‌‌اند
  • The spirits which have escaped from their cages are the prophets, (those) worthy guides.
  • از برون آوازشان آید ز دین ** که ره رستن ترا این است این‌‌
  • From without comes their voice, (telling) of religion, (and crying), “This, this is the way of escape for thee.
  • ما به دین رستیم زین ننگین قفس ** جز که این ره نیست چاره‌‌ی این قفس‌‌
  • By this we escaped from this narrow cage: there is no means of escape from this cage but this way,