چون خفاشی کاو تف خورشید را ** بر نتابد بگسلد اومید را
- Like a bat, which cannot bear the glow of the sun and abandons hope.
پس ملایک را چو ما هم یار دان ** جلوه گر خورشید را بر آسمان
- Know, then, that the angels, as we also, are helpers (co-witnesses)—displayers of the sun in heaven—
کاین ضیا ما ز آفتابی یافتیم ** چون خلیفه بر ضعیفان تافتیم 3650
- Who say, “We have derived (our) light from a Sun, we have shone upon the weak, like vicegerents (of a mighty King).”
چون مه نو یا سه روزه یا که بدر ** مرتبهی هر یک ملک در نور و قدر
- Like the new moon or the moon three days old or the full moon, every angel has (a particular) perfection and light and (spiritual) worth.
ز اجنحهی نور ثلاث او رباع ** بر مراتب هر ملک را آن شعاع
- Every angel, according to their (different) degrees, has (a portion of) that radiance, consisting of three or four (pairs of) luminous wings,
همچو پرهای عقول انسیان ** که بسی فرق است شان اندر میان
- Just as the wings of human intellects, amongst which there is great difference (in quality).
پس قرین هر بشر در نیک و بد ** آن ملک باشد که مانندش بود
- Hence the associate of every human being in good and evil is that angel who resembles him or her.
چشم اعمش چون که خور را بر نتافت ** اختر او را شمع شد تا ره بیافت 3655
- Since the eye of the dim-sighted man could not bear the sunlight, the star became a candle to him, that he might find the way.
گفتن پیغامبر علیه السلام مر زید را که این سر را فاش تر از این مگو و متابعت نگاه دار
- How the Prophet, on whom be peace, said to Zayd, “Do not tell this mystery more plainly than this, and take care to comply (with the religious law).”
گفت پیغمبر که اصحابی نجوم ** رهروان را شمع و شیطان را رجوم
- The Prophet said, “My Companions are (like) the stars, a candle to travellers (on the Way), and meteors to be cast at the devils.”
هر کسی را گر بدی آن چشم و زور ** کاو گرفتی ز آفتاب چرخ نور
- If every one had the eye and the strength to receive light from the sun of heaven,