صورتش بر خاک و جان بر لامکان ** لامکانی فوق وهم سالکان
- His form is on earth and his spirit in “no-place,” a “no-place” beyond the imagination of travellers (on the mystic Way):
لامکانی نه که در فهم آیدت ** هر دمی در وی خیالی زایدت
- Not such a “no-place” that it should come into thy understanding (or that) a fancy about it should be born in thee every moment;
بل مکان و لامکان در حکم او ** همچو در حکم بهشتی چارجو
- Nay, place and “no-place” are in his control, just as the four (Paradisal) rivers are in the control of one who dwells in Paradise.
شرح این کوته کن و رخ زین بتاب ** دم مزن و الله اعلم بالصواب
- Cut short the explanation of this and avert thy face from it: do not breathe a word (more)—and God knows best what is right.
باز میگردیم ما ای دوستان ** سوی مرغ و تاجر و هندوستان 1585
- We return, O friends, to the bird and the merchant and India.
مرد بازرگان پذیرفت این پیام ** کاو رساند سوی جنس از وی سلام
- The merchant accepted this message (and promised) that he would convey the greeting from her (the parrot) to her congeners.
دیدن خواجه طوطیان هندوستان را در دشت و پیغام رسانیدن از آن طوطی
- How the merchant saw the parrots of India in the plain and delivered the parrot's message.
چون که تا اقصای هندوستان رسید ** در بیابان طوطی چندی بدید
- When he reached the farthest bounds of India, he saw a number of parrots in the plain.
مرکب استانید پس آواز داد ** آن سلام و آن امانت باز داد
- He halted his beast; then he gave voice, delivered the greeting and (discharged) the trust.
طوطیی ز آن طوطیان لرزید بس ** اوفتاد و مرد و بگسستش نفس
- One of those parrots trembled exceedingly, fell, and died, and its breath stopped.
شد پشیمان خواجه از گفت خبر ** گفت رفتم در هلاک جانور 1590
- The merchant repented of having told the news, and said, “I have gone about to destroy the creature.