اندر آ ای مادر اینجا من خوشم ** گر چه در صورت میان آتشم
Come in, O mother: I am happy here, although in appearance I am amidst the fire.
چشم بند است آتش از بهر حجاب ** رحمت است این سر بر آورده ز جیب
The fire is a spell that binds the eye for the sake of screening (the truth); this is (in reality) a Divine mercy which has raised its head from the collar (has been manifested from the Unseen).
اندر آ مادر ببین برهان حق ** تا ببینی عشرت خاصان حق
Come in, mother, and see the evidence of God, that thou mayst behold the delight of God's elect.
اندر آ و آب بین آتش مثال ** از جهانی کاتش است آبش مثال
Come in, and see water that has the semblance of fire; (come away) from a world which is (really) fire and (only) has the semblance of water.
اندر آ اسرار ابراهیم بین ** کاو در آتش یافت سرو و یاسمین790
Come in, and see the mysteries of Abraham, who in the fire found cypress and jessamine.
مرگ میدیدم گه زادن ز تو ** سخت خوفم بود افتادن ز تو
I was seeing death at the time of birth from thee: sore was my dread of falling from thee;
چون بزادم رستم از زندان تنگ ** در جهان خوش هوای خوب رنگ
(But) when I was born, I escaped from the narrow prison (of the womb) into a world of pleasant air and beautiful colour.
من جهان را چون رحم دیدم کنون ** چون در این آتش بدیدم این سکون
Now I deem the (earthly) world to be like the womb, since in this fire I have seen such rest:
اندر این آتش بدیدم عالمی ** ذره ذره اندر او عیسی دمی
In this fire I have seen a world wherein every atom possesses the (life-giving) breath of Jesus.
نک جهان نیست شکل هست ذات ** و آن جهان هست شکل بیثبات795
Lo, (it is) a world apparently non-existent (but) essentially existent, while that (other) world is apparently existent (but) has no permanence.