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  • همچو آن کر که همی‌‌پنداشته ست ** کو نکویی کرد و آن بر عکس جست‌‌
  • As (in the case of) the deaf man, who fancied that he did a kindness, but it had the opposite result.
  • او نشسته خوش که خدمت کرده‌‌ام ** حق همسایه به جا آورده‌‌ام‌‌
  • He sits down well-pleased, saying, “I have paid my respects, I have performed what was due to my neighbour”;
  • بهر خود او آتشی افروخته ست ** در دل رنجور و خود را سوخته ست‌‌
  • (But) he has (only) kindled a fire (of resentment) against himself in the invalid's heart and burned himself.
  • فاتقوا النار التی أوقدتم ** إنکم فی المعصیة ازددتم‌‌
  • Beware, then, of the fire that ye have kindled: verily ye have increased in sin.
  • گفت پیغمبر به یک صاحب ریا ** صل إنک لم تصل یا فتی‌‌ 3390
  • The Prophet said to a hypocrite, “Pray, for indeed thou hast not prayed (aright), my man.”
  • از برای چاره‌‌ی این خوفها ** آمد اندر هر نمازی اهدنا
  • As a means of preventing these dangers, “Guide us” comes in every (ritual) prayer,
  • کاین نمازم را میامیز ای خدا ** با نماز ضالین و اهل ریا
  • That is to say, “O God, do not mingle my prayer with the prayer of the erring and the hypocrites.”
  • از قیاسی که بکرد آن کر گزین ** صحبت ده ساله باطل شد بدین‌‌
  • By the analogical reasoning which the deaf man adopted a ten years' friendship was made vain.
  • خاصه ای خواجه قیاس حس دون ** اندر آن وحیی که هست از حد فزون‌‌
  • Especially, O master, (you must avoid) the analogy drawn by the low senses in regard to the Revelation which is illimitable.
  • گوش حس تو به حرف ار در خور است ** دان که گوش غیب گیر تو کر است‌‌ 3395
  • If your sensuous ear is fit for (understanding) the letter (of the Revelation), know that your ear that receives the occult (meaning) is deaf.
  • اول کسی که در مقابله‌‌ی نص قیاس آورد ابلیس بود
  • The first to bring analogical reasoning to bear against the Revealed Text was Iblís.