گر چه در خود خانه نوری یافته ست ** آن ز همسایهی منور تافته ست
Although the house (your heart) has found a light within it, that (light) has shone forth from an illumined neighbour.
شکر کن غره مشو بینی مکن ** گوش دار و هیچ خود بینی مکن
Render thanks, be not beguiled by vanity, do not turn up your nose (in disdain), hearken attentively, and do not show any self-conceit.
صد دریغ و درد کاین عاریتی ** امتان را دور کرد از امتی
’Tis a hundred pities and griefs that this borrowed (unreal) state (of self-assertion) has put the religious communities far from religious communion.
من غلام آن که او در هر رباط ** خویش را واصل نداند بر سماط
I am the (devoted) slave of him who does not regard himself in every caravanseray (at every stage in his spiritual progress) as having attained to (the privilege of sitting at) the table (of union with God).
بس رباطی که بباید ترک کرد ** تا به مسکن در رسد یک روز مرد3260
Many is the caravanseray that must be quitted, in order that one day the man may reach home.
گر چه آهن سرخ شد او سرخ نیست ** پرتو عاریت آتش زنی است
Though the iron has become red, it is not red (by nature): it (the redness) is a ray borrowed from something that strikes fire.
گر شود پر نور روزن یا سرا ** تو مدان روشن مگر خورشید را
If the window or the house is full of light, do not deem aught luminous except the sun.
هر در و دیوار گوید روشنم ** پرتو غیری ندارم این منم
Every door and wall says, “I am luminous: I do not hold the rays of another, I (myself) am this (light).”
پس بگوید آفتاب ای نارشید ** چون که من غارب شوم آید پدید
Then the sun says, “O thou who art not right (in thy belief), when I set ’twill become evident (thou wilt see what the truth is).”
سبزهها گویند ما سبز از خودیم ** شاد و خندانیم و بس زیبا خدیم3265
The plants say, “We are green of ourselves, we are gay and smiling (blooming) and we have very beauteous cheeks.”