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  • آن میسر نبود اندر عاقبت ** نام او باشد معسر عاقبت‌‌
  • That is not “easy” in the end; its (true) name ultimately is “hard.”
  • تو معسر از میسر باز دان ** عاقبت بنگر جمال این و آن‌‌
  • Distinguish the hard from the easy: consider (what is) the goodliness of this and that in the end.
  • در یکی گفته که استادی طلب ** عاقبت بینی نیابی در حسب‌‌ 490
  • In one he said: “Seek a master (teacher): you will not find foresight as to the end among the qualities derived from ancestors.”
  • عاقبت دیدند هر گون ملتی ** لاجرم گشتند اسیر زلتی‌‌
  • Every sort of religious sect foresaw the end (according to their own surmise): of necessity they fell captive to error.
  • عاقبت دیدن نباشد دست‌‌باف ** ور نه کی بودی ز دینها اختلاف‌‌
  • To foresee the end is not (as simple as) a hand-loom; otherwise, how would there have been difference in religions?
  • در یکی گفته که استا هم تویی ** ز انکه استا را شناسا هم تویی‌‌
  • In one he said: “You are the master, because you know the master.
  • مرد باش و سخره‌‌ی مردان مشو ** رو سر خود گیر و سر گردان مشو
  • Be a man and be not subject to men. Go, take your own head (choose your own way), and be not one whose head is turning (bewildered in search of a guide).”
  • در یکی گفته که این جمله یکی است ** هر که او دو بیند احول مردکی است‌‌ 495
  • In one he said: “All this (multiplicity) is one: whoever sees two is a squint-eyed manikin.”
  • در یکی گفته که صد یک چون بود ** این کی اندیشد مگر مجنون بود
  • In one he said: “How should a hundred be one? He who thinks this is surely mad.”
  • هر یکی قولی است ضد همدگر ** چون یکی باشد یکی زهر و شکر
  • The doctrines, every one, are contrary to each other: how should they be one? Are poison and sugar one?