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  • گفت این از بهر تسکین غم است ** کز مصیبت بر نژاد آدم است‌‌
  • He said, “This (rain) was for the purpose of allaying the grief that is upon the race of Adam in calamity.
  • گر بر آن آتش بماندی آدمی ** بس خرابی در فتادی و کمی‌‌
  • If man were to remain in that fire (of grief), much ruin and loss would befall.
  • این جهان ویران شدی اندر زمان ** حرصها بیرون شدی از مردمان‌‌ 2065
  • This world would at once become desolate: (all) selfish desires would go forth from men.”
  • استن این عالم ای جان غفلت است ** هوشیاری این جهان را آفت است‌‌
  • Forgetfulness (of God), O beloved, is the pillar (prop) of this world: (spiritual) intelligence is a bane to this world.
  • هوشیاری ز آن جهان است و چو آن ** غالب آید پست گردد این جهان‌‌
  • Intelligence belongs to that (other) world, and when it prevails, this world is overthrown.
  • هوشیاری آفتاب و حرص یخ ** هوشیاری آب و این عالم وسخ‌‌
  • Intelligence is the sun and cupidity the ice; intelligence is the water and this world the dirt.
  • ز آن جهان اندک ترشح می‌‌رسد ** تا نغرد در جهان حرص و حسد
  • A little trickle (of intelligence) is coming from yonder world, that cupidity and envy may not roar (too loudly) in this world.
  • گر ترشح بیشتر گردد ز غیب ** نی هنر ماند در این عالم نه عیب‌‌ 2070
  • If the trickle from the Unseen should become greater, in this world neither virtue nor vice will be left.
  • این ندارد حد سوی آغاز رو ** سوی قصه‌‌ی مرد مطرب باز رو
  • This (topic) has no bound. Go to the starting-point, go back to the tale of the minstrel.
  • بقیه‌‌ی قصه‌‌ی پیر چنگی و بیان مخلص آن‌‌
  • The remainder of the story of the old harper and the explanation of its issue (moral)
  • مطربی کز وی جهان شد پر طرب ** رسته ز آوازش خیالات عجب‌‌
  • That minstrel by whom the world was filled with rapture, from whose voice wondrous phantasies grew (arose in the minds of those who heard him),