هین به عکسی یا به ظنی هم شما ** در میفتید از مقامات سما
- “Beware! do not ye also, (beguiled) by a reflexion or an opinion, fall from the dignities of Heaven!
گر چه هاروتید و ماروت و فزون ** از همه بر بام نحن الصافون 3415
- Although ye are Hárút and Márút and superior to all (the angels) on the terrace of We are they that stand in ranks,
بر بدیهای بدان رحمت کنید ** بر منی و خویش بینی کم تنید
- (Yet) take mercy on the wickednesses of the wicked: execrate egoism and the self-conceited (egoist).
هین مبادا غیرت آید از کمین ** سر نگون افتید در قعر زمین
- Beware, lest (the Divine) jealousy come from ambush and ye fall headlong to the bottom of the earth.”
هر دو گفتند ای خدا فرمان تراست ** بیامان تو امانی خود کجاست
- They both said, “O God, Thine is the command: without Thy security (protection) where indeed is any security?”
این همیگفتند و دلشان میطپید ** بد کجا آید ز ما نعم العبید
- They were saying this, but their hearts were throbbing (with desire)—“How should evil come from us? Good servants (of God) are we!”
خار خار دو فرشته هم نهشت ** تا که تخم خویش بینی را نکشت 3420
- The prick of desire in the two angels did not leave (them) until it sowed the seed of self-conceit.
پس همیگفتند کای ارکانیان ** بیخبر از پاکی روحانیان
- Then they were saying, “O ye that are composed of the (four) elements (and are) unacquainted with the purity of the spiritual beings,
ما بر این گردون تتقها میتنیم ** بر زمین آییم و شادروان زنیم
- We will draw curtains (of light) over this (terrestrial) sky, we will come to earth and set up the canopy,
عدل توزیم و عبادت آوریم ** باز هر شب سوی گردون بر پریم
- We will deal justice and perform worship and every night we will fly up again to Heaven,