او چنین و کودکان اندر پیاش ** بیخبر از مستی و ذوق میاش
He (goes on) like this, while the children at his heels are without knowledge of his intoxication and the taste of his wine.
خلق اطفالاند جز مست خدا ** نیست بالغ جز رهیده از هوا3430
All mankind are children except him that is intoxicated with God; none is grownup except him that is freed from sensual desire.
گفت دنیا لعب و لهو است و شما ** کودکید و راست فرماید خدا
He (God) said, “This world is a play and pastime, and ye are children”; and God speaks truth.
از لعب بیرون نرفتی کودکی ** بیذکات روح کی باشد ذکی
If you have not gone forth from (taken leave of) play, you are a child: without purity of spirit how should he (any one) be fully intelligent?
چون جماع طفل دان این شهوتی ** که همیرانند اینجا ای فتی
Know, O youth, that the lust in which men are indulging here (in this world) is like the sexual intercourse of children.
آن جماع طفل چه بود بازیی ** با جماع رستمی و غازیی
What is the child's sexual intercourse? An idle play, compared with the sexual intercourse of a Rustam and a brave champion of Islam.
جنگ خلقان همچو جنگ کودکان ** جمله بیمعنی و بیمغز و مهان3435
The wars of mankind are like children's fights—all meaningless, pithless, and contemptible.
جمله با شمشیر چوبین جنگشان ** جمله در لاینفعی آهنگشان
All their fights are (fought) with wooden swords, all their purposes are (centred) in futility;
جملهشان گشته سواره بر نیی ** کاین براق ماست یا دلدل پیی
They all are riding on a reed-cane (hobby-horse), saying, “This is our Buráq or mule that goes like Duldul.”
حاملاند و خود ز جهل افراشته ** راکب و محمول ره پنداشته
They are (really) carrying (their hobby-horses), but in their folly they have raised themselves on high: they have fancied themselves to be riders and carried along the road.