پیش چوگانهای حکم کن فکان ** میدویم اندر مکان و لامکان
- Before the (blows of the) bat of His decree, “Be, and it was,” we are running (like balls) in Space and beyond.
چون که بیرنگی اسیر رنگ شد ** موسیی با موسیی در جنگ شد
- Since colourlessness (pure Unity) became the captive of colour (manifestation in the phenomenal world), a Moses came into conflict with a Moses.
چون به بیرنگی رسی کان داشتی ** موسی و فرعون دارند آشتی
- When you attain unto the colourlessness which you (originally) possessed, Moses and Pharaoh are at peace (with each other).
گر ترا آید بر این نکته سؤال ** رنگ کی خالی بود از قیل و قال
- If it occurs to you to ask questions about this mystery, (I reply), how should (the world of) colour be devoid of contradiction?
این عجب کاین رنگ از بیرنگ خاست ** رنگ با بیرنگ چون در جنگ خاست 2470
- The marvel is that this colour arose from that which is colourless: how did colour arise to war with the colourless?
چون که روغن را ز آب اسرشتهاند ** آب با روغن چرا ضد گشتهاند
- The original source of oil (the oil producing tree) is made to grow by means of water: how (then) does it (oil) finally become opposed to water?
چون گل از خار است و خار از گل چرا ** هر دو در جنگند و اندر ماجرا
- Since the rose springs from the thorn, and the thorn from the rose, why are both of them at war and (engaged) in recrimination?
یا نه جنگ است این برای حکمت است ** همچو جنگ خر فروشان صنعت است
- Or is this not (really) war? Is it for (the Divine) purpose, (and is it) an artifice, like the bickering of those who sell asses?
یا نه این است و نه آن حیرانی است ** گنج باید جست این ویرانی است
- Or is it neither this nor that? Is it bewilderment? The treasure must be sought and this (bewilderment) is the ruin (where it is hidden).
آن چه تو گنجش توهم میکنی ** ز آن توهم گنج را گم میکنی 2475
- That which you imagine to be the treasure—through that vain imagination you are losing the treasure.