من همیگویم چو مرگ من ز تست ** با قضا من چون توانم حیله جست
- I say, ‘Since my death is (to come) from thee, how can I seek to evade the destiny (of God)?’
او همیافتد به پیشم کای کریم ** مر مرا کن از برای حق دو نیم
- He falls before me, saying, ‘O generous man, for God's sake cleave me in twain,
تا نیاید بر من این انجام بد ** تا نسوزد جان من بر جان خود 3850
- That this evil end may not come upon me, and that my soul may not burn (with grief) for (thee who art) its (very) life.’
من همیگویم برو جف القلم ** ز آن قلم بس سر نگون گردد علم
- I say, ‘Go: the Pen (of Divine ordainment) is dry; by that Pen many a (lofty) landmark is overthrown.
هیچ بغضی نیست در جانم ز تو ** ز آن که این را من نمیدانم ز تو
- There is no hatred of thee in my soul, because I do not regard this (act) as (proceeding) from thee.
آلت حقی تو فاعل دست حق ** چون زنم بر آلت حق طعن و دق
- Thou art God's instrument, God's hand is the (real) agent: how should I assail and oppose God's instrument?’”
گفت او پس آن قصاص از بهر چیست ** گفت هم از حق و آن سر خفی است
- He (the knight) said, “For what reason, then, is retaliation (sanctioned)?” “’Tis from God, too,” said ‘Alí, “and that is a hidden mystery.
گر کند بر فعل خود او اعتراض ** ز اعتراض خود برویاند ریاض 3855
- If He takes offence at His own act, (yet) He causes gardens (of good) to grow from that taking offence.
اعتراض او را رسد بر فعل خود ** ز آن که در قهر است و در لطف او احد
- It beseems Him to take offence at His own act, inasmuch as in vengeance and mercy He is One.
اندر این شهر حوادث میر اوست ** در ممالک مالک تدبیر اوست
- In this city of phenomena He is the Prince; in (all) the realms (of the world) He is the Ruler.