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  • سالم از دزدان و از آسیب سنگ ** برد تا دار الخلافه بی‌‌درنگ‌‌
  • He bore it without delay, safe from robbers and unhurt by stones, to the seat of the Caliphate (the Caliph's palace).
  • دید درگاهی پر از انعامها ** اهل حاجت گستریده دامها
  • He saw a bountiful Court, (where) the needy had spread their nets;
  • دم به دم هر سوی صاحب حاجتی ** یافته ز آن در عطا و خلعتی‌‌
  • Everywhere, moment by moment, some petitioner gained (and carried away) from that Court a donation and robe of honour:
  • بهر گبر و مومن و زیبا و زشت ** همچو خورشید و مطر نی چون بهشت‌‌
  • ’Twas like sun and rain, nay, like Paradise, for infidel and true believer and good folk and bad.
  • دید قومی در نظر آراسته ** قوم دیگر منتظر برخاسته‌‌ 2740
  • He beheld some people arrayed (with favour) in the sight (of the Caliph), and others who had risen to their feet (and were) waiting (to receive his commands).
  • خاص و عامه از سلیمان تا به مور ** زنده گشته چون جهان از نفخ صور
  • High and low, from Solomon to the ant, they (all) had become quickened with life, like the world at the blast of the trumpet (on the Day of Resurrection).
  • اهل صورت در جواهر بافته ** اهل معنی بحر معنی یافته‌‌
  • The followers of Form were woven (entangled) in pearls, the followers of Reality had found the Sea of Reality.
  • آن که بی‌‌همت چه با همت شده ** و آن که با همت چه با نعمت شده‌‌
  • Those without aspiration—how aspiring had they become! and those of high aspiration—to what felicity had they attained!
  • در بیان آن که چنان که گدا عاشق کرم است و عاشق کریم، کرم کریم هم عاشق گداست اگر گدا را صبر بیش بود کریم بر در او آید و اگر کریم را صبر بیش بود گدا بر در او آید اما صبر گدا کمال گداست و صبر کریم نقصان اوست‌‌
  • Showing that, as the beggar is in love with bounty and in love with the bountiful giver, so the bounty of the bountiful giver is in love with the beggar: if the beggar have the greater patience, the bountiful giver will come to his door; and if the bountiful giver have the greater patience, the beggar will come to his door; but the beggar's patience is a virtue in the beggar, while the patience of the bountiful giver is in him a defect.
  • بانگ می‌‌آمد که ای طالب بیا ** جود محتاج گدایان چون گدا
  • A loud call was coming (to his ears): “Come, O seeker! Bounty is in need of beggars: (it is needy) like a beggar.
  • جود می‌‌جوید گدایان و ضعاف ** همچو خوبان کاینه جویند صاف‌‌ 2745
  • Bounty is seeking the beggars and the poor, just as fair ones who seek a clear mirror.