هر که نقص خویش را دید و شناخت ** اندر استکمال خود ده اسبه تاخت
- Whoever has seen and recognised his own deficiency has galloped with ten horses (made rapid progress) in perfecting himself.
ز آن نمیپرد به سوی ذو الجلال ** کاو گمانی میبرد خود را کمال
- The reason why he (any one) is not flying towards the Lord of glory is that he supposes himself to be perfect.
علتی بدتر ز پندار کمال ** نیست اندر جان تو ای ذو دلال
- There is no worse malady in your soul, O haughty one, than the conceit of perfection.
از دل و از دیدهات بس خون رود ** تا ز تو این معجبی بیرون رود 3215
- Much blood must flow from your heart and eye, that self-complacency may go out of you.
علت ابلیس انا خیری بده ست ** وین مرض در نفس هر مخلوق هست
- The fault of Iblís lay in thinking “I am better (than Adam),” and this disease is in the soul of every (human) creature.
گر چه خود را بس شکسته بیند او ** آب صافی دان و سرگین زیر جو
- Though he regard himself as very broken (in spirit), know that it is (a case of) clear water (on the surface) and dung under the stream.
چون بشوراند ترا در امتحان ** آب سرگین رنگ گردد در زمان
- When he (the Devil) stirs you in trial, immediately the water becomes dung-coloured.
در تگ جو هست سرگین ای فتی ** گر چه جو صافی نماید مر ترا
- There is dung in the bed of the stream, my man, though to you the stream appears pure.
هست پیر راه دان پر فطن ** باغهای نفس کل را جوی کن 3220
- ’Tis the Pír full of wisdom, well-acquainted with the Way, that digs a channel for the gardens of the Universal Soul.
جوی خود را کی تواند پاک کرد ** نافع از علم خدا شد علم مرد
- Who is able to cleanse the channel of his (sensual) self? Man's knowledge is made beneficial (only) by God's knowledge.