خفته آن باشد که او از هر خیال ** دارد اومید و کند با او مقال
The one asleep (to spiritual things) is he who hath hope of every vain fancy and holds parley with it.
دیو را چون حور بیند او به خواب ** پس ز شهوت ریزد او با دیو آب
Diabolum per somnum videt tanquam virginem caelestem, deinde propter libidinem effundit cum diabolo aquam (seminis). [During sleep, he sees (in a dream) a demon resembling a heavenly maiden (houri); then he pours forth (seminal) fluid out of lust (in imagined intercourse) with the demon.]
چون که تخم نسل را در شوره ریختا ** و به خویش آمد خیال از وی گریخت415
Postquam semen generationis in terram salsuginosam infudit, ipse ad se rediit, fugit ab eo illa imago. [After he had scattered the seed of generation on salty (infertile) ground, he came to himself (and) the phantom fled from him.]
ضعف سر بیند از آن و تن پلید ** آه از آن نقش پدید ناپدید
Hinc percepit languorem capitis et (videt) corpus pollutum. Proh dolor ob illud simulacrum visum (sed revera) non visum! [Because of that, he sees (himself as) faint of head and polluted of body. Alas, because of that visible (but) invisible form!]
مرغ بر بالا و زیر آن سایهاش ** میدود بر خاک پران مرغوش
The bird is flying on high, and below, its shadow is speeding on the earth, flying like a bird:
ابلهی صیاد آن سایه شود ** میدود چندان که بیمایه شود
Some fool begins to chase the shadow, running (after it) so far that he becomes powerless (exhausted),
بیخبر کان عکس آن مرغ هواست ** بیخبر که اصل آن سایه کجاست
Not knowing that it is the reflexion of that bird in the air, not knowing where is the origin of the shadow.
تیر اندازد به سوی سایه او ** ترکشش خالی شود از جستجو420
He shoots arrows at the shadow; his quiver is emptied in seeking (to shoot it):
ترکش عمرش تهی شد عمر رفت ** از دویدن در شکار سایه تفت
The quiver of his life became empty: his life passed in running hotly in chase of the shadow.
سایهی یزدان چو باشد دایهاش ** وارهاند از خیال و سایهاش
(But) when the shadow of God is his nurse, it delivers him from (every) phantom and shadow.