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  • مجلس و مجمع دمش آراستی ** وز نوای او قیامت خاستی‌‌ 1915
  • His breath was an ornament to assembly and congregation, and at his song the dead would arise.
  • همچو اسرافیل کاوازش به فن ** مردگان را جان در آرد در بدن‌‌
  • (He was) like Isráfíl (Seraphiel), whose voice will cunningly bring the souls of the dead into their bodies,
  • یا رسیلی بود اسرافیل را ** کز سماعش پر برستی فیل را
  • Or he was (like) an accompanist to Isráfíl, for his music would make the elephant grow wings.
  • سازد اسرافیل روزی ناله را ** جان دهد پوسیده‌‌ی صد ساله را
  • One day Isráfíl will make a shrill sound and will give life to him that has been rotten for a hundred years.
  • انبیا را در درون هم نغمه‌‌هاست ** طالبان را ز آن حیات بی‌‌بهاست‌‌
  • The prophets also have (spiritual) notes within, whence there comes life beyond price to them that seek (God).
  • نشنود آن نغمه‌‌ها را گوش حس ** کز ستمها گوش حس باشد نجس‌‌ 1920
  • The sensual ear does not hear those notes, for the sensual ear is defiled by iniquities.
  • نشنود نغمه‌‌ی پری را آدمی ** کاو بود ز اسرار پریان اعجمی‌‌
  • The note of the peri is not heard by man, for he is unable to apprehend the mysteries of the peris,
  • گر چه هم نغمه‌‌ی پری زین عالم است ** نغمه‌‌ی دل برتر از هر دو دم است‌‌
  • Although the note of the peri too belongs to this world. The note of the heart is higher than both breaths (notes),
  • که پری و آدمی زندانی‌‌اند ** هر دو در زندان این نادانی‌‌اند
  • For peri and man (alike) are prisoners: both are (captive) in the prison of this ignorance.
  • معشر الجن سوره‌‌ی رحمان بخوان ** تستطیعوا تنفذوا را باز دان‌‌
  • Recite O community of Jinn (and men) in the Súratu l’-Rahmán; recognise (the meaning of) if ye be able to pass forth.