باری اعرابی بدان معذور بود ** کو ز دجله بیخبر بود و ز رود 2850
- After all, the Bedouin was excusable, for he was inattentive and very blind to the Tigris and of the (great) river.
گر ز دجله با خبر بودی چو ما ** او نبردی آن سبو را جا به جا
- If he had been acquainted with the Tigris, as we are, he would not have carried that jug from place to place;
بلکه از دجله چو واقف آمدی ** آن سبو را بر سر سنگی زدی
- Nay, had he been aware of the Tigris, he would have dashed that jug against a stone.
قبول کردن خلیفه هدیه را و عطا فرمودن با کمال بینیازی از آن هدیه و از آن سبو
- How the Caliph accepted the gift and bestowed largesse, notwithstanding that he was entirely without need of the gift (the water) and the jug.
چون خلیفه دید و احوالش شنید ** آن سبو را پر ز زر کرد و مزید
- When the Caliph saw (the gift) and heard his story, he filled the jug with gold and added (other presents).
آن عرب را کرد از فاقه خلاص ** داد بخششها و خلعتهای خاص
- He delivered the Arab from penury, he bestowed donations and special robes of honour,
کاین سبو پر زر به دست او دهید ** چون که واگردد سوی دجلهش برید 2855
- Saying, “Give into his hand this jug full of gold. When he returns (home), take him to the Tigris.
از ره خشک آمده ست و از سفر ** از ره آبش بود نزدیکتر
- He has come (hither) by way of the desert and by travelling (on land): it will be nearer for him (to return) by way of the Tigris.”
چون به کشتی درنشست و دجله دید ** سجده میکرد از حیا و میخمید
- When he (the Arab) embarked in the boat and beheld the Tigris, he was prostrating himself in shame and bowing (his head),
کای عجب لطف این شه وهاب را ** وین عجبتر کو ستد آن آب را
- Saying, “Oh, wonderful is the kindness of this bounteous King, and ’tis (even) more wonderful that he took that water.
چون پذیرفت از من آن دریای جود ** آن چنان نقد دغل را زود زود
- How did that Sea of munificence so quickly accept from me such spurious coin as that?”