باغ سبز عشق کاو بیمنتهاست ** جز غم و شادی در او بس میوههاست
- In the verdant garden of Love, which is without end, there are many fruits besides sorrow and joy.
عاشقی زین هر دو حالت برتر است ** بیبهار و بیخزان سبز و تر است
- Love is higher than these two states of feeling: without spring and without autumn it is (ever) green and fresh.
ده زکات روی خوب ای خوب رو ** شرح جان شرحه شرحه باز گو 1795
- Pay the tithe on Thy fair face, O Beauteous One: relate the story of the soul that is rent in pieces,
کز کرشم غمزهی غمازهای ** بر دلم بنهاد داغی تازهای
- For by the coquetry of a glance One who is given to glancing amorously has branded my heart anew.
من حلالش کردم از خونم بریخت ** من همیگفتم حلال او میگریخت
- I absolved Him if He shed my blood: I was saying, “It is lawful (I absolve Thee),” and He was fleeing (from me).
چون گریزانی ز نالهی خاکیان ** غم چه ریزی بر دل غمناکیان
- Since Thou art fleeing from the lament of those who are (as) dust, why pourest Thou sorrow on the hearts of the sorrowful?
ای که هر صبحی که از مشرق بتافت ** همچو چشمهی مشرقت در جوش یافت
- O Thou, whom every dawn that shone from the East found overflowing (with abundant grace) like the bright fountain (of the sun),
چون بهانه دادی این شیدات را ** ای بهانه شکر لبهات را 1800
- How didst Thou give (nothing but) evasion to Thy frenzied lover, O Thou the sugar of whose lips hath no price?
ای جهان کهنه را تو جان نو ** از تن بیجان و دل افغان شنو
- O Thou who art a new soul to the old world, hear the cry (that comes) from my body (which is) without soul and heart.
شرح گل بگذار از بهر خدا ** شرح بلبل گو که شد از گل جدا
- Leave the tale of the Rose! For God's sake set forth the tale of the Nightingale that is parted from the Rose!