سوختم من سوخته خواهد کسی ** تا ز من آتش زند اندر خسی
- I am burning (with love of God): does any one want tinder, let him set his rubbish ablaze with fire from me.
سوخته چون قابل آتش بود ** سوخته بستان که آتش کش بود
- Inasmuch as tinder is combustible, take tinder that catches fire (readily).
ای دریغا ای دریغا ای دریغ ** کانچنان ماهی نهان شد زیر میغ
- O alas, O alas, O alas that such a moon became hidden under the clouds!
چون زنم دم کاتش دل تیز شد ** شیر هجر آشفته و خون ریز شد
- How should I utter a word?—for the fire in my heart is grown fierce, the lion of separation (from the Beloved) has become raging and blood-shedding.
آن که او هوشیار خود تند است و مست ** چون بود چون او قدح گیرد به دست 1725
- One that even when sober is violent and furious, how will it be when he takes the wine-cup in his hand?
شیر مستی کز صفت بیرون بود ** از بسیط مرغزار افزون بود
- The furious Lion who is beyond description is too great for (cannot be contained in) the wide expanse of the meadow.
قافیه اندیشم و دل دار من ** گویدم مندیش جز دیدار من
- I am thinking of rhymes, and my Sweetheart says to me, “Do not think of aught except vision of Me.
خوش نشین ای قافیه اندیش من ** قافیهی دولت تویی در پیش من
- Sit at thy ease, My rhyme-meditating (friend): in My presence thou art rhymed with (attached to) felicity.
حرف چه بود تا تو اندیشی از آن ** حرف چه بود خار دیوار رزان
- What are words that thou shouldst think of them? What are words? Thorns in the hedge of the vineyard.
حرف و صوت و گفت را بر هم زنم ** تا که بیاین هر سه با تو دم زنم 1730
- I will throw word and sound and speech into confusion, that without these three I may converse with thee.