پس دمی مردار و دیگر دم سگی ** چون کنی در راه شیران خوش تگی 2875
- So at one time you are a carcase and at another time a dog: how will you run well in the road of the lions (follow the saints)?
آلت اشکار خود جز سگ مدان ** کمترک انداز سگ را استخوان
- Know that your only means of hunting is the dog (the animal soul): throw bones to the dog but seldom,
ز آن که سگ چون سیر شد سرکش شود ** کی سوی صید و شکار خوش دود
- Because when the dog has eaten its fill, it becomes rebellious: how should it run to the goodly chase and hunt?
آن عرب را بینوایی میکشید ** تا بدان درگاه و آن دولت رسید
- Want of food was leading the Arab till he arrived at that (exalted) court and that (high) fortune.
در حکایت گفتهایم احسان شاه ** در حق آن بینوای بیپناه
- We have related in the (foregoing) story the kindness shown by the King to that needy one who had no refuge.
هر چه گوید مرد عاشق بوی عشق ** از دهانش میجهد در کوی عشق 2880
- Whatsoever the man in love (with God) speaks, the scent of Love is springing from his mouth into the abode of Love.
گر بگوید فقه فقر آید همه ** بوی فقر آید از آن خوش دمدمه
- If he speak (formal) theology, it all turns to (spiritual) poverty: the scent of poverty comes from that man of sweet and beguiling discourse.
ور بگوید کفر دارد بوی دین ** ور به شک گوید شکش گردد یقین
- And if he speak infidelity, it has the scent of (the true) religion, and if he speak doubtfully, his doubt turns to certainty.
کف کژ کز بحر صدقی خاسته است ** اصل صاف آن فرع را آراسته است
- The perverse froth that has risen from a sea of sincerity— that branch (derivative) has been adorned by the pure root (source).
آن کفش را صافی و محقوق دان ** همچو دشنام لب معشوق دان
- Know that its froth is pure and worthy: know that it is like revilement from the lips of the beloved,