از هلیله قبض شد اطلاق رفت ** آب آتش را مدد شد همچو نفت
- From (giving) myrobalan constipation resulted, relaxation ceased; and water fed the flames, like naphtha.
ظاهر شدن عجز حکیمان از معالجهی کنیزک و روی آوردن پادشاه به درگاه خدا و در خواب دیدن او ولی را
- How it became manifest that the physicians were unable to cure the handmaiden, and how the king turned his face towards God and dreamed of a holy man.
شه چو عجز آن حکیمان را بدید ** پا برهنه جانب مسجد دوید 55
- When the king saw the powerlessness of those physicians, he ran bare-footed to the mosque.
رفت در مسجد سوی محراب شد ** سجده گاه از اشک شه پر آب شد
- He entered the mosque and advanced to the mihráb (to pray): the prayer-carpet was bathed in the king's tears.
چون به خویش آمد ز غرقاب فنا ** خوش زبان بگشاد در مدح و ثنا
- On coming to himself out of the flood of ecstasy (faná) he opened his lips in goodly praise and prayer,
کای کمینه بخششت ملک جهان ** من چه گویم چون تو میدانی نهان
- Saying, “O Thou whose least gift is the empire of the world, what shall I say, in as much as Thou knowest the hidden thing?
ای همیشه حاجت ما را پناه ** بار دیگر ما غلط کردیم راه
- O Thou with whom we always take refuge in our need, once again we have missed the way.
لیک گفتی گر چه میدانم سرت ** زود هم پیدا کنش بر ظاهرت 60
- But Thou hast said, ‘Albeit I know thy secret, nevertheless declare it forthwith in thine outward act.’”
چون بر آورد از میان جان خروش ** اندر آمد بحر بخشایش به جوش
- When from the depths of his soul he raised a cry (of supplication), the sea of Bounty began to surge.
در میان گریه خوابش در ربود ** دید در خواب او که پیری رو نمود
- Slumber overtook him in the midst of weeping: he dreamed that an old man appeared
گفت ای شه مژده حاجاتت رواست ** گر غریبی آیدت فردا ز ماست
- And said, “Good tidings, O king! Thy prayers are granted. If to-morrow a stranger come for thee, he is from me.