شه به جای حاجبان واپیش رفت ** پیش آن مهمان غیب خویش رفت
The king himself, instead of the chamberlains, went forward to meet his guest from the Invisible.
هر دو بحری آشنا آموخته ** هر دو جان بیدوختن بر دوخته75
Both were seamen who had learned to swim, the souls of both were knit together without sewing.
گفت معشوقم تو بوده ستی نه آن ** لیک کار از کار خیزد در جهان
The king said, “Thou wert my Beloved (in reality), not she; but in this world deed issues from deed.
ای مرا تو مصطفی من چون عمر ** از برای خدمتت بندم کمر
O thou who art to me (as) Mustafá (Mohammed), while I am like unto ‘Umar—I will gird my loins to do thee service.”
از خداوند ولی التوفیق در خواستن توفیق رعایت ادب در همه حالها و بیان کردن وخامت ضررهای بیادبی
Beseeching the Lord, who is our Helper, to help us to observe self-control in all circumstances, and explaining the harmful and pernicious consequences of indiscipline.
از خدا جوییم توفیق ادب ** بیادب محروم گشت از لطف رب
Let us implore God to help us to self-control: one who lacks self-control is deprived of the grace of the Lord.
بیادب تنها نه خود را داشت بد ** بلکه آتش در همه آفاق زد
The undisciplined man does not maltreat himself alone, but he sets the whole world on fire.
مایده از آسمان در میرسید ** بیشری و بیع و بیگفت و شنید80
A table (of food) was coming down from heaven without buying and selling and without speaking and hearing,
در میان قوم موسی چند کس ** بیادب گفتند کو سیر و عدس
(When) some of the people of Moses cried disrespectfully, “Where is garlic and lentils?”
منقطع شد خوان و نان از آسمان ** ماند رنج زرع و بیل و داسمان
(Straightway) the dishes (of food) and the bread from heaven were cut off: there remained for us the toil of sowing and (labouring with) mattock and scythe.
باز عیسی چون شفاعت کرد، حق ** خوان فرستاد و غنیمت بر طبق
Again, when Jesus made intercession, God sent food and bounty (from heaven) on trays,