آدمی را او به خویش اسما نمود ** دیگران را ز آدم اسما میگشود
To an Adam He in His own person showed the (Divine) Names; to the rest He was revealing the Names by means of Adam.
خواه ز آدم گیر نورش خواه از او ** خواه از خم گیر میخواه از کدو
Do thou receive His light either from Adam or from Himself: take the wine either from the jar or from the gourd (cup),
کاین کدو با خنب پیوسته ست سخت ** نی چو تو شاد آن کدوی نیک بخت1945
For this gourd is very closely connected with the jar: the blessed gourd is not rejoiced (by the same causes) as thou art.
گفت طوبی من رآنی مصطفا ** و الذی یبصر لمن وجهی رأی
Mustafá (Mohammed) said, “Happy he that has seen me and he that looks at him that saw my face.”
چون چراغی نور شمعی را کشید ** هر که دید آن را یقین آن شمع دید
When a lamp has derived (its) light from a candle, every one that sees it (the lamp) certainly sees the candle.
همچنین تا صد چراغ ار نقل شد ** دیدن آخر لقای اصل شد
If transmission (of the light) occurs in this way till a hundred lamps (are lighted), the seeing of the last (lamp) becomes a meeting with the original (light).
خواه از نور پسین بستان تو آن ** هیچ فرقی نیست خواه از شمعدان
Either take it from the hindmost light—there is no difference—or from the candle of the Spirit.
خواه بین نور از چراغ آخرین ** خواه بین نورش ز شمع غابرین1950
Either behold the light (of God) from the lamp of the last (saints), or behold His light from the candle of those who have gone before.
در بیان این حدیث که إن لربکم فی أیام دهرکم نفحات ألا فتعرضوا لها
Explanation of the Tradition, “Verily, your Lord hath, during the days of your time, certain breathings: oh, address yourselves to (receive) them.”
گفت پیغمبر که نفحتهای حق ** اندر این ایام میآرد سبق
The Prophet said, “In these days the breathings of God prevail:
گوش و هش دارید این اوقات را ** در ربایید این چنین نفحات را
Keep ear and mind (attentive) to these (spiritual) influences, catch up such-like breathings.”