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  • با هوا و آرزو کم باش دوست ** چون یضلک عن سبیل الله اوست‌‌
  • Be not a friend to (sensual) passion and desire, since it leads you astray from the Way of God.
  • این هوا را نشکند اندر جهان ** هیچ چیزی همچو سایه‌‌ی همرهان‌‌
  • Nothing in the world will break (mortify) this passion like the shadow (protection) of fellow-travellers.
  • وصیت کردن رسول صلی الله علیه و اله و سلم علی را علیه السلام که چون هر کسی به نوع طاعتی تقرب جوید به حق تو تقرب جوی به نصیحت عاقل و بنده‌‌ی خاص تا از همه پیش قدم تر باشی‌‌
  • How the Prophet, on whom be peace, enjoined ‘Alí—may God make his person honoured—saying, “When every one seeks to draw nigh to God by means of some kind of devotional act, do thou seek the favour of God by associating with His wise and chosen servant, that thou mayst be the first of all to arrive (to gain access to Him).”
  • گفت پیغمبر علی را کای علی ** شیر حقی پهلوانی پر دلی‌‌
  • The Prophet said to ‘Alí, “O ‘Alí, thou art the Lion of God, thou art a courageous knight,
  • لیک بر شیری مکن هم اعتماد ** اندر آ در سایه‌‌ی نخل امید 2960
  • But do not even rely upon thy lion-heartedness: come into the shade of the palm tree of hope.
  • اندر آ در سایه‌‌ی آن عاقلی ** کش نداند برد از ره ناقلی‌‌
  • Come into the shade (protection) of the Sage whom no conveyer can carry off from the Way.
  • ظل او اندر زمین چون کوه قاف ** روح او سیمرغ بس عالی طواف‌‌
  • His shadow on the earth is like Mount Qáf, his spirit is (like) the Símurgh that circles (soars) exceedingly high.
  • گر بگویم تا قیامت نعت او ** هیچ آن را مقطع و غایت مجو
  • If I should tell of his qualities until the Resurrection, do not seek (expect) any conclusion and end to them.
  • در بشر رو پوش کرده ست آفتاب ** فهم کن و الله اعلم بالصواب‌‌
  • The (Divine) Sun has veiled Himself in Man: apprehend (this mystery), and God knows best what is right.
  • یا علی از جمله‌‌ی طاعات راه ** بر گزین تو سایه‌‌ی خاص اله‌‌ 2965
  • O ‘Alí, above all devotional acts in the Way (of God) do thou choose the shadow (protection) of the chosen favourite of God.
  • هر کسی در طاعتی بگریختند ** خویشتن را مخلصی انگیختند
  • Every one took refuge in some act of devotion and discovered for themselves some means of deliverance.