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  • پیش چوگانهای حکم کن فکان ** می‌‌دویم اندر مکان و لامکان‌‌
  • Before the (blows of the) bat of His decree, “Be, and it was,” we are running (like balls) in Space and beyond.
  • چون که بی‌‌رنگی اسیر رنگ شد ** موسیی با موسیی در جنگ شد
  • Since colourlessness (pure Unity) became the captive of colour (manifestation in the phenomenal world), a Moses came into conflict with a Moses.
  • چون به بی‌‌رنگی رسی کان داشتی ** موسی و فرعون دارند آشتی‌‌
  • When you attain unto the colourlessness which you (originally) possessed, Moses and Pharaoh are at peace (with each other).
  • گر ترا آید بر این نکته سؤال ** رنگ کی خالی بود از قیل و قال‌‌
  • If it occurs to you to ask questions about this mystery, (I reply), how should (the world of) colour be devoid of contradiction?
  • این عجب کاین رنگ از بی‌‌رنگ خاست ** رنگ با بی‌‌رنگ چون در جنگ خاست‌‌ 2470
  • The marvel is that this colour arose from that which is colourless: how did colour arise to war with the colourless?
  • چون که روغن را ز آب اسرشته‌‌اند ** آب با روغن چرا ضد گشته‌‌اند
  • The original source of oil (the oil producing tree) is made to grow by means of water: how (then) does it (oil) finally become opposed to water?
  • چون گل از خار است و خار از گل چرا ** هر دو در جنگند و اندر ماجرا
  • Since the rose springs from the thorn, and the thorn from the rose, why are both of them at war and (engaged) in recrimination?
  • یا نه جنگ است این برای حکمت است ** همچو جنگ خر فروشان صنعت است‌‌
  • Or is this not (really) war? Is it for (the Divine) purpose, (and is it) an artifice, like the bickering of those who sell asses?
  • یا نه این است و نه آن حیرانی است ** گنج باید جست این ویرانی است‌‌
  • Or is it neither this nor that? Is it bewilderment? The treasure must be sought and this (bewilderment) is the ruin (where it is hidden).
  • آن چه تو گنجش توهم می‌‌کنی ** ز آن توهم گنج را گم می‌‌کنی‌‌ 2475
  • That which you imagine to be the treasure—through that vain imagination you are losing the treasure.