نفحه آمد مر شما را دید و رفت ** هر که را که خواست جان بخشید و رفت
The (Divine) breathing came, beheld you, and departed: it gave life to whom it would, and departed.
نفحهی دیگر رسید آگاه باش ** تا از این هم وانمانی خواجهتاش
Another breathing has arrived. Be thou heedful, that thou mayst not miss this one too, O comrade.
جان ناری یافت از وی انطفا ** مرده پوشید از بقای او قبا1955
The soul of fire gained therefrom extinction; from its everlastingness the dead (soul) put on the mantle (of eternal life).
تازگی و جنبش طوبی است این ** همچو جنبشهای حیوان نیست این
This is the freshness and movement of the Túbá-tree, this is not like the movements of animals.
گر در افتد در زمین و آسمان ** زهرههاشان آب گردد در زمان
If it fall on earth and heaven, their galls will turn to water at once (they will be consumed with terror).
خود ز بیم این دم بیمنتها ** باز خوان فأبين أن یحملنها
Truly, from fear of this infinite breath (they were filled with dismay): recite (the words of the Qur’án) but they refused to bear it (the trust offered to them).
ور نه خود أشفقن منها چون بدی ** گرنه از بیمش دل که خون شدی
Else, how should (the words) they shrank from it have been (in the Qur’án), unless from fear of it the heart of the mountain had become blood?
دوش دیگر لون این میداد دست ** لقمهی چندی در آمد ره ببست1960
Yesternight this (breath) presented itself (to me) in a different guise (but) some morsels (of food) came in and barred the way.
بهر لقمه گشته لقمانی گرو ** وقت لقمان است ای لقمه برو
For a morsel's sake a Luqmán has become (held in custody as) a pledge: ’tis the time for Luqmán: begone, O morsel!
از هوای لقمهی این خار خار ** از کف لقمان همیجویید خار
These pricks (of the flesh) for desire of a morsel! Seek ye always (to draw forth) the thorn from the sole of Luqmán.